The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1358 Be sure to send them on their way

Seeing the old man speaking, a smile appeared on the Yamen servant's face.

Holding the child in one hand, he walked up to the old man and said, "Tell me, as long as you tell me where the man is hiding, I will let you live."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

"That man is your fate."

After saying that, he looked back at the middle-aged man behind him who had just been killed by him.

The old man looked at the man lying in a pool of blood, his eyes full of fear and sadness.

The middle-aged man who was killed was his son, and the child in front of him was his grandson.

He really had no choice. He couldn't just watch his son and grandson die here together.

Besides, there are so many innocent folks here.

"Yes, the old man knows." The old man nodded repeatedly.

The yamen servant looked at the old man coldly, waiting for him to speak.

"The man you are looking for hid in the mountain col in the northwest of our village yesterday. We felt sorry for him and gave him some food."

"I went to look for him today and found no trace of him."

"Sir, the old man is telling the truth. You can send someone to investigate." The old man said, looking at the government servant in front of him imploringly.

The yamen servant glanced slightly and saw that there was no panic after lying in the old man's eyes.

He threw the child in his hand back to the old man, and then walked to the other yamen servants.

The old man protected his grandson closely behind him.

Looking at the government servants walking towards him and others, everyone was trembling with fear.

"Old guy, take our people to the place you said. If you dare to play any tricks, not only your grandson will die, but everyone in your village will die!" The yamen officer grabbed the old man and shouted coldly.


"village head!"

The child called grandpa, and the other people in the village behind him called the village chief.

The old man didn't say anything, but waved to everyone.

Yamen and

The old man disappeared into the darkness.

Soon, Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Qu arrived here.

Seeing the two people arriving, the government officials who stayed behind quickly came over to greet them.

"Your Excellency, County Magistrate, Governor Ma." The Yamen servant saluted the two of them.

Ma Zhiyuan glanced at the villagers in front of him, his expression a little cold.

"What are you going to do with these people?" Ma Zhiyuan looked back at Chen Qu and asked.

Chen Qu was stunned for a moment and asked tentatively: "Have you dealt with them all?"

"This method works. Some of them have met that person. I don't know if that person left any evidence with them."

"If we really leave evidence and let them go, we will be the ones who die."

"Go, give them some food and put something in there." Ma Zhiyuan said he was going to deal with these people without even blinking an eye.

Chen Qu's heart trembled slightly.

There were dozens of people in front of him, all of whom were villagers in this village.

He just said it tentatively, but he didn't expect that Ma Zhiyuan actually planned to do this.

"What's wrong? What worries do you have?" Ma Zhiyuan asked Chen Qu with a frown.

"Captain Ma, many of them are old, weak, women and children, aren't they..."

"Pa—" The loud slap made Chen Qu's ears ring.

He only felt the burning pain on his face.

When the government officials saw Chen Qu being slapped, they just pretended not to hear and looked away.

"Old, weak, women and children?"

"Chen Qu, once one of them hides evidence that could kill us, we will be the ones who die in the future."

"Do you understand?"

"Or do you think that when the family is confiscated and exterminated in the future, the emperor will remember that all the people in your family are old, weak, women and children?" Ma Zhiyuan scolded coldly.

They have no way out.

Now there is only one way to go.

A little kindness will put them into a desperate situation.

Chen Qu covered his face and nodded after a long time. ??

"Captain Ma, I realize my mistake!" Chen Qu and Ma Zhiyuan said.

Then he walked aside and told the government servant responsible for guarding these people: "Find something to eat and give it to them."

"Remember, if you put drugs in your food, you must send them on their way."

The yamen servant was stunned.

Only now did he realize what the slap was for.

But the Yamen servant did not hesitate, but nodded quickly.

Then he left with a few people.

Ma Zhiyuan stood in front of the crowd, thinking about the person who escaped, and felt inexplicably irritated.

The person who escaped was originally with them.

But because of some things, that person hated him.

In order to avenge himself, the man escaped from Ma Zhiyuan's control with some secret letters.

Trying to put these things into the hands of the emperor.

Although Ma Zhiyuan was sure that he would not let that person see the emperor.

But until he is caught, Ma Zhiyuan will always find it difficult to calm down.

This time I also heard news that traces of that man had been found in Ninggu County, so Ma Zhiyuan came here in a hurry.

Today, we must catch that person and find those letters.

Soon, the government officials came over with some food.

The aroma of delicious food can be smelled from afar.

"Your Majesty, this is for them. This is ours." One of the two carts stopped in front of Chen Qu.

"Let them eat first." Chen Qu said to the Yamen servant.

The yamen servant pushed a small cart to the crowd of people.

"This is what our county magistrate has done for you.

The meals they prepared. "

"Your Majesty the County Magistrate, I don't want to embarrass you, but that person is a fugitive appointed by the imperial court, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"Everyone, let's eat." The yamen servant said some nonsense.

Place the meal in front of all the people.

They have been detained here for several days, with only some clear soup and little water every day.

Suddenly seeing such rich dishes, my mouth watered.

Many people no longer care about it and just come here to eat.

Seeing this situation, the rest of the people's worries disappeared due to hunger.

Looking at the people devouring their food, Ma Zhiyuan had a sneer on his face.

"My stomach hurts."

Among the crowd, the villagers who had been devouring their food just now suddenly rolled on the ground holding their stomachs.

After a few turns, his whole body twitched, foaming at the mouth, and then he lost his breath.

"There's poison in this food."

"Oh my God, they poisoned us."

Some villagers reacted, but it was too late to say anything at this moment.

The villagers desperately dug their throats with their hands, trying to spit out the food they had eaten.

But it's just useless work.

Soon, all the villagers died in front of their eyes amid wailing sounds.

The government officials looked at the tragic scene in front of them, and many of them looked away.

Chen Qu looked at the silent people, and suddenly and feebly released his tightly clenched fists.

He knew that he had committed an unforgivable crime.

In the future, I will definitely pay the price for what happened today.

"Someone, bring all their bodies back to the village, set fire to them, and burn the village down with them."

"Let's tell the outside world that a plague has appeared in the village and everyone died. In order to prevent the plague from spreading and harming people, we had to burn the village together." Ma Zhiyuan's disposal method was very decisive.

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