The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1369 I am still relieved

Of course Jiang Siye couldn't understand.

I had gone to Chang'an Military Academy before and heard Zhao Chen's voice with my own ears.

Why is Zhao Chen not in Chang'an again?

The people he arranged to monitor Zhao Chen's movements near Chang'an Military Academy have not given him any new news.

Zhao Chen must still be in Chang'an.

Why did the man in robes in front of me say that Zhao Chen was not here?

"You just need to know that Zhao Chen is not in Chang'an now."

"You don't need to know anything else." The voice of the man in robe was very cold and stern. ??

The voice was hoarse with dissatisfaction.

Jiang Siye did not dare to say anything at that time.

"The voice you heard at Chang'an Military Academy should not be Zhao Chen's. Although I don't know what happened specifically, Zhao Chen had already left when the students at Chang'an Military Academy went out for training."

"Of course, that's what we want to see most."

"If Zhao Chen still stays in Chang'an, even if we deal with the emperor, Zhao Chen will still be a hard nut to crack."

"Now that he is not in Chang'an, whether he has gone to Qizhou or not, it is not a big problem."

"If something happens to the emperor, I will naturally find a way to frame the matter to Zhao Chen."

For the first time, Jiang Siye heard the man in front of him say so many words.

Jiang Siye nodded, their original purpose was to lure the emperor to Qizhou.

It's best to deceive Zhao Chen as well.

When they learned that Zhao Chen was still staying in Chang'an, they felt more helpless than happy.

But now they have found out that Zhao Chen is not in Chang'an.

That's really the trend for me.

"Yes, sir, I understand. What do you need me to do?" Jiang Siye nodded.

Now that he has boarded the boat of the man in robes in front of him, there is no possibility of getting off the boat.

This ship can either cross the long river and everyone can reach the other side safely. \u003c


Either the boat will be broken and everyone will die in the middle of the river.

"Go and inform the people in Qizhou, ask them to be more careful, and tell them that they must pay attention to the emperor's movements."

"If Zhao Chen is found, eliminate him without leaving any traces as much as possible."

"Of course, if there is really no other way, it is necessary to take risks."

"In a word, we must not let that boy Zhao Chen ruin our plan." The man in the robe said to Jiang Siye.

Jiang Siye nodded, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He thought that when the Imperial College and Zhao Chen had a conflict before, the Imperial College did not take advantage at all.

Jiang Siye didn't have any confidence in choosing to deal with Zhao Chen again.

"Go ahead and remember to do everything right."

"If possible, bring Chu Suiliang in. Didn't he accept money from Lu Yifa before?"

"Tell him that if he doesn't stand with us, someone will report him to Dali Temple." The man in the robe said.

Then he waved his hand to signal Jiang Siye to leave.

Jiang Siye nodded, but there was no joy on his face.

Jiang Siye didn't feel confident at the thought of dealing with Zhao Chen.

Early the next morning, Ma Zhiyuan was preparing to go to Qixian County with the emperor.

In Ma Zhiyuan's plan, as long as the emperor went to Qixian, it meant the success of their plan.

They were in Qixian County and had already prepared everything.

As long as the emperor sets foot in it, there is no need to think about coming out safely.

By then, if things here are successful, the lord in Chang'an can also make his next move.


What Ma Zhiyuan didn't expect was that when he went to see the emperor, he was blocked by Li Ke.

"Captain Ma, my father is feeling a little unwell and needs to rest here for a few days. He cannot set off for the time being." Li Ke and Ma Zhiyuan said.

Ma Zhiyuan was a little stunned.

Seeing that the matter was so close, why did the emperor suddenly say that he was not feeling well and would not go to Qixian for the time being?

Isn't this a joke on him?

"Your Majesty was fine yesterday. Why did he suddenly become like this? Why don't you lower your rank and ask Qi County to send someone over to take your Majesty over there and show it to the doctor?"

"The medical skills of doctors in Qixian County are quite good." Although Ma Zhiyuan was not happy in his heart, he still had a smile on his face.

He also tried to persuade Li Ke to let the emperor go to Qixian for treatment.

Before, Li Ke might have thought that Ma Zhiyuan really cared about the emperor's safety when he said this.

But Li Ke doesn't think so now.

What Ma Zhiyuan did was simply wanting the emperor to go to Qixian County as soon as possible, and then they could attack the emperor.

"My father brought the imperial doctor with him, and he said that there is nothing serious about my father. He is just a little tired from the long journey, and he just needs to rest quietly for two days."

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain." Li Ke said with a smile.

Having said this, Ma Zhiyuan naturally couldn't find any other excuse.

If you insist too much, Li Ke will inevitably doubt his motives.

"Then let's wait until His Majesty gets better before we set off again." Ma Zhiyuan nodded with a smile on his face.

Ma Zhiyuan left and Li Ke returned to the emperor's room.

The emperor was sitting on a stool drinking tea.

"Leaving?" Seeing Li Ke come in, the emperor asked Li Ke.

"I left very reluctantly."

"It seems that it is exactly what the emperor said. This Ma Zhiyuan has long been disobedient." Li Ke responded, with an angry look on his face.


How could they dare to plot against the emperor without great courage?

"Ignore him, rest here for two more days, and also cheer up the accompanying soldiers."

"Also, there are many people stationed around the inn, and we have to be on guard that Ma Zhiyuan and the others will take action here." The emperor said.

If things were forced to happen and Ma Zhiyuan jumped over the wall in a hurry, they still had to be prepared as soon as possible.

"Yes, Father." Li Ke nodded.

Ma Zhiyuan was very angry.

He had already made an agreement with the people in Qixian County.

In ten days at most, the emperor will arrive in Qixian County. As long as the emperor arrives in Qixian County, they can control the emperor as soon as possible.

At that time, they only need to wait for the order from Chang'an.

As a result, the plan could not keep up with the changes. The emperor said that he was not feeling well and was not planning to leave Jingxian for the time being. Instead, he would rest here for a few days.

Ma Zhiyuan knew that he couldn't act too hastily, but he couldn't help but worry that unnecessary trouble would arise if time delayed for too long.

My plan should be to cut through the mess quickly, instead of just stalling for time.

"Captain, what should we do now?" the attendants and Ma Zhiyuan asked.

The magistrate of Jing County is not one of their people, so Ma Zhiyuan cannot do many things directly.

"It's okay. Just stay put for now. Tell your family that the emperor will stay in Jing County for a few more days and let them prepare in advance."

"If the emperor leaves, he will notify them when the time comes." Ma Zhiyuan said to his entourage.

The entourage nodded and suddenly said: "Captain, Governor Lu sent a letter saying that they have returned to Qixian County and everything is fine in Chang'an, so the Governor can rest assured."

"I can rest assured that Lu Yifa is doing something, it's his son Luneng..." Ma Zhiyuan frowned when he mentioned Luneng.

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