The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1341 Will we meet again in the future?

That night, Qunfang Garden in Chang'an City.

In a small, slightly remote courtyard, there were two faceless men at the entrance of the courtyard, looking around cautiously.

A thin man walked by outside and made a gesture with one of the men at the door.

Then one of the men took a step back to make way for one person to pass.

The thin man entered the courtyard, and then walked towards the room with flickering candlelight in front.

"Dang-dang-dang-" One long and two short knocks sounded on the door.

After a while, the candles in the room went out, and then the sound of heavy footsteps was heard.

"Hey -" The door was opened, and a man wearing a robe appeared at the door.

The thin man looked up and saw only two sharp eyes.

Apart from this, everything about the man in robe is hidden under the black robe.

"Where did it come from?" the man in robe said, his voice was very hoarse.

It sounded as if someone had pinched his throat.

"Imperial College." The thin man spit out a place, then stretched out his hand to make a gesture with the man in front of him.

"Come in." Seeing this, the man in robe retreated into the door.

The two entered the room. The room was dark, and they could only vaguely see a bed placed in the corner of the room.

"What's the news?" the man in robe and the thin man in front of him asked.

"Today the emperor said in the Taiji Hall that he would go to Qizhou personally to investigate the matter." said the thin man.

"Go in person?"

"What about Zhao Chen?" The man in the robe's voice became strange, and the thin man could clearly feel the difference in the man in the robe.

"The emperor asked Zhao Chen to stay in Chang'an and take charge of the affairs of the court together with Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others." The thin man said.

"Zhao Chen stays in Chang'an?"

"This is not like the emperor's style. Shouldn't he let Zhao Chen go with him?" the man in the robe said.

The thin man said nothing.

r\u003e He is just here to deliver the news, and it is not up to him to decide what the recipient of the news will make.

"The news has been brought, I'll leave first." The thin man said to the man in robes in front of him.

Then, without waiting for the man in the robe to speak, he turned around and left.

The man in the robe stood there, with no expression on his face hidden under the robe.

"The emperor went to Qizhou in person."

"Zhao Chen isn't going?" The hoarse voice of the man in robes slowly sounded.

Then, the candlelight in the room began to flicker again.

The emperor is very fast.

At noon the next day, he had packed up and led a group of people, escorted by Li Ke, towards Qizhou.

The momentum was huge, but not as low-key as usual.

He set off vigorously all the way to the outside of Chang'an City, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he, the emperor, had left Chang'an City.

As soon as the emperor left Chang'an, he rode a horse towards Juechen in the direction of Qizhou.

At Chang'an Military Academy, Zhao Chen looked at the students in front of him.

After several months of training, their spirits are much stronger than before.

Today is the last time Zhao Chen reviews them.

Before Zhao Chen returns to Chang'an Military Academy, they will be sent to front-line troops in various places.

This may be the last time we meet many people.

"Da Zhao, do you want to say something?" Cheng Chumo looked at Zhao Chen standing in front, just looking at the students in front of him without saying anything.

I can't help but ask.

"After months of training, you have all made great progress."

"Seeing how energetic you are now, I, the dean, am extremely happy."

"But Chang'an Military Academy is not a place for you to stay forever."

"Next month, all of you will be assigned to front-line troops in various places."

"When you get there, you will have a bigger stage, and I also hope you will have greater achievements."

"Although the days at Chang'an Military Academy are short, I hope you will always remember that this is the happiest place for all of you."

"In the future, no matter what happens, I hope you can stick together."

"Remember, you are members of Chang'an Military Academy." Zhao Chen's voice echoed in the school grounds.

Many students lowered their heads in silence.

They went from being unwilling at first to being reluctant now.

Although a few months is short, it is a new starting point in their lives.

"Dean, will we meet again in the future?" A student suddenly shouted to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen looked over with a smile on his face and said, "I will always wait for you at the academy."

"So are all the gentlemen."

"If you feel homesick, feel free to come back and visit."

The school grounds became quiet.

Everyone looked at Zhao Chen, and no one said anything.

Although Zhao Chen didn't say anything about never seeing him again, everyone could hear the faint feeling of separation.

"Tidy up, we should set off tomorrow." Zhao Chen turned around and said to Cheng Chumo.

Cheng Chumo nodded, and then watched Zhao Chen leave the school grounds.

Li Ruoshuang had already packed her things and came to Chang'an Military Academy.

Tomorrow there will be a training session for the students of Chang'an Military Academy, and they will leave Chang'an together.

Seeing Zhao Chen coming back, Ping An ran up and hugged Zhao Chen's thigh.

"Are you a little reluctant to give up?" Li Ruoshuang and Zhao Chen brought a cup of tea.

It is impossible to say that I am not reluctant to part with you.

Although we don’t stay together all the time, we are still familiar faces that we see often.

This time we say goodbye, maybe we will see each other again when.

It may even mean that some people will never meet again in this life.

It's normal to be reluctant to part with it.

"It's inevitable." Zhao Chen smiled, hugging Ping An with one arm and taking the tea with the other.

"It'll be fine after a while. This is a reply to Xiao Wu. What do you think?"

"Is there anything you need to add?" Li Ruoshuang comforted him and handed Zhao Chen his reply to Wu Jue.

Zhao Chen put down the cup and took the letter to read.

There was nothing wrong, they were all talking about the recent situation in Chang'an and telling Wu Jue to take good care of himself in Gaochang.

"In the previous letter, Wu Jue said that she needed some help. You asked Huang Hui from Jiangnan Bank to handle it for her." Zhao Chen handed the letter back to Li Ruoshuang and explained to her again.

Li Ruoshuang nodded.

Wu Jue only said in the letter that he wanted some help, but didn't say anything.

But if Zhao Chen asked Huang Hui from Jiangnan Bank to help, there would definitely be no problem.

Not long after, Li Jing and Niu Jinda came to Zhao Chen.

They had already heard from Zhao Chen about going to Qizhou.

It would be a lie to say you are not worried.

Especially Zhao Chen is taking Li Ruoshuang and Ping An with him this time, which is even more worrying.

The situation in Qizhou is unknown. If something happens, everything will be over.

Li Jing also wanted to persuade Zhao Chen not to take Li Ruoshuang and his daughter to Qizhou.

When Li Ruoshuang saw her father coming here, she already understood what Li Jing was thinking.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Zhao Chen say: "Father-in-law, don't worry. We are going to Qizhou. We will travel lightly and no one will recognize us."

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