Zhao Chen originally didn't want to get involved in this matter.

He entered the east yard from the outside, just to find what Ma Zhiqing said, and then leave without anyone noticing.

When he got here, Zhao Chen happened to see the woman hit her head and die on the floor.

There was no time to rescue him.

Zhao Chen was shocked by the woman's determination.

Looking at the desperate Luneng in the room, Zhao Chen still couldn't help but walked over.

Luneng's face was full of fear at this moment.

Watching Zhao Chen kill the followers around him, Luneng knew that he was likely to be next.

What he has to do at this moment is to hope that Zhao Chen in front of him will let him go.

"Let you go?" Zhao Chen stood in front of Luneng, with his back to the candlelight. Luneng couldn't see the look on Zhao Chen's face at all.

"This woman just begged you like that, have you ever thought about letting her go?" Zhao Chen pointed at the woman's body on the ground and said lightly.

The atmosphere in the room added to the chill.

Luneng felt the murderous aura in the air, his body trembled with fear, and he felt his legs getting more painful.

"I...I'm different from her. My father is the governor of Qi. As long as you let me go, I can grant you whatever you want."

"Power, wealth, women, whatever you want."

"Please let me go." Luneng sat on the stool, gritting his teeth desperately to prevent himself from becoming paralyzed by fear.

"The governor of Qi is an unassuming position." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Luneng was stunned. He didn't quite understand whether he had expressed it wrong or whether Zhao Chen in front of him had heard it wrong.

Is the governor of Qi a low-profile position?

"Then what do you want?"

"Tell me!" Luneng had no choice. No matter whether the guy in front of him heard it wrong or not, he had to beg for mercy with the thought of saving his life.

"What do I want?"

"Where is Ma Zhiqing's study?" Zhao Chen and Luneng asked.


"The study is next door, and Ma Zhiqing's study is next door." Luneng replied quickly.

He now hopes that Zhao Chen can be useful in his place.

As long as Zhao Chen goes to the study room next door, he will have a chance to escape from here.

Even if he had to crawl, he had to crawl out from here.

Then someone was found and captured Zhao Chen.

"Very good, just wait here obediently." Zhao Chen smiled and walked to the study room next door.

Seeing Zhao Chen's figure disappear, Luneng let out a long breath.

Then he slowly got down from the stool, lying on the ground, and slowly crawled towards the door.

Of course Zhao Chen knew that when he was away, Luneng would find a way to escape from here.

But Zhao Chen was not worried.

Luneng is not a fool. Before ensuring his own safety, Luneng will never dare to make any movement.

Luneng was afraid of death, so he didn't dare to make a desperate move.

Walking into the study next door, the entire study was cleaned spotlessly.

Apparently after Ma Zhiqing left here, the entire study was rummaged through.

Zhao Chen was already a little unsure at this moment whether the letter Ma Zhiqing mentioned was still here.

The entire study has been tidied up, and there is no reason why the letters hidden in a book should not be found.

Walking to the bookshelf, there was no book Ma Zhiqing mentioned on the second floor.

Not to mention the letter hidden inside the book.

Zhao Chen was a little disappointed and searched again on the bookshelf, but still couldn't find anything.

Zhao Chen was convinced at this moment that Ma Zhiqing's letter had been taken away long ago.

Now that the deal is done, Zhao Chen has nothing else to do

The solution is to exit the study and go to Luneng's room again.

Several corpses were still in the room, but Luneng's figure had disappeared.

Zhao Chen didn't stop and went straight to the entrance just now.

Luneng's crawling speed is also very fast.

The belief in escaping made him temporarily forget the pain in his legs.

Crawling outside desperately.

Seeing that they were almost at the entrance, Luneng also had a smile on his face.

However, before he could be happy for a long time, Zhao Chen's figure had already appeared in front of him.

"It's pretty fast." Zhao Chen smiled, his eyes falling on Luneng.

Zhao Chen was wondering if Luneng knew where the things in Ma Zhiqing's study had gone.

"You...let me go!" Luneng subconsciously stepped back.

"Where have all the books in Ma Zhiqing's study gone? What did you find in them?" Zhao Chen stared into Luneng's eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Ma...Ma Zhiqing's study was...searched by people sent by Ma Zhiyuan. Everything should have been put in the Governor's Mansion."

"I don't know if I've found something... or not." Luneng's voice trembled, with fear on his face.

He didn't understand what the man in front of him was looking for in Ma Zhiqing's study.

But what he knew was that he had to save his life.

Only by saving his life would he have the opportunity to find the person in front of him and avenge himself.

"That's it." Zhao Chen nodded.

"You... who are you, and why are you here... looking for Ma Zhiqing's things?" Luneng bravely asked Zhao Chen.

At least, he needs to know the name of the person in front of him.

"Who am I?" Zhao Chen smiled.

"My name is Zhao Chen, you should have heard of it." Zhao Chen said his name.

Luneng opened his eyes wide.

He should

Although he had heard of Zhao Chen, he was not sure whether the Zhao Chen in front of him was the person he knew.

"You...are Han...King of Han, Zhao...Zhao...Zhao Chen?" Luneng could no longer control his voice.

"Yes, I am the King of Han, Zhao Chen." Zhao Chen smiled and looked at Luneng.

"Climb out and ask your father, Governor Qi Shi Lu Yifa, for help." Zhao Chen suddenly said this.

Luneng didn't know what Zhao Chen meant.

But his survival instinct forced him to desperately crawl forward.

Zhao Chen stood there, motionless.

Luneng was overjoyed and crawled outside with all his strength.

From a distance, I saw a familiar figure appearing in front of me.

"Dad, save me..."

Just as Luneng and Lu Yifa shouted for help, they suddenly felt pain in their necks.

When he looked down, he saw that a dagger had pierced his throat.

"Gu... Gu..." Luneng wanted to speak, but his mouth was full of blood foam.

"Neng'er..." In the distance, Luneng could only hear the sound of his father running towards him.

Lu Yifa would never have thought that in his residence in Qizhou Governor's Mansion, his son Luneng would be shot through the throat with a dagger.

Holding his son's body, Lu Yifa fell into madness.

"Who, who is it? Come out here." Lu Yifa shouted in the dark, holding the body that was getting colder.

The night watch soldiers in Qizhou Dudu's Mansion also heard Lu Yifa's miserable howl and ran towards here one after another.

Seeing Lu Yifa slumped on the ground holding Luneng's body, everyone looked surprised.

Who would have thought that in the Governor's Mansion of Qizhou, Luneng, the son of the arrogant Qi Governor Shi Luyifa, would be killed here.

Who has such courage?

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