The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1314 No money? where is your money


The emperor stood in the lobby of the Hubu Yamen Office and slapped the table beside him hard.

All the household officials were trembling.

They all knew that His Majesty the Emperor was really furious this time.

"Where is Zhao Chen?"

"Tell him to come here and see me." The emperor said, and an official from the Ministry of Revenue hurried out. ??

The emperor was very angry.

He had just understood some of the situation.

I learned that it was Zhao Chen who invited all the officials of the Ministry of Hubu to a banquet yesterday, which caused the Yamen of the Ministry of Hubu to be empty.

Half a million dollars of silver money disappeared.

Zhao Chen cannot escape the blame for this matter.

When Zhao Chen arrived, all the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs stood on both sides with their heads bowed.

The emperor looked gloomy.


"Zhao Chen, as a minister, half a million taels of silver have gone missing. Do you know your guilt?" The emperor slammed the table again and shouted to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen stood in the center of the lobby and said, "I didn't steal the five hundred thousand silver."

"Furthermore, your Majesty, doesn't it feel strange that something like this happened on the first day I took office?"

Of course the emperor found this strange.

This five hundred thousand yuan was lost sooner or later, but it was lost when Zhao Chen took office.

It was lost so inexplicably.

It was obvious that someone was deliberately targeting Zhao Chen.

But the emperor just wants to solve the problem in Hedong now, and there must be no loss of the five hundred thousand silver.

"Zhao Chen, the matter in Hedong is urgent. I just need to see the outcome of this matter now."

"You are the Minister of Household Affairs of the Tang Dynasty, but such a big thing happened under your rule."

"I give you a choice, either find the lost five hundred thousand coins and find out the real culprit."

"Or, if you pay one hundred silver coins yourself at the end of the day tomorrow, I can be lenient and not hold you responsible."

"You choose!" the emperor said solemnly.

The emperor didn't want to deal with Zhao Chen.

Although this kid had an issue with him recently because of Wu Jue, the emperor still understood Zhao Chen.

r\u003e Of course, he is considerate, and the emperor will not let go of this opportunity to blackmail Zhao Chen.

Five hundred thousand silver coins to support Hedong is far from enough.

The emperor still had to find a way to get the remaining 500,000 yuan.

But there is a good idea in front of me.

That means asking Zhao Chen to pay all the money.

It not only solved the problem that he might have to deal with Zhao Chen, but also solved the problem of the remaining 500,000 yuan of silver remaining unaccounted for.

Best of both worlds.

The only problem is that the real culprit cannot be found, so Ma Hu, the right servant of the Ministry of Revenue, has to take the blame.

However, the emperor believed that Ma Hu was a guy who knew right from wrong.

The worst thing is, just kill one person from Ma Hu.

What Zhao Chen knew about the emperor was that when the emperor raised his butt, Zhao Chen knew the emperor's mouth shape.

This guy made it clear that he was being blackmailed.

One million dollars, how dare you think that your money was brought by the strong wind!

Duan Lun also understood what the emperor meant, and his face was twitching at this moment.

In terms of being shameless and caring about the overall situation, it must be their Emperor!

"Your Majesty, to be honest, I have been short of money recently and really can't afford that much money." Zhao Chen and the emperor cupped their hands and said.

"No money? Where is your money?" the emperor immediately asked.

The moment he said these words, the emperor regretted it.

Sure enough, I heard Zhao Chen say: "Isn't all the money borrowed by His Majesty the Emperor?"

"I didn't even get my money back last time."

"Your Majesty used the Minister of the Ministry of Finance to replace the money, but this happened to me again."

"Your Majesty, couldn't all this be planned by you?"

Duan Lun listened, his heart trembling.

Good fellow, in just one or two sentences, the emperor was blamed for the disappearance of half a million guan of silver.

Talking about frame-up, return

It must be you, His Highness the King of Han!

The Ministry of Revenue official also glanced at Zhao Chen secretly, secretly thinking that he was worthy of being a minister, and he even dared to say such words.

The emperor knew that he had been deceived by Zhao Chen's words.

The hands hidden in the sleeves couldn't help but clenched into fists.

"Boy Zhao, I can't help you. You have two choices. Choose one."

"Otherwise, I will tell each of these officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs to get out of here."

"I will make you responsible for all matters in the household department."

"Do you want to give it a try?" The emperor glared at Zhao Chen and said through gritted teeth.

He really wanted to punch the bastard in front of him. .??.

It was obviously this bastard's responsibility, so why did he, the emperor, get into trouble?

Officials from the Ministry of Revenue are also afraid at the moment.

It was hard for them to get to where they are now. If the emperor slapped them away with a wave of his hand, they would be kicked out.

What should they do?

"Master Shangshu, you have to choose one."

"Master Shangshu, let's go look for it again."

"Lord Shangshu..."

Officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs spoke one after another.

Even Jin Chun's expression changed slightly at this moment.

He originally wanted to kill Ma Hu and then target Zhao Chen, but now things have changed.

Isn’t this because he killed himself?

Jin Chun looked a little ugly.

He didn't know what to do at this moment.

Everyone left the lobby and continued to search at the Hubu Yamen.

"Half a million pounds of silver is not a small thing, since there is no movement outside."

"That thing must be hidden inside the Hubu Yamen."

"Where can I hide so many things here?" The emperor stopped in front of Zhao Chen and asked Zhao Chen.

"Then there's only the lake in the Hubu Yamen."

“We’ve searched all other places, but we haven’t sent anyone to look at this place yet.”\u003c


"Your Majesty, do you want to go and have a look?" Zhao Chen asked the emperor.

Five hundred thousand silver coins was a large object that could only be hauled by dozens of ox carts.

If you want to hide in the Hubu Yamen, you must have enough space.

Searched all other places.

Eliminate all impossibilities and what remains is the truth.

When Jin Chun heard that Zhao Chen was going to search in the lake again, he immediately became anxious.

"No need, I just think that no one would be stupid enough to throw five hundred thousand silver coins into the lake."

"Even if they do this, how can they fish it out?"

"Really?" The emperor was silent for a while, but Miss Xue's words were somewhat difficult to understand.

Didn't the emperor personally come to find the murderer?

Why didn't the emperor even think about looking for the last possible location?

On the contrary, he looked a bit conceited and conceited.

Is it true that, as Zhao Chen said, the emperor was also involved in the disappearance of the five hundred thousand silver coins?

"Your Majesty, this lake is now the most likely place to hide money. We need to send someone to explore it." Miss Xue family said to the emperor.

The emperor frowned.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Jin Chun behind him say: "I and Your Majesty have the same idea. How could someone hide money in the lake?"

"Shang Shu Zhao, it's better not to waste your time."

Duan Lun glanced at Jin Chun and shook his head secretly.

If you don't check the lake, the emperor said there is no problem.

The emperor is still worried about the other 500,000 guan, and of course he doesn't want the 500,000 guan from the Ministry of Revenue to be discovered.

In this way, Zhao Chen would get one million strings.

Afterwards, he retrieved the 500,000 yuan from the Ministry of Revenue, so that the emperor could solve the problem in Hedong without spending a penny.

He also blackmailed Zhao Chen severely.

Such a good thing that has the best of both worlds is naturally what the emperor wants to see.

But when you Jin Chun said this, you either have no brains or you have something wrong in your heart.

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