The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1342 Take a girl with you

Although Zhao Chen said so, Li Jing would inevitably worry when he thought about the unknown situation in Qizhou.

"Zhao Chen, we have no idea what is going on in Qizhou now."

"What do you think we should do if something happens?" Li Jing and Zhao Chen said.

This was the first time Zhao Chen heard Li Jing's tone.

He also understood Li Jing's worries.

"Boy Zhao, Duke Wei is right. With such a big commotion in Qizhou, there must be problems among the officials in Qizhou."

"If you go, there's no guarantee they won't take action against you."

"Qizhou is so far away from Chang'an. If they take action, we won't even be able to rescue them." Niu Jinda also said.

They were worried that those officials in Qizhou who had committed crimes would take action against Zhao Chen.

If Zhao Chen didn't find out anything, forget it.

If something is really discovered that threatens the lives and fortunes of Qizhou officials, they will definitely take risks and attack Zhao Chen.

Until then……

"Father-in-law and Uncle Niu, as I said just now, we are traveling lightly and our identities will not be exposed."

"Qizhou is far away from Chang'an, and the people in Qizhou don't know us."

"Besides, the emperor has already set off for Qizhou. With him attracting everyone's attention, no one will notice us."

"So, don't worry." Zhao Chen explained to the two of them.

Li Jing and Niu Jinda looked at each other.

Although Zhao Chen explained well, the worries still prevented them from completely relaxing.

The two of them also understood that Zhao Chen had already made a decision.

No one can change it.

He sighed secretly in his heart and saw Li Jing nodded helplessly and said: "Zhao Chen, you go back, but safety must always come first."

"It doesn't matter whether the truth about Qizhou can be revealed. You must pay attention to safety."\u003c


"You should take everything Duke Wei said to heart. In addition, the Kong family in Lu is also within the scope of Qizhou. Although the matter of Kong Yingda has passed, you still have to be careful about the Kong family."

"To put it bluntly, I also suspect that someone from the Kong family was involved in the Qizhou incident."

"It's still the same sentence, no matter whether there is or not, you must pay attention to your own safety." Niu Jinda took over the conversation and explained to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen just nodded repeatedly.

Zhao Chen naturally knew that the two of them cared about him.

After a few more words of explanation, Li Jing and Niu Jinda left.

Only Zhao Chen and three people were left in the room.

Looking at the peace in his arms and Li Ruoshuang sitting in front of him, Zhao Chen said with a smile: "Tomorrow, we will go out for a sightseeing trip."

The next morning, the city gate of Chang'an had just opened.

The students of Chang'an Military Academy carried their bags and left Chang'an City under the eyes of the people of Chang'an.

The appearance of the students at Chang'an Military Academy did not surprise the common people.

Since the establishment of Chang'an Military Academy, these students can often be seen going out of the city to train.

Although there are some differences today, it is just that Zhao Chen personally leads the team and supervises.

Many people saw Zhao Chen sitting in a carriage and following the team out of Chang'an City.

"These students in Chang'an Military Academy look completely different from ordinary people like us."

"That's right. They are all very energetic. If my boy can enter Chang'an Military Academy, I will laugh out loud in my dreams."

"I heard that news came out yesterday that these students are preparing to go to front-line troops in various places. The enrollment of the second class of Chang'an Military Academy is about to begin.

here we go. "

"Really or not, why didn't I hear such news?"

"Of course it's true. I heard it was Dean Zhao and the King of Han who said it himself."

On Chang'an Street, the people looked at the students of Chang'an Military Academy walking neatly out of the city, and whispered the news they had heard.

In the crowd, someone saw Zhao Chen in the carriage and left quickly.

"Did you really see Zhao Chen appear in the Chang'an Military Academy team?" In a residential house in Chang'an City, a thin man was hiding in the darkness.

"Yes sir, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Then Zhao Chen is in the carriage. Today is the day when the students of Chang'an Military Academy are leaving the city for training. It is normal for Zhao Chen to go with him." The visitor nodded to the thin man.

The thin man frowned.

The emperor went to Qizhou, while Zhao Chen stayed in Chang'an, which was somewhat inconsistent with the emperor's past style.

They were worried that the emperor was actually working in the light and Zhao Chen was working in the dark, investigating the affairs of Qizhou together.

So they kept sending people to keep an eye on Zhao Chen's movements.

It's just that they can't enter Chang'an Military Academy, so they can only be watched from outside.

Now there is news that Zhao Chen went out of the city for training with the students from Chang'an Military Academy, which made the thin man a little unsure for a while.

He didn't dare to tell what Zhao Chen was thinking.

However, at least at this moment, Zhao Chen is still in Chang'an City.

"Have you found anything else?" the thin man asked the person in front of him.

The visitor was silent for a moment, then shook his head again.

It was very rare for him to see traces of Zhao Chen. How could other discoveries be so simple?

"I understand, please step back first." The thin man waved to the visitor.

The visitor looked at it and put it aside

There was a small money bag on the table, with a look of hope in his eyes.

The thin man looked at the person in front of him, opened his money bag, took out two gold leaves, and said: "Do your job well, I will not treat you badly."

"Yes, yes, thank you sir, I will go and keep an eye on Zhao Chen now." The visitor nodded flatteringly.

After leaving Chang'an City and before arriving at the place where the students of Chang'an Military Academy were training, Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang, mother and daughter, got off the carriage at the edge of a mountain forest.

Cheng Chumo has been waiting here for a long time.

Three war horses were tied at the edge of the mountain forest. When they saw Zhao Chen coming, they immediately came up to greet him.

"Da Zhao, sister-in-law." Cheng Chumo shouted to the two of them.

I glanced at Ping An again, and saw that the little guy had fallen asleep in the carriage just now.

Now she was sleeping soundly in Zhao Chen's arms.

"We'll set off after the arrangements are made." Zhao Chen nodded and said to Cheng Chumo.

Cheng Chumo made no move, looking at Zhao Chen as if he had something unspeakable.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Chen asked Cheng Chumo in confusion.

"Zhao Da, can I take someone with me?" Cheng Chumo lowered his head, looking a little nervous.

Zhao Chen had never seen Cheng Chumo act like this.

With some doubts in my heart, I looked at Li Ruoshuang, but I heard Li Ruoshuang smiled and asked: "Cheng Er, do you want to take that girl with you?"

When Zhao Chen heard what Li Ruoshuang said, he looked at Cheng Chumo.

"Yes, it's Princess Qinghe Li Jing..." Cheng Chumo's face turned red as he held back a name.

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Chen cautiously.

Princess Qinghe is the emperor's eleventh daughter. Although she is not born to Queen Changsun, she is still Zhao Chen's sister.

Cheng Chu thought silently about taking Zhao Chen's sister out. What would he do if Zhao Chen didn't agree?

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