The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1353 Young Master can bargain

Li Ruoshuang didn't realize before that Zhao Chen came here to choose jewelry for their mother and daughter.

Although he was overjoyed, he refused: "What kind of jewelry would you choose for me? I don't want those things."

"Speaking of which, from the time we met until we got married, and now, I haven't given you anything."

"I just happened to be out shopping today. I'll pick something you like later." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

He hugged Ping An from Li Ruoshuang's arms.

Li Ruoshuang was a little moved.

Although she usually doesn't like wearing jewelry, that's just her personality.

Who doesn't like gifts from the people they like?

Just because Li Ruoshuang didn't say it didn't mean that she didn't want it.

Seeing Zhao Chen say this, Li Ruoshuang was of course extremely happy.

"Then I won't be polite later." Li Ruoshuang looked at Zhao Chen and said with a smile.

"We'll buy whichever one we like." Zhao Chen nodded.

Soon, the shopkeeper came over holding a sandalwood box.

Judging from his careful look, it was obvious that the things inside were extremely precious.

"Sir, the treasure here is the most precious thing in our shop. Take a look and see if you like it." The shopkeeper placed the sandalwood box in front of Zhao Chen.

Then he slowly opened the sandalwood box.

When the box was opened, a golden cloth was revealed inside. When the golden cloth was opened, the true appearance of the jewelry inside was revealed.

Wrapped in golden cloth are two strings of necklaces, one large and one small.

The so-called Yingluo is actually an ornament made of beads and jade, mostly used as a neck ornament.

Yingluo was originally a decoration on the neck of Buddha statues in the Mauryan Dynasty.

After being passed to the Tang Dynasty, it changed from neck ornaments to wrist ornaments.

"Master, please see, the pearls and jade on these two strings of necklaces are exactly the same. The color, luster, and even the texture inside the pearls and jade are all the same." The shopkeeper wrapped the two strings of necklaces in golden cloth and displayed them carefully. Show it to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen nodded. The two strings of pearls and jade were indeed as the shopkeeper said.

Whether it is the color, the luster of the pearls, or the internal texture of the pearls, they all look the same to the naked eye.

Although there are many pearls and jades, and although the necklaces are fine, they are not as precious as the identical pearls and jade.

Obviously, these two strings of pearls and jade are priceless treasures.

"Do you like it?" Zhao Chen turned around and looked at Li Ruoshuang behind him.

Li Ruoshuang came to her senses. Although she didn't like jewelry, she was indeed attracted by the two strings of necklaces in front of her.

It was only when Zhao Chen asked her if she liked it that she came back to her senses.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Ruoshuang shook his head unexpectedly.

The shopkeeper was stunned at that time.

He could see the enthusiasm of the woman in front of him for the treasure in his hand, but why did she suddenly shake her head and say she didn't like it?

"Sir, this..." The shopkeeper was a little confused and could only look at Zhao Chen in front of him.

Zhao Chen didn't know what Li Ruoshuang was thinking.

Since she liked the jewelry, she bought it.

"Shopkeeper, we want this jewelry."

"Make a price." Zhao Chen said to the shopkeeper.

Li Ruoshuang wanted to stop him, but Zhao Chen grabbed his arm.

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then his face was filled with excitement.

The shopkeeper also encountered a problem and urgently needed money, otherwise he would not be willing to sell such a precious treasure.

But the previous customers were frightened away as soon as they heard the price he quoted.


"Sir, this jewelry is actually the villain's family heirloom, but since the master likes it, I will give you a price."


If you feel it's a bit expensive, you can negotiate for a lower price. "The shopkeeper felt that he had to give Zhao Chen a word first.

Don't scare people away just by telling you the price.

Zhao Chen nodded.

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment and then said slowly: "In the past, the villain always offered three thousand guan to interested guests. If the young master really wants it, he can take it away with 2,500 guan." ??

"Of course, if you still think it's expensive, you can... negotiate a price."

The shopkeeper was obviously worried that the price he mentioned would scare Zhao Chen away.

Then he told Zhao Chen and asked him to make a price.

"Two thousand five hundred strings?" Zhao Chen took two strings of necklaces from the shopkeeper and held them in his hands.

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, seeing Zhao Chen holding two strings of necklaces so casually, but he was worried that he would drop them on the ground.

I am also very nervous.

"Ping An, daddy gives you a gift." Zhao Chen took out a small string of necklaces and said to Ping An.

"What a beautiful bead." Ping An looked back at the Yingluo in Zhao Chen's hand, his eyes shining.

No matter how young a child is, they all like good-looking things from the bottom of their hearts.

Ping An reached out to grab it, but Zhao Chen held her little hand and put the Yingluo on her wrist.

The size is just right, it is indeed the size of a custom-made Yingluo for children.

"Ruoshuang, reach over here." Zhao Chen looked at Li Ruoshuang standing aside.

Li Ruoshuang hesitated for a moment before stretching out her left hand.

Zhao Chen put the remaining large necklace on Li Ruoshuang's wrist.

Wearing the Yingluo adds even more noble temperament to Li Ruoshuang.

"Yes, it suits you very well." Zhao Chen smiled and nodded.

Li Ruoshuang looked at Zhao Chen with sweetness in her heart.

Looking at Zhao Chen who had already turned his attention to the shopkeeper, Li Ruoshuang carefully touched the Yingluo on her wrist, her eyes filled with emotion.

"Sir, did you really buy it?" The shopkeeper felt somewhat unbelievable when he saw that Zhao Chen had already brought Yingluo to the two people behind him.

Two thousand five hundred strings is not a small amount.

In this city where they are, some people have so much money, but they have to spend so much money to buy two pieces of jewelry.

That is absolutely impossible.

But the young man in front of me...

"This is a redemption ticket from Jiangnan Bank. I saw a shop from Jiangnan Bank on the street. Take this to ask them for money." Zhao Chen took out a redemption ticket from his arms and handed it to the shopkeeper.

The exchange bill is a bill used by Jiangnan Bank to accept money.

It is equivalent to a bank passbook in the future.

Jiangnan Bank opened branches in many towns in the Tang Dynasty, and you could redeem the corresponding money at the bank.

It also prevents businessmen from having to carry large sums of money when doing business outside.

"A vote exchange at Jiangnan Bank?" The shopkeeper was even more stunned.

Of course he knew about Jiangnan Bank's vote redemption.

But the people who can get the votes are either high-ranking or wealthy businessmen.

The young man in front of me...

After taking a look, it turned out to be a redemption ticket issued by Jiangnan Bank.

There is also Jiangnan Bank's special anti-counterfeiting mark on it.

"Young master is generous, let's consider this business a success."

"There is a little gadget here. It is a toy given to the little daughter by the villain."

"Thank you, sir." The shopkeeper took out another small jade tiger from the counter and gave it to Ping An.

Ping An reached out and took it, very happy.

Although the little jade tiger is not expensive, it is only worth about ten guan of silver, but it is still a piece of heart.

The shopkeeper personally sent Zhao Chen and others away.

People were coming and going on the street. Li Ruoshuang held Zhao Chen's arm, and Zhao Chen hugged Ping An and disappeared into the crowd.

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