The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1315 Give you one last chance

Jin Chun also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and he was even more nervous at the moment.

The emperor glanced at Jin Chun, but didn't say anything.

The emperor doesn't want Zhao Chen to find the 500,000 guan of silver lost by the Ministry of Revenue now.

Otherwise, how could he let Zhao Chen pay for the one million yuan?

"What Mr. Jin said makes sense. If nothing is found in such a big lake, wouldn't it be a waste of time and manpower?"

"Let's look elsewhere."

"Besides, even if you don't find it, you, Zhao Chen, still have money." The emperor said lightly.

He didn't believe what Zhao Chen said before that he had no money.

Seeing the emperor acting so shamelessly, Zhao Chen really couldn't do anything to him for a while.

"Miss Xue, come with me to look at the account books. Just let them find it here." Zhao Chen didn't want to waste time here with the emperor.

The entire Hubu Yamen came over to look for it.

But still found nothing.

Apart from the big lake in front, there is no place to hide half a million silver coins.

The emperor didn't allow himself to investigate, it was obvious that he did it on purpose.

Don't you just want him, Zhao Chen, to pay one million dollars tomorrow?

The emperor's calculations were crackling.

But Zhao Chen would not suffer such a dumb loss.

Miss Xue was stunned for a moment, and before she could react, Zhao Chen grabbed her arm and walked to the minister's workstation.

Being held by Zhao Chen's arm, Miss Xue's head felt like a ball of mush.

When you step on the ground, you feel like you are stepping on the ground.

There was even a little stumbling when walking.

"Miss Xue, are you okay?" Zhao Chen pulled Miss Xue's family into the minister's desk. Seeing Miss Xue's head lowered, he thought something had happened to her.

"'s okay." Miss Xue shook her head quickly.

She was already very embarrassed when she hugged Zhao Chen before, but then

This time, both of them were unconscious.

But just now...

This was the first time Miss Xue's family had her arm held by a young man.

At this moment, my heart is already full of deer.

"Don't look at the way the emperor looks anxious."

"But when he thought that if we couldn't find the 500,000 yuan, he could perfectly solve the Hedong matter, he was even more interested in delaying time." Zhao Chen didn't pay attention to Miss Xue's appearance at the moment, talking to her behind his back. Bad words about the emperor.

Miss Xue's family also recovered from her anxiety just now.

"Mr. Zhao, you mean that the missing five hundred thousand silver coins are in that lake?" Miss Xue family looked at Zhao Chen.

When she saw Zhao Chen, his attitude seemed a little determined.

But Zhao Chen didn't go to the lake to see it personally, nor did he send anyone to go there, so how could he be so sure?

"Miss Xue, do you still remember the water stains we saw in the warehouse?" Zhao Chen sat down on a chair nearby and asked with a smile.

"Remember, aren't those the traces left after the money in the warehouse rotted?" Zhao Chen asked.

Miss Xue nodded. She remembered that when several people entered the warehouse, in addition to a large number of footprints, there were also a lot of water stains.

Ma Hu told them that although the warehouse was opened once a day, there were often water stains left by rotting wooden boxes.

"Isn't that the water mark left behind after the wooden box rotted?" Miss Xue's family wondered.

Zhao Chen shook his head. Those were not the water marks left after the wooden box rotted as Ma Hu said.

But after someone dropped a box full of money into the lake, the water level in the lake suddenly rose, soaking some people's shoes and trousers.

These people may not have paid attention, or they may have forgotten, and continued to move money in the warehouse with their shoes on.

The warehouse is already relatively humid, and it is not easy to dry out if it gets wet.

And it’s not too long.

So when they came back today, they could still see a lot of water stains.

"Those water marks were left by the thieves' trousers being wet by the rising lake water."

"Ms. Xue also said this morning that there are many steps, all of which are the shoe prints of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development."

"So, the only possibility is that the money sank into the lake, and the government officials from the Ministry of Revenue were involved." Zhao Chen and Miss Xue explained.

Of course Jin Chun was involved.

However, even with the two Ministry of Revenue officials who left with him yesterday, it is far from being able to sink all 500,000 silver coins into the lake in one day and one night.

Therefore, the Hubu Yamen who were on duty yesterday should also have a lot of people involved.

"In this case, there are many people participating. How could the yamen from the Ministry of Household Affairs agree..."

"As long as we defeat them, won't we just share their money when the time comes?"

"Furthermore, Jin Chun, as the left minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, is still very prestigious in the Ministry of Household Affairs. Under the dual pressure of power and money, they will definitely take the risk." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Miss Xue family looked at Zhao Chen, she thought there must be no way to solve the matter today.

In the end, Zhao Chen must still be responsible for this matter. At least, Zhao Chen needs to hand over one million silver coins.

But after Zhao Chen's analysis, Miss Xue seemed to understand.

But what she couldn't figure out was, since Zhao Chen knew that the missing money was in the lake, why didn't he send someone to search for it.

Instead, you sit here as if nothing happened?

He is not worried at all. Maybe his analysis is wrong?

"Miss Xue, you can go about your own business. I'll take a rest here!" Miss Xue was about to ask again when she heard Zhao Chen speak.

With all the doubts in her heart, Miss Xue did not disturb Zhao Chen and was busy with her own affairs.

The emperor got the news and found out that Zhao Chen was lying in the government office to rest.

It was clear that Zhao Chen had determined that the missing 500,000 silver coins were hidden in the lake in Hubu.

He looked back at Jin Chun and said, "Did you hide the missing silver coins in the lake?"

Jin Chun trembled when the emperor asked this question.

He quickly shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know."

"I only found out about this today, and I don't know who has the courage..."

"That's enough, Jin Chun. You don't think that no one can see through your performance, do you?" The emperor interrupted Jin Chun coldly.

Jin Chun was startled.

He didn't know if he was exposed because of what he just said.

But now, he definitely can't admit it.

Stealing 500,000 guan of money from the household department was a capital crime punishable by beheading.

"Your Majesty, I don't know!" Jin Chun gritted his teeth and argued with the emperor.

The emperor came over, kicked Jin Chun over hard, and shouted: "If I hadn't stopped him just now, Zhao Chen would have sent people to the lake."

"Do you think Zhao Chen really can't find this thing?"

"He is waiting for me to come over, waiting for me to deal with you, you bastard."

The emperor also just realized why Zhao Chen was sitting in the government office to rest instead of sending anyone to the lake to look for the lost silver.

That was because the boy deliberately asked him, the emperor, to come over and handle the matter.

Only if he, the emperor, came to deal with the matter personally would Zhao Chen not have to be such a villain.

What a boy, being the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue is a waste of effort!

"Jin Chun, I will give you one last chance. If you don't admit it, I will let Dali Temple interrogate you." The emperor looked at Jinchun and said in a deep voice.

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