The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1340 No one dares to say anything anymore

At the court meeting the next day, all officials could feel the emperor's almost substantial anger.

They all realized at this moment that such a big thing had happened in Qizhou.

The people rioted and the bandit leader was intercepted and killed.

Still outside Chang'an City, at the feet of the Emperor.

All the officials did not dare to speak, and they were also afraid that they would offend the emperor at this moment.

"Tell me who you are who has the courage to do so."

"Also, why did the people of Qizhou suddenly riot?" The emperor stood in the Taiji Hall and glared at the officials in front of him.

The officials didn't know what happened, but the people of Qizhou actually rioted.

Who else would be so bold as to intercept and kill the bandit leader outside Chang'an City. ??

All the officials in the Taiji Hall were as silent as cicadas.

When the emperor saw that all the officials were silent, he felt even more angry.

Such an outrageous thing, these people in front of me didn't even react at all!

It's really abominable.

"Why, no one dares to say anything anymore?" the emperor asked, looking as if he was on the verge of explosion.

Fang Xuanling didn't know what the emperor's conversation with Zhao Chen was like yesterday, but the emperor's behavior at the moment made him feel at a loss.

When the emperor held Qizhou to account with such great fanfare, was he worried that Qizhou officials would not know about it?

Didn't I say that I had to be careful and cautious?

Why is there so much fanfare all of a sudden?

"Your Majesty, what exactly happened in Qizhou, we need to send someone to investigate."


"Send someone to investigate?"

"By the time you finish investigating, the day lilies will be cold."

"Such a big thing has happened in Qizhou, and I want to go and investigate it personally."

"Tomorrow, I will go to Qizhou in person to convey the order to the officials of Qizhou. If someone has committed an offense, ask them to prepare the coffin." The emperor interrupted Fang Xuanling coldly.

Fang Xuanling was shocked.

He also

Unexpectedly, the emperor actually wanted to go to Qizhou in person.

Qizhou doesn't know what's going on now. If the emperor goes there, there might be danger.

Moreover, even if the emperor is not in danger, how could the officials of Qizhou reveal their flaws if the emperor goes to Qizhou with such a big fanfare?

This seems to be different from what they discussed yesterday.

Also, why didn’t Zhao Chen even come to the court meeting today?

Fang Xuanling didn't understand, and just looked at the emperor in astonishment.

All the officials were also confused.

The emperor went to Qizhou in person. If something happened, what would they do?

"Your Majesty, the current situation in Qizhou is unclear. It is best to send someone to find out the situation first..." an official advised.

"The situation is unclear, and I just want to find out the truth myself."

"In addition, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple will hurry up to track down the murderers who killed four government officials and two bandit leaders." The emperor said coldly.

Wei Zheng frowned. He felt that today's emperor was a little strange.

He looked at Fang Xuanling aside, and saw that Fang Xuanling was also looking at the emperor with doubts on his face.

Wei Zheng suddenly thought of something in his mind.

"After I leave the court tomorrow, major affairs of the court will be discussed together by the King of Han, the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister of Wei. If there is any indecision, someone can be sent to me to give me the information." The emperor's words surprised all the officials.

They all thought that since the emperor wanted to travel, he would definitely take Zhao Chen with him.

But what the emperor just said seemed to mean that Zhao Chen would not go with the emperor this time.

Zhao Chen wants to stay in Chang'an.

"His Majesty……"

"I obey the decree." Fang Xuanling was about to say something when he heard Wei Zheng agree.

Fang Xuanling looked at Wei Zheng in confusion, and then heard Wei Zheng cup his hands with the emperor and say: "Your Majesty, His Highness the King of Han Dynasty has to deal with the affairs of the Household Department."

They are all left to his subordinates to deal with. He has been staying at Chang'an Military Academy. I'm afraid he won't come to the imperial city often. If something happens..."

"If you have anything to do, just go to Chang'an Military Academy and find him. Do you need me to teach you?" the emperor said coldly.

After saying that, he glanced around at all the officials present and walked away without saying a word.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

"Also, didn't we ask Your Majesty yesterday to let the King of Han go to Qizhou to investigate?"

"How come His Majesty went alone?"

Outside the Taiji Hall, after all the officials had dispersed, Fang Xuanling took Wei Zheng's arm.

Fang Xuanling couldn't figure out why the emperor suddenly made such a decision.

Not only did he go to Qizhou, Zhao Chen was also arranged to stay in Chang'an.

This was completely different from what they had discussed before.

"The Prime Minister also thinks His Majesty's move is very strange?" Wei Zheng asked Fang Xuanling with a smile.

Fang Xuanling was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What did your Majesty tell you?"

"No, Your Majesty didn't say anything to me. I just roughly guessed what Your Majesty meant." Wei Zheng said with a smile.

Fang Xuanling frowned.

He didn't understand what Wei Zheng meant.

What does it mean to roughly guess what the emperor meant?

What could the emperor mean?

"Who does Fang Xiang think is the best candidate for the trip to Qizhou?" Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling asked with a smile.

"Of course it's the King of Han." Fang Xuanling said without hesitation.

This is also the candidate they discussed yesterday.

But today it suddenly changed!

"Your Majesty also thinks it is the King of Han. He must have gone to Chang'an Military Academy yesterday, but today he did not mention the King of Han."

"He even asked the King of Han to stay in Chang'an to help handle political affairs."

"Don't you think it's strange, Mr. Fang?" Wei Zheng said with a smile.

Fang Xuanling didn't find it strange.

With Zhao Chen's ability, it is normal for him to help handle political affairs in Chang'an.

Fang Xuanling just didn't expect that the emperor would ask Zhao Chen to follow him to Qizhou.

"What's your explanation?" Fang Xuanling looked at Wei Zheng, waiting for his explanation.

"According to my guess, His Majesty and the King of Han will go to Qizhou together, one in the dark and one in the dark." Wei Zheng said mysteriously.

"Let's go together?" Fang Xuanling froze on the spot.

He was thinking, didn't the emperor ask Zhao Chen to discuss political affairs in Chang'an?

Why do you want to go to Qizhou together again?

"Your Majesty is in the light, Zhao Chen is in the dark." Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling explained.

Fang Xuanling seemed to have just reacted at this moment.

"Just now, Prime Minister Wei deliberately asked Your Majesty, if the King of Han does not come to the court to discuss matters, how should we discuss it with him?" Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng asked.

"That's it!" Wei Zheng smiled and nodded.

"Chang'an Military Academy, not just anyone can enter it."

"No one knows whether Zhao Chen is at Chang'an Military Academy or not."

"So, I just asked Your Majesty how to discuss it with the King of Han if something happens."

"His Majesty said, let us go to Chang'an Military Academy to discuss with Zhao Chen. This is the answer he gave us." Wei Zheng said with a smile.

He believed that the emperor would never run to Qizhou alone easily.

Zhao Chen, we must come together.

Fang Xuanling nodded.

He seemed to understand the emperor's intention.

There was an incident in Qizhou, but the bandit leader was intercepted and killed near Chang'an. If there were no accomplices of the Qizhou thieves in Chang'an, no one would believe it.

The emperor's words may be able to confuse the thieves in Qizhou.

Let them just think that the emperor is the only one going to Qizhou this time.

And Zhao Chen didn’t have any companions.

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