The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1359 If something strange happens

Chen Qu glanced at Ma Zhiyuan, and he knew that Ma Zhiyuan had already thought about how to deal with these people before letting him come here.

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, Chen Qu suddenly understood that human life is like an ant and cannot be controlled at all.

What did the villagers in front of me do wrong to cause today's disaster?

The government officials went over to clean up the corpses on the ground, but the old man had just blocked the child from behind. At this moment, there was no sound at all.

Soon, all the corpses were moved to the village.

Soon, the raging fire lit up half of the sky.

"County Magistrate Chen, let's have something to eat." Ma Zhiyuan patted Chen Qu on the shoulder and walked past him with a smile.

Chen Qu withdrew his gaze and followed Ma Zhiyuan.

Now, there is no turning back for him.

Even if he knew that there was a dead end ahead, he had to keep moving forward.

The government officials have no appetite.

After all, I just saw so many people die in front of me, and few people can eat without any fluctuations in their hearts.

"County Magistrate Chen, there is a fire here. The emperor will definitely ask about it tomorrow, and he may even come here to investigate. Do you think about how to deal with it?" Ma Zhiyuan had almost eaten, put down his bowl and chopsticks, and looked at the still burning fire in front of him. Huo Huo asked Chen Qu.

Chen Qu raised his head, looked at the fire in front of him, and said, "If the official stops the emperor from coming, the emperor will definitely be doubtful."

"The best way is to take the initiative to report this matter to the emperor."

"Although the emperor will be angry, he will not dare to go to the village when there is a sudden plague."

"So this matter is not difficult to solve."

Ma Zhiyuan looked at Chen Qu and nodded slowly.

As long as he knew that there was a plague in the village, even if the emperor wanted to come and investigate, Li Ke would not agree.

"Remember to be more profound when you ask for forgiveness tomorrow."

"Stay here tonight. No matter how embarrassed you are, the emperor will be less able to say anything tomorrow." Ma Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Chen Qu’s response point

He turned his head and looked into the distance, only to see several government officials walking over from the darkness.

"Lord Magistrate, we didn't catch that person."

"But where the man stayed, I found the missing letter." The Yamen servant came back and handed several letters to Chen Qu.

Before Chen Qu reached out, Ma Zhiyuan snatched it away.

Opening the letter, Ma Zhiyuan showed joy on his face. It was indeed his previous letter.

"What's going on over there?" Ma Zhiyuan asked the government officer.

"Report to Governor Ma, the old man in the village took us there, but we saw no trace of the man. We just found a small pit where he stayed."

"These are the things hidden in the pit."

"We have already killed the old man."

"Don't worry, Captain Ma," the Yamen servant said to Ma Zhiyuan.

Ma Zhiyuan nodded. The government servant in front of him was assigned by him, Ma Zhiyuan, to work under Chen Qu.

Ma Zhiyuan believed in his loyalty to him.

"It's probably because the person was worried that it would be unsafe to carry it with him, so he hid it there."

"Now that the things have been recovered, the man has no evidence."

"But since he dares to betray us, we can't make it easy for him."

"County Magistrate Chen, you can issue a wanted order and capture him, whether alive or dead." Ma Zhiyuan said to Chen Qu with a smile on his face.

Chen Qu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Getting things back is the safest thing to do.

Otherwise, they would have to worry about their affairs being known to the emperor at any time.

If the emperor really knew everything, none of them would survive.

Even their families will be implicated.

"Don't worry, Governor Ma. I will have someone issue a wanted order tomorrow to arrest that person." Chen Qu smiled and nodded.

Throwing the letter in his hand into the bonfire in front of him, the smoldering seedlings quickly burned the letter.

Ma Zhiyuan stood up, looked at the fire in front of him, waved to Chen Qu, and then disappeared into the darkness with a few government officials.

When the emperor woke up the next day, he saw Chen Qu kneeling at the door of his room, disgraced and embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty." Chen Qu knelt on the ground and howled to the emperor.

The emperor was also confused by Chen Qu.

"What's Chen Aiqing doing?" The emperor glanced at Li Ke next to him and asked Chen Qu again.

"Your Majesty, a plague has broken out in a village on the southern outskirts of the county. Everyone in the village has died of the plague."

"I was busy in the village all night last night. There was really no way to stop the spread of the plague, so I had to make a last resort and burn the entire village with fire."

"Your Majesty, I am guilty, I am incompetent, I cannot save them." Chen Qu cried and said to the emperor.

His two eyes were bloodshot and red, with tears streaming down his face.

When the emperor heard that a village had been burned by fire, his head paused briefly.

Then he looked at Chen Qu and saw him in such a state. For a moment, he didn't know where to blame him.

"You get up first and go over with me to take a look." The emperor said to Chen Qu.

Chen Qu nodded and stepped aside.

The emperor didn't even have time to wash his face and ran out in a hurry.

Li Ke followed the emperor, and the soldiers of the Beiya Imperial Army who were responsible for the emperor's safety also followed.

The emperor and his party soon arrived at the village south of the city.

Everything you see is devastation.

The entire village was completely burned to charcoal, and several pitch-black corpses were completely burned into small balls.


"How could this happen?" The emperor frowned.

A village of nearly a hundred people died in one day?

"Your Majesty, I'm late. Your Majesty, please forgive me." Ma Zhiyuan ran over with sweat on his face and apologized to the emperor.

The emperor just glanced at him, and then his eyes fell on the corpse in front of him.

"Li Ke, go and see what's abnormal about these corpses." The emperor felt that this matter was extremely strange.

He had only been here for two days when the plague suddenly broke out.

And the whole village was set on fire at once?

"Your Majesty, the plague is dangerous. I don't know if the plague will be destroyed by the fire. If there is still plague, wouldn't His Highness the King of Shu..." Ma Zhiyuan quickly stopped Li Ke from checking the corpse.

Ma Zhiyuan was worried that Li Ke had been following Zhao Chen for a long time. It was rumored that Zhao Chen was very capable. If Li Ke really learned something and could tell something, then...

Being stopped by Ma Zhiyuan, the emperor seemed to hesitate.

Upon seeing this, Chen Qu immediately spoke out to persuade: "Your Majesty, there are gangsters in Ninggu County, let them go and investigate the situation."

"If there is anything unusual, I will report it to Your Majesty."

Chen Qudu said this, and the emperor didn't know whether it was a real plague or a fake plague.

What if it was a real plague and Li Ke was infected?

After thinking about it, the emperor still sighed helplessly, waved his hand and said: "I'd better do as you said and let the corpse be examined."

The emperor walked around but found nothing.

Ma Zhiyuan followed the emperor closely, constantly urging him to leave early.

Li Ke was also worried that something was really wrong here. If the emperor really contracted the plague, he did not have the same medical skills as Zhao Chen.

Li Ke was really helpless when something happened.

On the contrary, he was consistent with Ma Zhiyuan in advising the emperor to leave.

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