The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1319 It’s not me who’s hungry anyway

Dai Zhou himself felt uncomfortable!

He himself had not received his two months' salary, and had to rush back and forth to help the officials of Dali Temple solve the matter.

As a result, these guys now seem to have no mercy at all.

He also put the blame on Dai Zhou.

Going to make trouble with the emperor?

What is the use?

The household department is all empty, and the emperor is still thinking about how to get the remaining 500,000 guan of silver to support the Hedong area.

Even if there is money, it must be given to Hedong first.

There is no point in arguing with the emperor.

"Everyone, listen to something." Although he was agitated, Dai Zhou still tried to calm everyone down.

As a result, Dai Zhou's words did not have any effect.

All the officials in Dali Temple didn't care about him at all!

Dai Zhou looked ugly and remained silent at the moment.

Since these guys want to make trouble with the emperor, let them make trouble.

What does Dai Zhuo have to do with him?

All the Dali Temple officials waited for a while, but they didn't see Zhao Chen yet, and they couldn't bear it anymore.

"Everyone, Zhao Chen probably won't come."

"Everyone, come with me to see His Majesty!" a Dali Temple official shouted loudly.


"Let's go see His Majesty!" Everyone responded.

As soon as they walked down the two steps, everyone saw Zhao Chen walking slowly from the front.

After Zhao Chen, the emperor also came here.

The Dali Temple officials' expressions instantly changed.

They didn't expect that the emperor would come here in person!

Looking at each other, they all walked forward to greet him: "I have met your majesty and met His Royal Highness the King of Han."

The emperor looked somewhat embarrassed.

The mark on his forehead was blocked, but a medicine bag was wrapped around his forehead, which would have been even more strange.

Fortunately, the emperor's face had long been tempered by Zhao Chen.

But after a while, his expression returned to normal.

Chang: "Let's all be flat."

"Your Majesty, all the officials of Dali Temple have been there for two months..."

Some officials spoke, but were interrupted by the emperor waving his hand.

"The King of Han has already told me about your matter. I brought the King of Han here today to resolve this matter with you." The emperor said.

The emperor is indeed wily and scheming.

In this sentence, he takes the credit on himself.

Zhao Chen glanced at the shameless guy next to him, but didn't say anything!

"Thank you, Your Majesty." All Dali Temple officials looked grateful.

But it was Dai Zhou who slashed his buttocks with a knife and opened his eyes.

The emperor spoke big words and felt the respect of the officials in Dali Temple, so he looked at Zhao Chen.

He really wanted to know how Zhao Chen could help these guys overcome the current difficulties.

One thousand guan is not too much money.

But now, the Ministry of Household Affairs does not have a single copper coin. A thousand guan is an astronomical figure!

"Zhao Shangshu, yesterday you said you had a way to solve the salary issue for us, but I don't know how to solve it?" Dai Zhou stood up and asked Zhao Chen proactively.

When Zhao Chen came here, Dai Zhou felt relieved.

At least it seemed that Zhao Chen was not deceiving himself.

Maybe Zhao Chen really has a way to solve their salary problem!

Dai Zhou spoke, and the Dali Temple officials who were thanking the emperor just now also looked over.

They all hope that their salary problem can be solved today.

Many people hope that they can go home safely today.

Otherwise, how would they face their families if they went back empty-handed.

The emperor also looked at Zhao Chen. He was very curious about how Zhao Chen could get a thousand silver coins without paying for it himself.

"You want money, of course

You have to earn it yourself, and I can provide you with a platform. "

"Of course, I will take 10% of the money you earn."

"What do you think?" Zhao Chen asked everyone.

Everyone present was stunned on the spot, staring at Zhao Chen in stunned silence.

Zhao Chen actually asked them, officials from Dali Temple, to go out and make money?

How can this be?

They are court officials, and others have always come to curry favor with them. How can there be any reason for them to curry favor with others? .??.

To make money, don’t you have to smile and be humble?

As dignified officials of Dali Temple, wouldn't they have lost all their face by doing this?

What's more, Zhao Chen also said that 10% of the money they earned would be given to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen is using their faces to make money!

"Why is His Highness the King of Han talking nonsense here? We are all members of the imperial court. Do we want to be like those lowly merchants, hawking in the market?" A Dali Temple official shouted.

"That's true. We are all scholars. How can we be treated like lowly merchants? His Highness the King of Han is insulting us."

"His Royal Highness, the King of Han, was originally a shopkeeper. Could it be that he still couldn't forget his own business..."

"Shut up!" Dai Zhou immediately cut off the Dali Temple official who was speaking.

Isn't this guy looking for death?

Say this to Zhao Chen?

The emperor also frowned. Dali Temple officials humiliated Zhao Chen in this way, which was humiliating him as the emperor.

If Zhao Chen hadn't been living abroad, he wouldn't have opened a tavern in Chang'an.

When this person said this, he was not only laughing at Zhao Chen, but also at him, the emperor.

"Zhao Shangshu, because the salary has not been paid out, everyone is inevitably a little resentful. Please Zhao Shangshu not take what you just said to heart!" Dai Zhou opened his mouth to plead for the official who just spoke.

Zhao Chen just smiled slightly.

He never felt

What's wrong with being a businessman?

Although the difference between high and low prices is earned, it is also because of the existence of merchants that resources from various places can circulate.

Without merchants, the entire Tang Dynasty's economy would be a pool of stagnant water.

"I don't care. If you feel that making money is a shabby thing, you can choose to stay here or ask for your salary from His Majesty."

"I don't care, I won't be the one who's hungry anyway." Zhao Chen waved his hands, said with a smile, then turned around and left.

Zhao Chen's excessiveness made everyone unable to react.

Dali Temple officials only thought that if they said a few words to Zhao Chen, Zhao Chen would help think of other ways.

After all, Zhao Chen is the Minister of Household Affairs, so he has to find a way to deal with the salary issue.


Dai Zhou was also confused. Has Zhao Chen finished giving them ideas now?

The emperor also frowned. Although Zhao Chen's method sounded a bit unreliable, these Dali Temple officials were too "noble".

"I am still thinking about how to get 500,000 guan of silver to provide relief to Hedong. The salary should not be available within this year."

"You figure it out for yourself!" The emperor left two heartless words and turned to leave.

All Dali Temple officials were completely confused.

This is different from what they thought.

Even after Zhao Chen left, the emperor directly followed them.

To put it bluntly, there is just no money.

If you have no money, how can you get a salary?

Without salaries, wouldn't these people starve to death?

Between the so-called dignity and life and death, some Dali Temple officials still chose the latter.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness the King of Han, please wait for me. I am willing to go out and make money." Officials from Dali Temple chased after him.

There is no way, survival is the most important thing.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with being a businessman.

As long as you can make money, you don't care about anything else.

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