The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1352: Offended someone who shouldn’t be offended

Only in front of Zhao Chen would Li Ruoshuang behave like this.

Although Li Ruoshuang's personality has changed a lot since becoming a mother, her fiery temper remains the same as before.

Seeing Zhao Chen stretch out an arm, Li Ruoshuang gritted her teeth and put her arm around Zhao Chen.

The three of them left the inn and saw the lively streets.

On both sides of the street are teahouses, taverns, pawn shops, and workshops.

There are some open spaces on both sides, and there are many small vendors with big umbrellas on the open spaces.

The streets extend to the east and west, all the way to the outside of the city the way Zhao Chen and the others came.

The streets are full of people.

There are those who carry loaders on the road, those who drive ox carts to deliver goods, and those who drive donkeys to pull trucks. .??.

There is a winding inland river next to the street.

There are many people stopping here.

With the tall tower as the center, there are rows of houses on both sides, including tea houses, wine shops, foot shops, butcher shops, temples, public houses, etc.

Although it is far less prosperous than Chang'an, it is still a prosperous scene.

"I once heard from my father that the people of Tang Dynasty lived a very difficult life. Many people did not even have enough to eat."

"This place is far away from Chang'an, but this scene seems pretty good." Li Ruoshuang held Zhao Chen's arm, looked at the scene in front of him, and said with a smile.

She believed that her father Li Jing was definitely not lying to her.

But in the past two years, Datang has changed so much.

In other words, since Zhao Chen appeared, the living standards of the people of Tang Dynasty have been greatly improved.

At least in the past two years, Li Ruoshuang has not heard anyone say that people in the Tang Dynasty starved to death.

"Many things are hidden in the dark and will not be seen by us."

"Of course, I also hope that the scene in front of me is the same everywhere in the Tang Dynasty." Zhao Chen said.

Whether the people can have food to eat depends not only on the improvement of production technology, but also on the conduct of officials.

"Have you thought about Qizhou again?" Li Ruoshuang and Zhao Chen


Zhao Chen just nodded and didn't say anything more about it.

Instead, he looked at Ping An in his arms: "Daddy will take you to eat delicious food."

"Okay." Ping An nodded repeatedly.

Although she couldn't eat much, Ping An was happy as long as Zhao Chen took her out to play.

For a one-year-old girl, everywhere she looks is a fresh scenery.

The three of them arrived at a restaurant. Before they walked in, they saw a few ragged beggars outside the restaurant.

He was eating leftovers from the restaurant with his head down.

Zhao Chen glanced at it, and then entered the restaurant.

"Sir, please come this way." The waiter of the restaurant led the three of them to a corner and filled them with tea.

"Waiter, why are there so many beggars at the door? Are you the shopkeeper not afraid of affecting the business?" Zhao Chen asked the waiter of the restaurant.

The waiter at the restaurant was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "Young master, you don't know. Those beggars came from Qizhou. Our shopkeeper was kind-hearted and it was not easy to see them, so he didn't drive them away. The rest of the day I will give them some leftovers from the meals.”

"You came from Qizhou to escape?"

"Did nothing happen in Qizhou?"

"Why are there still people fleeing?" Zhao Chen had a look of confusion on his face.

The restaurant waiter glanced around, lowered his voice, and said to Zhao Chen: "Young master, you don't know something now. Sometimes the human heart is more terrifying than natural disasters."

"According to our shopkeeper, the beggars outside used to be prominent figures in Qizhou."

"But who allowed them to offend someone they shouldn't have offended?"

"I heard that there were large-scale riots in Qizhou a few days ago. Many..."

"Xiao Er, where did you die? Why don't you come over and serve me some wine?"

Before the restaurant waiter finished speaking, he heard someone elsewhere scolding him.

He showed an apologetic smile to Zhao Chen, and then left quickly.

"Have you offended someone you shouldn't have offended?"

"It's really interesting." Zhao Chen smiled and said softly.

"Who did they offend that they shouldn't have offended?"

"The highest official position in Qizhou is the governor of Qizhou. They dare to do this without fear of being stabbed to Chang'an?" Li Ruoshuang frowned.

She felt that this matter could easily reach Chang'an, but why did the officials in Qizhou not seem to be afraid at all.

"The governor of Qizhou is nothing, but if there are people in the court who help them cover up and collude with them, that is to say."

"Are the affairs in Qizhou actually handled by the big shots in the court?" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Li Ruoshuang's expression changed slightly.

She was thinking, if Qizhou is really as Zhao Chen said, and the big shots in the court are behind the scenes, then...

"Sir, your dishes are here." The waiter brought the dishes and suddenly turned back before leaving.

"Sir, please don't talk about Qizhou's affairs outside. This is a taboo topic now. If you talk about it too much, it's easy to get into trouble."

"You guys are welcome," the restaurant waiter said and left with a smile.

There were not many people eating in the restaurant.

But there were not many people talking, especially if someone mentioned the word Qizhou, they would be stopped immediately by their companions.

Obviously, what happened in Qizhou had a far-reaching impact.

It's still hundreds of miles away from Qizhou, but the people here don't dare to talk about it.

The person in the court is not too powerful.

After dinner, I walked around the street with Li Ruoshuang and her daughter.

On the way, I met Cheng Chumo taking Princess Qinghe to buy jewelry in the store.

Cheng Chumo is one

I don't feel embarrassed at all.

Princess Qinghe shrank her head and did not dare to look at Zhao Chen.

How could Zhao Chen say anything and walk into the jewelry shop where the two of them just entered.

When the shopkeeper saw another customer coming, he immediately came to greet him.

"Sir, I need to pick out some jewelry for my wife and your daughter. Let's sit down and have a cup of tea." The shopkeeper invited a few people to sit down and personally brought tea.

The shopkeeper glanced at the three people in front of him, Zhao Chen.

With his many years of business experience, he is quite good at recognizing people.

The shopkeeper immediately understood that the three people in front of him were definitely not ordinary people.

If you can do their business, you will definitely make a lot of money.

"You have some good jewelry here, can you take it out and have a look?" Zhao Chen put down the tea cup and said to the shopkeeper.

"Yes, the jewelry in the store are all first-class and made by famous craftsmen."

"You can tell me what kind you want, and I will go get it for you right away." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Generally, when you serve tea to someone, if the guest drinks the tea, it means that he really wants to do business with you.

If you don’t want to do business, you won’t drink tea.

No one wants to be taken advantage of, this is also a secret rule.

Of course, there will be some ignorant people.

But the shopkeeper believed that the three people in front of him would not.

"I'm going to give my wife and daughter a set of jewelry. If you have any suitable ones, you can bring them over and show them to us."

"Price is not an issue, but the quality must be good." Zhao Chen looked at Li Ruoshuang and Ping An and said to the shopkeeper.

"Okay, okay, sir, don't worry."

"Madam and young lady, I don't know how many people are envious of having the young master feel so distressed."

"Sir, please wait a moment. I'm going to get the jewelry right now." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

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