The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1338 What do you think about this matter?

Of course, the Qizhou Governor's Office has something to do with this matter.

Otherwise, why were only four government officials sent to escort such an important prisoner?

What's the difference between this and watching these prisoners get into trouble?

The emperor looked gloomy.

If only two prisoners and a few government officials who were escorting the prisoners died, it would be nothing more than a trivial matter.

But through this incident, Qizhou is reflected, which is the problem.

Taxes, riots, interceptions.

Qizhou seems to be running a big game of chess.

"Prime Minister, what do you think about this matter?" the emperor asked Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling was stunned for a moment. He understood that the emperor was asking how to deal with Qizhou affairs.

Qizhou is thousands of miles away from Chang'an. Now that something like this happened, no evidence can be found for a while.

But this matter is of great importance. If Qizhou really does something evil, it should be cut through the mess quickly and dealt with as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, I believe that a trustworthy minister should be sent to Qizhou to conduct a thorough investigation of the current situation in Qizhou."

"At least, we must first know what is going on in Qizhou." Fang Xuanling said to the emperor.

The emperor nodded.

Only after knowing the situation in Qizhou can they take the next step.

"Who does Fang Xiang think is suitable?" the emperor asked Fang Xuanling again.

The first thing that Fang Xuanling thought of was Zhao Chen.

Although Zhao Chen is young, he can always be cautious no matter what situation he faces.

It is very suitable for the confusion in Qizhou today.

Fang Xuanling looked at Wei Zheng, and when he saw him looking at her, she knew that Wei Zheng was the same candidate as she had in mind.

"Your Majesty, I think His Royal Highness the King of Han is the most suitable." Fang Xuanling said to the emperor.

The emperor had long guessed that Fang Xuanling would say this.

Because the emperor himself thought so too.

But if Zhao Chen didn't tell him to go, that kid would go.

Qizhou is far away from Chang'an. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth.

Zhao Chen may not agree.

"Your Majesty is worried that His Highness the King of Han refuses to go to Qizhou?" Wei Zheng saw the emperor's worry and asked.

"Don't you still know the character of Mr. Chen?"

"I have to think of a reason to make him agree to go to Qizhou, otherwise..." The emperor shook his head slightly.

If I don’t have a legitimate reason to inform Zhao Chen.

That kid won't let go so easily.

The three people in Ganquan Hall fell silent.

Letting Zhao Chen go to Qizhou is definitely not a simple matter.

The three of them were all racking their brains, but it seemed...

After a long time, Fang Xuanling's eyes suddenly lit up, he wiped his arms and took out a letter.

"Your Majesty, this is a letter sent from Gaochang by the Queen of Gaochang, saying that she would give it to His Highness the King of Han."

"I haven't had time to hand it over to His Highness the King of Han yet." Fang Xuanling said to the emperor.

"Queen Gaochang?" The emperor didn't react for a moment.

Then I realized that the so-called Queen of Gaochang was Wu Jue.

The emperor was still deeply impressed by the girl he married to Gaochang.

After all, Zhao Chen and Li Zhi almost fell out with themselves because of this girl.

"What do you think?" The emperor came back to his senses and asked Fang Xuanling.

"Brother Emperor, it's really strange. When did the officials of the Imperial College become so rich?"

"I took out one thousand three hundred guans without even frowning."

At Chang'an Military Academy, Li Ke and Zhao Chen were talking about things.

Li Ke took the students from Chang'an Military Academy to the Imperial College yesterday because he was thinking that Chu Suiliang and the others would not be able to come up with 1,300 guan of silver.

Unexpectedly, Chu Suiliang and the others not only took out the money, but also acted very indifferent.

It seems that to them, one thousand three hundred strings is just a small number.

One thousand three hundred strings, maybe not too much.

But it is far from something that an Imperial College can easily take out.

"Have you got all the money?" Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke and asked.

"I got them all, all gold leaves."

"It's strange to say, where did the Imperial College and the others get so many gold leaves? Brother Huang, do you think they are greedy for ink?" Li Ke and Zhao Chen asked.

Li Ke just couldn't figure it out. The Imperial College was not a particularly lucrative place.

Where did you get so much money?

But where can the Imperial College be greedy for ink?

Who would curry favor with the Imperial College?

"Don't worry about things that have nothing to do with us." Zhao Chen waved his hand.

Zhao Chen didn't care where the Imperial Academy and their money came from.

If it really comes from corruption, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple will be responsible for investigating, and it has nothing to do with him.

"The students have been trained to the same level, and the next step is to strive for excellence."

"Li Ke, please ask the gentlemen in the college to pick a few they like and give them special guidance."

"In addition, every half month of training, there will be an assessment."

"Next month, all three hundred students from Chang'an Military Academy will be sent to the frontline troops."

"By the way, we will start recruiting the second batch of students." Zhao Chen and Li Ke explained.

The first batch of Chang'an Military Academy students learned basically the same things in the academy.

The next step is to let them go to the front line.

If you want to become a real soldier, and later become a real general and join the army, that is an essential stage.

Otherwise, staying in the shelter of Chang'an Military Academy will not do them any good.

"Brother Emperor, are you a little too impatient?" Li Ke asked.

He felt that it would be really quick to send the students to the front line now.

Many people are not even ready.

"It's not urgent. Everyone should go to the front-line troops and let them start from the corps commander. It just so happens that the recruits recruited this year should also be sent to the front-line troops and let them perform well." Zhao Chen and Li Ke said.

Li Ke wanted to say something else, but he saw the emperor coming this way from a distance.

I thought that I should meet less with the emperor, lest the emperor come to reprimand me again.

Li Ke nodded and left quickly.

"What bad thing did that kid do?" The emperor couldn't help but feel a little strange when he saw Li Ke running away as soon as he saw him.

If he hadn't done something bad, how could he run so fast?

Zhao Chen did not answer the emperor, wondering who would be here waiting for the emperor to admonish him?

"Why are you here?" Zhao Chen and the emperor asked.

Didn't he directly say that the emperor was full and came here to eat?

"I have something to ask you." The emperor looked around and saw no one, so he sat down aside.

Zhao Chen glanced at the emperor and saw a letter in his hand.

"How did Wu Jue's letter get into your hands?" Zhao Chen recognized the handwriting on the envelope and knew it was Wu Jue's handwriting.

But it was strange how it fell into the hands of the emperor.

"Fang Xuanling gave it to me. Wu Jue sent the letter along with Gao Chang's certificate by mistake."

"I come here and give you the letter." The emperor explained and handed the letter to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen didn't believe the emperor's lies, but he still accepted the letter.

But there was no rush to open it.

"Why don't you open it and take a look?" The emperor was a little confused.

He originally thought that Zhao Chen would be eager to open the letter and read it.

"It's just some greetings. You can read it anytime."

"Tell me, what do you want me to do again?" Zhao Chen took the letter back into his arms and asked the emperor.

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