The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1334 I will find a way to investigate

Qunfang Garden.

Chu Suiliang went to a courtyard under the leadership of Imperial College officials.

The yard was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and several beautiful women were playing nearby.

Among the women, there was a man in a green robe, drinking with a beautiful woman.

"Lord Lu, our Chu Jiji wine is here!" The Imperial College official came forward and said to the man in green robe.

The man in green robe raised his head and saw Chu Suiliang coming to the front. He immediately stood up, held hands with Chu Suiliang and said:

"Chu offers wine, it's polite to serve as a subordinate!"

Chu Suiliang looked a little unhappy.

Although this place is not a place for romance, it is also not a place where his dignified Imperial College can stop for wine.

But unfortunately, this guy invited himself here.

"There's no need to be polite. If you want anything, tell me now." Chu Suiliang waved his hand.

If I hadn't thought about my promise to meet this Lu official, plus the thirteen hundred guan, it would indeed be a problem.

Otherwise, Chu Suiliang would have turned around and left long ago.

The Qingpao official respectfully handed Chu Suiliang a glass of wine. Chu Suiliang hesitated for a moment, but took it and drank it.

"Chu Jijiu, my subordinate Lu Yifa is the governor of Qi. I invited Chu Jijiu here today because I want to ask Chu Jijiu for help!" Lu Yifa said with a smile.

Chu Suiliang said nothing, waiting for Lu Yifa to continue speaking.

The Imperial College officials exchanged glances with Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa waved behind him, and someone held up a box.

When the box was opened, it was filled with golden leaves.

At first glance, it is probably worth seven or eight thousand silver coins.

A trace of astonishment flashed in Chu Suiliang's eyes.

He didn't expect that the Lu officials would take so many actions.

When the beautiful women next to them saw the scene in front of them, their eyes widened.

The faces of the Imperial College officials were even more excited.

I can't wait to hold these gold leaves in my hands right away.

"Chu offers wine,

This was a meeting gift given by the lower official to Chu Jijiu, which was exchanged for about 8,000 guan in silver. "

"Please don't dislike Chu's offer of wine." Lu Yifa took the box and placed it respectfully in front of Chu Suiliang.

Chu Suiliang said nothing. He said from his heart that he was extremely unwilling to take the money.

But thinking about how the emperor treated him today, the Imperial College still owed Zhao Chen more than a thousand guan.

The reluctance in Chu Sui's conscience disappeared without a trace.

"No reward for no merit, I have to pay something, right?" Chu Suiliang said.

Hearing Chu Suiliang say this, several people felt relieved.

Chu Suiliang said this, indicating that he had made a choice.

"I have a small favor and I want to ask Chu Jijiu for help."

"There is a boy in Buxiaguan's family who wants to study at the Imperial College, but he has never been able to pass the previous entrance exams, so he wants to ask Chu Jijiu for help." Lu Yifa said with a smile.

The students of the Imperial College are all selected from the best. I don’t know how many people have to be eliminated in the Imperial College entrance examination every year.

Except for some children of high-ranking officials, others who want to enter the Imperial College can only rely on their own strength.

If it were in the past, Chu Suiliang would definitely refuse this matter without hesitation, but after today...

Even the children of businessmen can enroll in the Imperial College, why can't Lu Yifa's son in front of him?

As long as your son studies seriously in the Imperial College, I will not block his path to education.

Hearing what Chu Suiliang said, Lu Yifa still didn't understand what happened today.

He bowed to Chu Suiliang with a grateful face: "Thank you Chu for offering wine!"

Chu Suiliang waved his hand, sat down, drank two glasses of wine, and left.

Lu Yifa looked at the Imperial College official in front of him and said with a smile: "Thanks to Mr. Lin for your help today, please accept it as a small tribute."

Another small one

The box was placed on the table. The Imperial Academy official opened it and saw another box full of gold leaves.

The emperor was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

In the evening, he got a little bit of news, saying that today's Imperial College admission quota auction, all 200 places were auctioned. .??.??

And each quota is at least 5,000 guan.

One quota is five thousand strings, which means that the two hundred quotas are at least one million strings.

This is a lot of money, and Hedong only needs 500,000 guan.

There are still 500,000 yuan left, which can be reserved for possible emergencies in the future.

The emperor was very excited when he thought that the problem that had troubled him for a long time was about to be solved.

It was a rare occasion for someone to bring a bottle of wine, and we drank in the Ganquan Hall.

But he didn't feel happy for long, as news of Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng's visit came from outside the palace.

"I will pay my respects to your Majesty." The two shouted in unison with the emperor.

The emperor waved his hand, signaling the two of them to get up.

Then he asked with a smile: "What's wrong with you two old guys? You can't sleep at night. Why are you here?"

"Forget it, I'm happy today, so you two can have a drink with me."

After the emperor finished speaking, an attendant poured two glasses of wine and brought them to them.

Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng both drank the wine from the cup.

Then Fang Xuanling cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, judging from the account books handed over by the Ministry of Household Affairs, the taxation in Qizhou is a bit strange."


"Why is it strange?" The emperor frowned slightly and asked casually.

"Reporting to your majesty, Qizhou belongs to the land of Guru. The folk customs are simple and honest, the people live in peace, and merchants are everywhere. It is a famous and prosperous place in the Tang Dynasty."

"However, judging from the account books submitted by the Ministry of Accounts the day before yesterday, Qizhou's tax revenue actually ranked at the bottom."

"This matter is really strange." Fang Xuanling said to the emperor.

Qizhou has always been at the forefront of all the states and counties in the Tang Dynasty in terms of paying taxes.

There’s no reason to be at the back this time.

Moreover, there has never been any news of disaster in Qizhou.

The emperor frowned and looked at Fang Xuanling: "What do you mean, is there something wrong with the accounts of the Ministry of Revenue, or is there something wrong with Qizhou's taxes?"

"The accounts of the Accounts Department are calculated clearly and there are no problems."

"I and Fang Xiang suspect that there is something wrong with Qizhou's taxes, or that Qizhou officials have made false accounts and concealed Qizhou's taxes."

"But if that's the case, I'm afraid the implications are so wide that it's unimaginable."

"Even the Chang'an court is driven by people." Wei Zheng said.

The accounts of the Ministry of Accounts are fine, but the taxes in Qizhou are strange.

If it is really corruption, many people will be implicated.

The emperor understood what Wei Zheng meant.

If Qizhou wants to be corrupt, it will be impossible if no one in the court can help hide it.

However, the courage of Qizhou officials was a little too bold to report false accounts so blatantly to the Accounts Department.

"If this matter is true, do you two think, who in the court will be involved?" the emperor suddenly asked.

It really stunned the two of them. They don't dare to talk nonsense about anyone in the court who is involved in this matter.

This matter has far-reaching implications and is of great importance, and cannot be explained clearly in just a few words.

"Your Majesty, this matter still needs careful investigation, and I don't know what to say." Wei Zheng spoke to the emperor.

The emperor was silent.

The joy in my heart just now has turned into anger.

Only a few years after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, some people dared to commit such corruption.

If this is not dealt with severely, won’t other places follow suit in the future?

"You two, don't tell anyone about this. I will find a way to investigate."

"Step back." The emperor left the two of them with a word and waved them away.

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