The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1335 How much are you prepared to share with me?

On the morning of the second day, Zhao Chen went to the Li Zheng Hall.

Also traveling with him was the boy Li Zhi.

Li Zhi didn't speak a word along the way, much more silent than before.

Maybe he never liked to talk in front of Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen had nothing to say to Li Zhi. The two of them rode on their own horses without communicating until they reached the gate of Chang'an City.

"Brother Emperor, do you think Xiao Wu will get used to it in Gaochang?" Li Zhi's sudden words made Zhao Chen not sure how to answer.

Wu Jue was in Gaochang, so he was definitely not used to it in Chang'an.

She was a girl who was not familiar with the place and was facing everything that was unfamiliar to her.

Zhao Chen couldn't answer Li Zhi.

But he had to warn Li Zhi: "Pheasant slave, what happens to Wu Jue outside has nothing to do with you."

"You should do your own thing."

After Li Zhiting heard this, he reined in the reins and looked at Zhao Chen with an angry look on his face: "When did the emperor become so ruthless? Xiao Wu didn't go to Gaochang because of you and me!"

"Now the emperor doesn't care about you at all?"

"What's the use of worrying about her? If you worry about her, she will come back from Gaochang?"

"When you are unable to do something, you should keep your thoughts in your heart instead of talking to others everywhere."

"Do you think you are infatuated?"

"In my opinion, you are just self-righteous and hiding your thoughts, at least, in front of me."

"Otherwise, I will deal with you!" Zhao Chen said with a somewhat cold tone.

Li Zhi was originally afraid of Zhao Chen from the bottom of his heart.

It was because of Wu Jue that he dared to say this today. Now that Zhao Chen was yelling at him, he felt even more scared.

Fortunately, I grew up a lot in the academy and didn't cry like before.

Li Zhi didn't say anything, but Zhao Chen reminded him again: "When I go to the Zhengzheng Hall later, I'm not allowed to mention Wu Jue again. Just follow your mother's words and agree."

"As I said before, when the time comes, I will take you to pick up Wu Jue."


If you don't know what's good and what's good, don't blame me for being rude. "

Li Zhi was so punished that he didn't dare to look up, and heard Zhao Chen reiterate the previous promise to him.

This made Li Zhi feel a lot more comfortable.

Nodding, holding back tears, he followed Zhao Chen.

In the Li Zheng Hall, Queen Changsun had many delicacies prepared.

I went to Shangshi Bureau in person and made a few dishes that Zhao Chen and Li Zhi liked.

Then he stood outside the Li Zheng Hall, looking forward to the two of them.

"Mother, the sun is very hot outside, why don't you go in and wait."

"The King of Han and King Jin will be here soon." An attendant and Queen Changsun advised.

It's still summer and it's noon, so it's inevitably scorching hot outside.

"It doesn't matter, I won't worry if I don't see them coming."

"Go and help me prepare sour plum soup and add more ice cubes."

"I'll give them both a break from the heat later." Queen Changsun said to the attendants at the side.

The attendant nodded and wanted to persuade Queen Changsun to go into the palace and wait, but seeing her appearance, he still said nothing.

Fortunately, it didn't take long.

Zhao Chen and Li Zhi appeared in the square outside the Lizheng Hall, and Queen Changsun looked happy.

He just walked down the steps and greeted the two of them.

Zhao Chen also saw Queen Changsun walking quickly towards him from the steps.

At first, Zhao Chen thought that Queen Changsun was in a hurry, so he was so anxious.


"It's noon, you two are too hot. Hurry up and come in with the queen. The queen will have someone prepare sour plum soup for you." Empress Changsun took one person by the other and walked towards the steps.

Looking at the sweat on Queen Changsun's face, Zhao Chen felt very uncomfortable for a moment.

Let Empress Changsun pull her inside.

The attendant brought the sour plum soup and said: "Your Highness, the King of Han, I saw that you have not come, but I have been waiting outside the palace for a long time."

"Fortunately you are here, otherwise the sun would be so bright..."

The attendant was obviously trying to defend Empress Changsun.

Zhao Chen took a sip of sour plum soup and felt his throat was very comfortable.

Putting down the jade bowl, he said: "Mother, you must not do this in the future. I will definitely not break my promise to you."

Zhao Chen's voice was not loud, but to Queen Changsun's ears, it was like beating a drum.

This was the first time in such a long time that Zhao Chen called her mother and called herself son.

Empress Changsun felt as if she was in a dream.

The joy in my heart turned into hot tears, bursting out of my eyes.

The moment her eyes overflowed, Queen Changsun turned her head away.

Her voice was slightly choked: "You guys have some more drinks, and my mother will go change her clothes."

After that, without waiting for the two of them to speak, they entered the inner hall.

When Zhao Chen saw Empress Changsun acting like this, he knew why.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Li Zhi, however, drank the sour plum soup from the bowl with peace of mind. He knew what had just happened.

But he didn't care much about that.

He Li Zhi himself, didn’t he also call him Emperor Zhao Chen?

The emperor came not long after. Seeing that Empress Changsun was not there, he poured himself a cup of sour plum soup and looked at the two people in front of him.

"Pheasant slave, I went to Chang'an Military Academy to study for a few months, and I look much more energetic than before."

"Not bad, keep working hard!" the emperor said with a smile.

He is very satisfied with the way Li Zhi looks now.

Although he is young, he looks capable.

"Thank you for the compliment, I will continue to work hard." Li Zhi nodded with a smile on his face.

Only a fool would not feel happy to be praised by the emperor.

Seeing Li Zhi nodding, the emperor

The emperor was also happy and looked at Zhao Chen again.

The quota for the Imperial College was auctioned yesterday, but he didn't know the specific amount yet.

"Zhao... Chen Xiaozi." The emperor wanted to call him Zhao Xiaozi, but changed his name to Chen Xiaozi.

What is the relationship between Li Shimin and Zhao Chen?

How can one be named Li and the other named Zhao?

Even if Zhao Chen doesn't call him Father, he, as a father, can't still call him Zhao Xiaozi, right?

You have to call me Boy Chen to get closer!

"Boy Chen, tell me how much we paid for yesterday's auction." The emperor and Zhao Chen asked.

Li Zhi also looked at Zhao Chen.

To be honest, Li Zhi has never seen anything as crazy as yesterday.

Thousands of people were competing for spots, and there was almost no fight.

Li Zhi remembered that when Li Ke and the others were counting money, their mouths were always open.

"Not much, only 1.2 million yuan." Zhao Chen said casually.

"One million and two hundred thousand guan?" The emperor's voice suddenly increased.

Two hundred places. Sold for 1.2 million silver coins.

The emperor really didn't expect it.

The only thing he thinks about now is that he has money.

"Yes, excluding some miscellaneous expenses, there is a surplus of 1.2 million yuan."

"I gave each of the Dali Temple officials a thousand gu of money to repair, and I still have 1.1 million gu of silver left." Zhao Chen said to the emperor.

There are one hundred officials in Dali Temple, and each person has a thousand guan, which is 100,000 guan.

This money is used by them to teach students. Although it is not much, it is definitely a lot.

At the beginning, Zhao Chen planned to let all the students enroll and then give part of the tuition fees to Dali Temple officials as a gift.

Nowadays, Dali Temple officials benefit more from this division.

"One hundred thousand guan, although it is a bit much, I can accept it."

"What about you, Mr. Chen? How much are you going to share with me?" The emperor looked at Zhao Chen and asked with a smile.

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