Lu Yifa was able to serve as governor of Qi next to Ma Zhiyuan for so long because Ma Zhiyuan recognized Lu Yifa's abilities.

But Lu Yifa has a problem, and that is his incomparable doting on his son Luneng.

The key is that this Luneng is a complete waste.

He has been relying on his father Lu Yifa to dominate Qizhou. ??

Ma Zhiyuan felt that if that guy Luneng continued like this, he would kill Lu Yi sooner or later.

"Go and send a message to Lu Changshi and tell him to ask his Luneng to be quiet during this period."

"The emperor's ears and eyes are not blocked. If Luneng gets into trouble before we take action, don't blame me for not protecting him." Ma Zhiyuan said to his entourage.

The attendant nodded and left the room.

Ma Zhiyuan stood in the room, looking out the window, still looking a little embarrassed.

He doesn't know now whether the emperor's sudden stop to Qixian County was really just because he was unwell.

Luneng was very irritable.

Ever since his leg was broken by Cheng Chumo, Luneng had been lying in the carriage.

On the way, he deliberately asked people to search for the whereabouts of Zhao Chen and others, but in the end they found nothing.

It had been a few days since they returned to Qixian County, but Luneng couldn't even get off the ground.

Looking at his legs that couldn't get off the ground, Luneng picked up the cup at hand and smashed it on the head of the maid in front of him.

The maid's head was smashed and blood flowed out.

But he didn't even dare to say a word.

The maid knew very well that Luneng was very angry at the moment. If anyone dared to attract his attention, there was no telling what would happen.

"Get out of here, get out of here!" Luneng pointed at the maid and attendants in front of him and yelled.

The maid cleaned up the broken cups on the floor and trotted away with the others.

Luneng sat on the stool, his face full of fury.

When Lu Yi sent it over, he saw his son

His eyes were full of blood, as if he wanted to eat people.

"Neng'er, what's wrong with you?" Lu Yifa sat down next to Luneng and asked with a smile.

"Dad, have you found those five people?"

"The person who attacked me, I will make his life worse than death." Luneng looked at his father and said fiercely.

Ever since Luneng could remember, he was the only one who bullied others. If anyone dared to look at him on the street, Luneng would beat that person half to death.

But this time, his legs were broken.

Luneng couldn't accept it at all, so he just wanted to find that person and avenge himself.

"Neng'er, just now Governor Ma sent someone to deliver a message, saying that the emperor has arrived in Jing County. He asked you to restrain yourself during this period and not to make too much noise."

"Dad thinks so too. The emperor is right in front of you, so don't stroke the emperor's beard." Lu Yifa and Luneng warned.

Lu Yifa did not inform his son of his plan with Ma Zhiyuan.

For Luneng, the less he knows, the safer he is.

Regarding the emperor's plan, a slight mistake would be the crime of genocide. The fewer people know about it, the better.

"Dad, that kid's legs were broken for nothing?" Luneng looked at his father angrily.

He couldn't understand why his father, who had always been obedient to him, would let himself endure such a tone at this time.

"Of course not. If you dare to attack my son, Lu Yifa, I will make him regret coming into this world."

"But at the moment, you'd better recuperate at home."

"Dad, I promise, when you recover from your injuries, I will personally find those bastards for you, catch them, and hand them over to you." Lu Yifa comforted Luneng and made a promise to him.

Only Luneng has this

Some gave up glumly.

Looking at his father, Luneng spoke again: "Dad, do you and Governor Ma have any plans? When you came back, I saw that the atmosphere in the city seemed a bit tense, and..."

"What plan can we have?" Lu Yifa interrupted Luneng with a smile.

Then he smiled and said: "Didn't I just say that His Majesty the Emperor is coming to Qixian County? We have to ensure His Majesty's safety, so we have added a lot of security in the city."

"You kid, just rest peacefully at home and rest. You don't have to worry about other things."

Luneng had no doubt, he just nodded.

"Then you have a good rest, dad is going to work." After Lu Yifa finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Luneng grabbed his arm.

"Dad, my child has fallen in love with a girl and wants to bring her home, but he is afraid of being discovered by his mother..."

"Dad, I want the courtyard on the east side of the government office." Luneng and Lu Yifa begged. ??

Lu Yi was stunned.

Their family lived in the county government office of Qixian County. To the east of the government office, it was originally the residence of Ma Zhiqing, the captain of Qizhou Zhechong.

But something happened to Ma Zhiqing later, and the courtyard on the east side was sealed off by Ma Zhiyuan's order.

Lu Yifa did not want to agree to Luneng's request.

But Luneng's eyes were full of prayers, and he grabbed his arm and refused to let go.

"Okay, you can stay here, but don't touch anything inside."

"Also, pay attention to your body." Lu Yifa agreed because he couldn't bear to reject his son.

"Thank you, dad." Luneng was very happy.

When Zhao Chen and his party arrived at Qixian County, it was already evening that day.

When entering the city, we did not encounter strict interrogation.

But Zhao Chen obviously discovered that there were spies everywhere on the street.

Although these people have different identities and ages, it is still easy to distinguish between ordinary people and spies.

"Ruoshuang, we will stay at this inn tonight." Zhao Chen drove the carriage to an inn called Feng Linwan.

Li Ruoshuang and others came out and stood beside Zhao Chen.

Qi County is obviously much more lively than Ninggu County before.

When walking into the inn, many people looked over.

Seeing that it was several young men and women, everyone withdrew their gaze.

"Housekeeper, stay at the inn." Zhao Chen said to the innkeeper.

"How many rooms does the guest want?" The innkeeper looked at Zhao Chen and asked with a smile.

"Two rooms." Zhao Chen said.

"Is the guest coming from Chang'an?" the innkeeper suddenly asked.

"I'm from Chang'an. Don't you want to go to Lu to pay homage to Saint Kong? I hope he will bless my little girl and marry a top scholar in the future." Zhao Chen smiled and made up a lie.

Although it was a lie, it dispelled the innkeeper's suspicion.

"I see. I heard that my guest has a Chang'an accent, so I asked more questions. Don't blame me."

"Waiter, take a few guests upstairs." The innkeeper smiled and greeted the waiter.

The waiter led Zhao Chen and others upstairs, and the innkeeper continued to lie on the counter calculating the accounts. Everything seemed to be very peaceful.

There are two rooms, Zhao Chen lives in one room and Li Ruoshuang lives in one room.

It was also to allow Princess Qinghe to be protected.

Otherwise, if something happens, they won't even have a chance to react.

"The innkeeper seems to be the governor of Qizhou, Ma Zhiyuan. When you talk in the future, be careful not to reveal our identities." Zhao Chen and several people in the room told him.

Li Ruoshuang nodded, saw Zhao Chen put another dagger on his body, and said hurriedly: "Are you ready to go out?"

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