The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1375 He is dead, this is a good thing


After Luneng's mother cried out sadly, she fainted completely.

When Lu Yifa saw his wife fainting, he felt regretful for his past excessive pampering for a moment.

But after a moment, thick hatred completely enveloped his heart.

"Lord Chang Shi, the dagger was thrown and penetrated directly into the young master's throat. The person who did it must have extraordinary skill." The current captain of Zhe Chong Mansion looked at Luneng's wound and said to Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa clenched his fists and shouted to the captain of the Chongfu: "I don't care what the murderer is capable of." ??

"He killed my son, and I want his life."

"Everyone, search with all your strength. He must not have had time to escape."

Lu Yifa had already gone back to rest.

But he suddenly felt worried about his son.

Ever since his son's leg was broken, things haven't been going well.

So Lu Yifa thought of warning Luneng to keep a low profile.

Put the lady back early tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the east courtyard, I heard my son calling for help.

When Lu Yifa came to his senses, his son Luneng had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Lu Yifa hated himself for not taking good care of his son, and even more hated the murderer who killed his son.

As for what outrageous things his son had done, Lu Yifa selectively forgot about it.

A large number of Zhechong Mansion soldiers stormed the Qizhou Governor's Mansion and began searching the entire Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

Lu Yi handed over Luneng's body and led people to the room in the east courtyard.

"Sir Changshi, except for this woman who was killed by a collision, the others were all killed by one blow."

"That man didn't kill the young master immediately. He probably knew the young master and wanted to play tricks on him." Captain Zhechong Mansion said to Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa never expected the murderer's actions.

The murderer obviously did it on purpose

In front of his father, he killed his son Luneng.

Kill people and kill your heart.

Just to make Lu Yifa unforgettable.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Lu Yifa's eyes were blood red.

"Investigate, even if we bring down the entire Qixian County, we still have to find the murderer."

"Close all city gates and no one is allowed to leave the city."

"Everyone who Mr. Zha has offended, and who has even the slightest entanglement, will be sent to prison." Lu Yifa roared.

The captain of Zhe Chong Prefecture wanted to persuade Lu Yifa not to make such a big show, but he also understood that Lu Yifa doted on his son.

Now that his son is dead, Lu Yifa seems to have fallen into madness.

Persuasion cannot be done.

A large number of Zhechong Prefecture soldiers and county government officials all poured into the streets.

The people who were still sleeping were frightened when they heard such a loud noise.

Hiding at home, not even daring to say a word.

Li Ruoshuang and Princess Qinghe were in the inn. When they heard the noise outside, they were also worried at the moment.

They didn't know what Zhao Chen was doing.

But Zhao Chen hasn't come back yet, and something like this happened outside. Li Ruoshuang immediately thought of Zhao Chen.

"Sister-in-law, brother, why hasn't he come back yet?" Princess Qinghe was a little worried.

Li Ruoshuang said nothing, standing in the darkness and looking out of the window.

He slept peacefully and peacefully, not being disturbed at all by the movement outside.

"Qinghe, you stay here to take care of Ping An, and I'll go out and take a look." Li Ruoshuang looked back at the sleeping Ping An and told Princess Qinghe.

After saying that, Li Ruoshuang picked up the sword from the table.

"Sister-in-law, it's a mess outside now. It's too dangerous for you to go out.

It's dangerous, and you don't even know what's going on outside. "

"If you go out now, what will you do if they catch you?" Princess Qinghe stopped Li Ruoshuang's arm.

Now that the situation outside is unclear, Li Ruoshuang could easily be caught by the soldiers outside if he went out rashly.

"I won't be caught by them." Li Ruoshuang frowned, left a few words, and jumped out of the window.

When Princess Qinghe chased after her to look, Li Ruoshuang was gone.

After killing Luneng, Zhao Chen did not leave the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

The entire street was full of people sent by Lu Yifa to look for him. The Qizhou Governor's Mansion was actually the safest place.

After searching for a long time, no trace of him was found in the Qizhou Governor's Mansion, and a large number of soldiers left the mansion.

There were only a few scattered people setting up defenses in the huge mansion.

Qizhou Governor's Mansion, the house in the north is the residence of Qizhou Governor Ma Zhiyuan.

Of course, Ma Zhiyuan does not live here.

But this house still belongs to him.

According to Luneng, all the things in Ma Zhiqing's study were moved here.

As for the letter mixed in the book, Zhao Chen couldn't tell whether it was here or not.

But now that I learned the news, I had to go investigate.

If we can get that letter, there will always be some clues about the Qizhou riot.

Passing through scattered guards, Zhao Chen appeared in the north residence of Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

This place is much larger than other houses.

There were two soldiers guarding the door, and they seemed a little nervous at the moment.

Maybe it's because of what happened just now.

The sky was still very dark, and when Zhao Chen hid nearby, they didn't notice him.

"Who is the person who killed Luneng today?"

\u003e "He was shot dead with just one dagger." One of the people in charge of the defense asked.

"I don't know, but that person's skills must be excellent."

"And Luneng, if you say something that shouldn't be said, I think he deserves to die."

"Tell me how many girls he has ruined and how many families he has ruined over the years." Another person whispered.

Judging from his tone, he was also disgusted with Luneng's past behavior.

I am glad that Luneng died.

"Oh, stop talking. Anyway, now that he is dead, this is a good thing." The person next to him laughed.

"Yes, I have a need to urinate. You can watch here while I go pee." One person said.

"Go ahead," another person said.

The place where Zhao Chen was hiding happened to be the man's destination.

But he was also guarding the place where the person's vision was obstructed.

Zhao Chen stood up and the man in front of him was knocked unconscious without any warning.

"You've finished urinating. Boy, you are quite fast." asked the soldier standing at the door.

Zhao Chen said nothing and walked toward the soldiers at the door with his head lowered.

"Hey, why didn't you say anything and kept your urine in your mouth?" The soldier at the door felt strange and shouted with Zhao Chen.

When Zhao Chen walked up to the soldier at the door, he knocked out the soldier in front of him with one punch.

If he hadn't been worried that they would shout, Zhao Chen wouldn't have had to wait for such a long time.

Pushing open the door of the North House, everything you see is darkness.

Fortunately, what is placed in the center of the room is a bookshelf.

There are not many books on the bookshelf, and Zhao Chen can read them all in some time.

In the dark of night, the only sound in the north house was the sound of Zhao Chen rummaging through books.

The soldier responsible for guarding the North House at the door was lying on the ground sleeping soundly.

Occasionally, I only hear the low chirping of cicadas and the sound of autumn wind sweeping through the treetops.

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