The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1337 Who came up with it?

A hundred miles outside Chang'an City, two men in ragged clothes and unkempt hair were walking forward unsteadily.

Behind them were several officials wearing government uniforms.

"Come on, don't wait any longer." An officer suddenly pushed the man in front of him.

The man stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"Hurry up, I'll take you to Chang'an, and our work will be done."

"If you dare to riot in Qizhou, it's a good thing that I have to send you to Chang'an, otherwise you guys would have died long ago." Another official shouted coldly.

The whip in his hand struck the man in front of him.

The man trembled in pain, and the chains on his feet clanged.

They are the prisoners escorted from Qizhou. .??.

The two people at the front were the leaders of the Qizhou riot. They were captured by the Qizhou government and are now being sent to Chang'an.

The official behind him was also a yamen servant of Qizhou Dudufu, and was ordered to escort the two of them to Chang'an.

The two men being escorted just walked slowly and didn't speak.

They knew that rioting was a capital crime.

But now, they are just one step closer to death.

"A hundred miles further we will reach Chang'an. After walking for so long, we are finally there." A government official said with a smile.

Qizhou is thousands of miles away from Chang'an, and they walked for half a month on the road.

Now facing Chang'an City so close at hand, several people felt a lot more comfortable.

"The Governor told me that the closer we get to Chang'an, the more careful we need to be. These two guys are the leaders of thugs. Your Majesty will definitely review the case personally."

"If something happens on the road, we will be doomed." Another government official warned.

There were four yamen officers in total, responsible for escorting the two prisoners.

There are really few staff.

"Don't worry, we have already arrived in Chang'an, what else could happen?"

"Out of this valley, let's find an inn to rest and continue tomorrow..."

"call out-


Before the officer finished speaking, he only heard the sound of breaking through the air past his ears.

Looking back, he saw that his companion who was still talking to him had been shot through the heart by an arrow.

"There is an assassin!" the officer shouted.

The two government officials in front of him quickly drew their weapons.

But several arrows were fired at them, and before they had time to react, they were pierced by the arrows.

The yelling officer held his weapon and knocked away the oncoming arrows. However, he saw that the prisoner escorted by a few of them to Chang'an was shot through the throat by an arrow.

"Who...who..." The officer's face was full of fear.

The weapon in his hand trembled slightly.

"Kill him." A cold and stern voice came.

Then the officer saw several faceless assassins dressed in black charging towards him.

He was about to raise his knife to resist, but suddenly he felt weak.

Then he fell down helplessly.

Before his consciousness dissipated, the officer only saw a cold look in front of him.

"Zhang Shangshu, something happened!" Zhang Xingcheng, the Shangshu of the Punishment Department, was handling official business in the Yamen of the Punishment Department.

Suddenly a person ran up in front of him and said this to him.

"What happened?" Zhang Xingcheng frowned.

"Reporting to the minister, the two bandit leaders escorted from Qizhou and the four Qizhou government officials who were responsible for escorting the bandit leaders were killed a hundred miles away from Chang'an City."

"According to Zuo Zuo's judgment, it should be Sishi two days ago." The visitor reported to Zhang Xingcheng.

Zhang Xingcheng's expression changed slightly.

"All dead?"

"Any clues?" Zhang Xingcheng asked in a deep voice.

The emperor personally handled matters in Qizhou


Now the Qizhou bandit leader was suddenly killed, and the government servant who escorted the bandit leader was also killed. This was obviously a premeditated incident.

If the emperor pursues the case, Zhang Xingcheng will not be able to escape the blame.

"Shilang Liu has already sent people there. I only know that the two bandit leaders and three government officials were all killed by arrows."

"One of them had a sword through his heart."

"They were all killed without any resistance!" the visitor said to Zhang Xingcheng.

Zhang Xingcheng sighed in his heart, such a premeditated assassination was probably not to silence these bandit leaders.

"I understand, take the body back to the Ministry of Punishment, and I will report to Your Majesty!" Zhang Xingcheng said, stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked out of the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

The emperor was thinking about how he would interrogate the two bandit leaders of the Qizhou riot when they arrived in Chang'an.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingcheng came over to tell him that the two bandit leaders had been intercepted and killed.

The four government officials who were escorting the bandit leader were also affected.

Looking at Zhang Xingcheng standing below with his head bowed, the emperor wanted to give him a kick.

"Who came up with the idea of ​​only sending four government officials to escort two prisoners?" the emperor asked Zhang Xingcheng with a gloomy face.

Zhang Xingcheng didn't know why he only sent four people to escort two important criminals.

But he couldn't tell the emperor that he didn't know.

"Your Majesty, the escort of the prisoner is carried out by the Qizhou Governor's Office. I have sent an official document to the Qizhou Governor's Office before, asking them to protect the safety of the bandit leader."

"But..." Zhang Xingcheng shook his head.

He also didn't expect that someone would dare to do such an arrogant thing at the feet of the Emperor.

The Qizhou Governor's Mansion actually sent only four people to escort the bandit leader.

This is even more unexpected.

"Qizhou Governor's Mansion..." the emperor said, his eyes becoming colder and colder.

Two days ago, Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng said that Qizhou

There is a big problem with taxes.

In a prosperous land, taxes were at the end of the entire Tang Dynasty.

It's very strange.

And now, the Qizhou government officials were intercepting and killing two rioting prisoners on the way?

This could not help but make the emperor suspect that this was done deliberately.

"Your Majesty, people have been sent to transport the six corpses back to the Ministry of Justice. Maybe some clues can be found." Zhang Xingcheng said to the emperor.

Zhang Xingcheng, who had no clues, didn't know either. He only knew that if he didn't find a way to divert the emperor's anger.

You must be finished.

"Let the criminal police officer conduct a thorough investigation and see if there are any clues."

"Step back." The emperor glanced at Zhang Xingcheng and waved his hand.

Zhang Xingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, held hands with the emperor, and then left quickly.

Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng were called to Ganquan Hall.

When they heard about the Qizhou riots, the two of them were dumbfounded.

They don't know this.

Obviously, the emperor had directly concealed this news from the two of them.

It was even said that the news had not passed through the three provinces, otherwise they would not have known about it.

And when they heard the news that the rioting bandit leader was killed on the way to Chang'an, they couldn't recover for a long time.

After a while, the two of them came back to their senses. They looked at each other and noticed the panic in each other's eyes.

The escort team was intercepted and rioted in Qizhou.

Plus the previous tax issues.

Qizhou obviously has a big problem!

"Your Majesty, there is a big problem in Qizhou!" Fang Xuanling said in a deep voice.

If there wasn't a big problem in Qizhou, why did they come to intercept and kill the team escorting the prisoners.

"There are only four government officials escorting the prisoners. If expected, the Qizhou Governor's Mansion is also involved." Wei Zheng spoke with an ugly look on his face.

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