The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1336 What happened today?

The emperor was thinking about the money.

After all, he was still waiting for the money to go to Hedong, otherwise the emperor would not agree to Zhao Chen's approach.

Zhao Chen had not thought about how much to give to the emperor before.

There is still 1.1 million silver coins left, which is not a small amount.

Although Zhao Chen has a lot of money, just a little bit, but he has been busy for so long, and he can't get any benefits at all.

"Then how much does your Majesty want to share?" Zhao Chen asked without answering and looked at the emperor.

Zhao Chen wanted to see what the emperor had to say. If the emperor was unkind to him, Zhao Chen would not be polite to him.

It is inevitable not to say that you want to leave a large amount of money for yourself!

The emperor was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhao Chen's face, obviously understanding what Zhao Chen meant.

The words that came to his lips were suppressed by him at the moment.

Of course, the emperor wanted to keep all the money in his own hands, so that if there was a shortage of money again in the future, he would not be in such an embarrassing situation as this time.

But the emperor knew better that Zhao Chen was not someone who suffered easily.

If he said that he would hold all the money in his arms, even if the boy in front of him didn't say it, he would definitely remember him in his heart!

From now on, don’t think about it yourself!

"Boy Chen, that's it. The Hedong area still needs 500,000 guan of silver to build dams."

"This is definitely needed."

"One million and one hundred thousand guan. In addition to these 500,000 guan, there are still 600,000 guan. This is my plan."

"You guys at Chang'an Military Academy have been working hard during this period, so I plan to let you keep 300,000 guan. The remaining 300,000 guan can be sent to my private treasury."

"How is it?" The emperor was silent for a moment before speaking slowly to Zhao Chen.

That is, Zhao Chen, if it were anyone else who wanted to get money from the emperor, it would be a complete dream!

Of course, the emperor also thought that he would have to

There is a time to ask Zhao Chen for help, otherwise...

Three hundred thousand yuan may be a huge sum of money to others, but to Zhao Chen, it is just a small amount of money.

Of course, even if you give him all 1.1 million yuan, it is still a small amount of money.

"I have no objection." Zhao Chen nodded.

More or less money doesn't matter.

The problem is that Zhao Chen needs to see the emperor's attitude.

Although the emperor did not put much effort into the matter of admission quota for businessmen's children.

But the emperor is still the emperor after all.

There has to be some advantage.

When the emperor heard Zhao Chen say that he had no objection, he felt relieved.

He was really afraid that Zhao Chen would say that he would take away all the money.

When the time comes, will you agree or not?

After drinking a cup of sour plum soup with satisfaction, the emperor looked back at Li Zhi.

"Pheasant slave, how are you doing at the academy recently?" the emperor and Li Zhi asked.

The emperor was still very sure of Li Zhi's movements.

After all, this kid had a lot of tempers behind his back because of Wu Jue's incident last time.

Li Zhi felt somewhat reluctant when he heard what the emperor asked him.

But he didn't dare not answer the emperor.

He lowered his head and said, "Father, I have learned from you that my son has studied seriously in the academy and has never done anything inappropriate."

The emperor nodded, Li Zhi is eleven years old this year.

The emperor felt that it was time to arrange a marriage for Li Zhi.

"Boy Chen, Pheasant slave is already eleven years old this year. I think it's time to choose a marriage for him."

"What do you think?" The emperor suddenly looked at Zhao Chen and asked


Zhao Chen was a little stunned.

Whether Li Zhi gets married or not has nothing to do with him.

It's so good, why do you suddenly ask yourself this?

Before Zhao Chen could speak, Li Zhi spoke to the emperor: "Father, my son is still young, and he is still studying in the academy. It is indeed not the time to talk about marriage..."

"Then when do you think it can be done?" The emperor interrupted Li Zhi, looking a little unhappy on his face.

Li Zhi was so embarrassed by the emperor's question that he didn't dare to speak again.

Everyone understood what the emperor meant.

Marry Li Zhi to prevent him from having other unwanted thoughts.

Li Zhi also understood in his heart, but he did not dare to confront the emperor.

When questioned by the emperor, he didn't know what to say at this moment.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Zhao Chen didn't think about mediating between the two of them, so he just drank his own sour plum soup.

When Empress Changsun came over, she saw that the three of them were drinking their own drinks. No one spoke, and they just came to their senses.

"What's going on today? Our family finally got together to have a meal together, so don't look so grim."

"Come, Your Majesty, please try my concubine's cooking skills." Empress Changsun started talking and brought some dishes to the emperor.

Then he called Zhao Chen and Li Zhi: "You two little guys should eat it by yourself, and the queen mother won't pick it up for you."

Zhao Chen nodded and ate his own dishes. Li Zhi lowered his head and just ate what was in front of him, but did not dare to raise his head and look ahead.

Empress Changsun understood that the emperor was preaching to Li Zhi again.

Otherwise, this kid wouldn't even dare to raise his head.

"Chen'er, Queen Mother heard that your Chang'an Military Academy and the Imperial College are having a very unpleasant quarrel."

"You are all stepping back for the sake of the Tang Dynasty." Empress Changsun looked at Zhao Chen and said.

"Ah, okay." Zhao Chen nodded.

The embarrassment here was not caused by him.

To say that, it has to be the emperor and Li Zhi himself!

"By the way, Your Majesty, the Ministry of Punishment heard about a big case the day before yesterday." Zhao Chen opened his mouth and asked the emperor.

The emperor hesitated slightly, then nodded again.

Indeed, as Zhao Chen said, the Ministry of Punishment reported a major case in the past two days.

The source of the case is Qizhou.

"Zhang Xingcheng from the Ministry of Punishment reported that thousands of people rioted in Qizhou. Fortunately, the local government suppressed it in time."

"It didn't have much impact."

"The bandit leader is being escorted to Chang'an now. He should be arriving in the next two days." The emperor said to Zhao Chen.

He didn't ask how Zhao Chen learned the news.

As the Minister of Household Affairs, he must be able to know this information.


"Chen'er, today is the day for our family reunion. Don't talk about other things."

"Eat first." Queen Changsun interrupted Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He just asked to avoid making the atmosphere awkward.

Now that Queen Changsun had spoken, Zhao Chen was too lazy to ask any more questions.

Queen Changsun was quite pleased with the luncheon.

I have been persuading several people to eat vegetables.

Li Zhi naturally felt uncomfortable thinking about what the emperor had just said.

The emperor was asked about Qizhou by Zhao Chen, and thought of what Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng told him.

I couldn't help but start to worry.

Qizhou, what is going on!

After the banquet, Zhao Chen and Li Zhi left the Zhengzheng Hall. The emperor told Zhao Chen to remember to send the money to his private treasury, and then left in a hurry.

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