The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1318 Do you dare to beat me with a stick?

Now the emperor can't sit still!

He was worried that Zhao Chen would lead a group of officials from Dali Temple to his Ganquan Palace tomorrow to force him into the palace.

Let him, the emperor, use money to pay salaries to officials!

If he can't get the money by then, won't the situation be embarrassing?

The emperor thought about it and still felt that it was inappropriate.

He had to go and say hello to Zhao Chen in advance, lest Zhao Chen bring a large group of people to trouble him tomorrow.

Where will the emperor's face be at that time?

The emperor left the palace without anyone, but a street patrol took him outside Zhao Mansion.

The door of Zhao Mansion was not closed tightly.

The concierge Lao Huang was not in Chang'an, and Li Ruoshuang and her daughter were at Li Jing's residence. The Zhao residence seemed particularly quiet.

Entering the Zhao Mansion, the emperor carefully looked at the stones on the ground.

Afraid of making a big noise.

He didn't know why he came in like a thief cat.

Walking to the backyard of Zhao Mansion, the emperor stood outside Zhao Chen's room, hesitant and did not dare to knock on the door.

When I meet Zhao Chen later, what will I say to him?

Ask him not to bring anyone to him tomorrow to ask for his salary?

What if Zhao Chen doesn't agree?

Do you still have to kneel down and beg him?

This is not possible!

Moreover, the emperor felt that there was a high possibility that Zhao Chen would not agree.

Didn't this boy Zhao Chen always remember Wu Jue?

This kid has been thinking of ways to take revenge on him, the emperor.

Thinking of this, the emperor stretched out his hand to knock on the door and suddenly retracted it.

He took a few steps back, wanting to return to the palace, but stopped again.

Gritting his teeth, he reached out and knocked on the door.


As soon as the emperor's hand approached the door, he saw the door suddenly opened.

A stick hit him straight on the head.

The emperor only had time to shout, and then he felt nothing.

Zhao Chen was very troubled.

He was sleeping last night when he suddenly heard something moving outside.

So he took out a bamboo pole used to support the curtain.

Being caught by surprise is a sap to the thieves outside.

The thief was knocked unconscious by him.

But Zhao Chen didn't expect that this thief was actually a lunatic like the emperor.

Zhao Chen extremely doubted whether the emperor had sleepwalking.

Otherwise, why would you come here in the middle of the night?

Even if he doesn't have sleepwalking, there must be some mental problems.

Why don't you stay up in the middle of the night and come here to get smoke?

When the emperor woke up, it was already early morning the next day.

The emperor felt his forehead hurt.

A gentle touch with your hand will cause excruciating pain.

After touching it, there was obviously a raised mark.

Good guy, it was directly extracted and printed yesterday!

"Boy Zhao!" the emperor shouted angrily.

He had to ask Zhao Chen for an explanation.

As an emperor, is there any justice for being beaten like this?

Zhao Chen walked over, holding a medicine bag in his hand. He saw a swollen line on the emperor's forehead, his eyes were staring at him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

"woke up?"

"Here, apply the medicine bag yourself." Zhao Chen handed the medicine bag in his hand to the emperor.

The emperor took the medicine package and pressed it on his forehead. The excruciating pain made him grin uncontrollably.

It took a while for the emperor to recover.

"You little bastard, how dare you beat me with a stick!" The emperor glared at Zhao Chen and said angrily.

"You came to my house in the middle of the night and stood at the door of my room sneaking around. I haven't given you any trouble yet."

"Thank you for calling me in time, otherwise I would have to go to your wake today." Zhao Chen said casually.

But the emperor was so angry that his heart and liver were trembling, and he felt that he had finally gotten over it.

My head, there was another huge pain at this moment.

"Your injury will heal in a few days, but don't get too excited, otherwise it will take a few days." Zhao Chen said to the emperor.

The emperor was now sullen and did not say a word.

If he knew that if he came here in the middle of the night, he would knock Zhao Chen unconscious with a stick, he would not come here even if Zhao Chen forced the palace today.

How can he meet people like this in the future?

"You've had enough rest, so hurry up and leave. I still have to go to the Dali Temple Yamen!" Zhao Chen rushed the emperor to leave.

Yesterday I asked Dai Zhou to wait at Dali Temple. It’s time to set off now!

"Going to Dali Temple?" .??.??

"Why are you going to Dali Temple?" The emperor was very alert. He was worried that if he didn't say anything about being beaten, he would be forced into the palace by Zhao Chen and a group of Dali Temple officials later.

"The young minister of Dali Temple, Dai Zhou, came to the Ministry of Revenue yesterday and asked me to give them two months' salary to the officials of Dali Temple."

"But the Ministry of Finance has no money, so I have to think of a way."

"Why don't you, Your Majesty, pay for this money?" Zhao Chen explained, his eyes moving on the emperor again.

The emperor only felt that his head hurt more.

Where did he get the money to pay the salaries of Dali Temple officials?

"Boy Zhao, you beat me like this and you still want me to pay for it?"

"You can find a solution for me regarding the salary of Dali Temple officials."

"I won't hold you accountable for what happened last night!"

The emperor thought he was a smart guy.

Although he received a beating, the possibility that Zhao Chen brought Dali Temple officials to force him to go to the palace was resolved, right?

This stick seems to be quite worth it!

Zhao Chen had no intention of going to the emperor to ask for money.

If you want money from the emperor, it's better to just go to the street and beg for food. Maybe you can collect the money in advance than with the emperor.

"I didn't plan to find you in the first place." Zhao Chen said casually, which made the emperor suddenly feel a little stomachache.

He suspected that the blow he received was in vain.

"You are going to Dali Temple now. What are you going to do?" The emperor got up from the bed and asked Zhao Chen.

"Do you want to come together?" Zhao Chen asked with a smile, his eyes deliberately falling on the emperor's head.

How could the emperor not know that Zhao Chen was deliberately stimulating himself.

But what are these incentives?

There will be a court meeting tomorrow. As a diligent emperor, he will not miss every court meeting.

If you are too embarrassed to go out today, wouldn’t it be even more embarrassing to attend the court meeting tomorrow?

"Go, why don't you go? I want to see what tricks your kid is playing." The emperor said with a snort.

He covered his head and walked out the door.

Dali Temple officials were waiting at the Dali Temple Yamen early in the morning.

They didn't ask for their salary yesterday, and many people didn't dare to go back at all.

But at this moment, the sun was already rising, but there was still no sign of Zhao Chen.

"Dai Shaoqing, Zhao Shangshu, are you not coming?" a Dali Temple official asked.

"Yeah, what time is it?"

"Even if I have to crawl, I should be able to reach it."

Some officials are already dissatisfied.

Dai Zhou also frowned.

At this hour, the household department had already been on duty, so Zhao Chen shouldn't have shown up yet.

But at this moment Dai Zhou had no other choice.

He could only continue to wait here for Zhao Chen's arrival.

"Dai Shaoqing, please say something."

"Yes, Zhao Chen really promised you to come here."

"If our salary issue cannot be resolved today, we will go to His Majesty."

"Yes, go find your Majesty!"

"Go to His Majesty and ask for our salary back."

"We work so hard for the court, but we can't even get the salary we deserve?"

The scene got a little out of control, and the anger of Dali Temple officials was somewhat difficult to control.

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