The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1376 Why don’t you chop us alive?

After searching for most of the night, he still couldn't find his son's murderer.

Lu Yifa felt extremely irritable at the moment.

He felt that these people did not really make any effort to find the murderer.

"There are so many people who can't even find the murderer. How on earth do you do things?" Lu Yifa looked at the Zhechong Mansion soldiers in front of him angrily.

Although the soldiers were angry, they did not dare to say anything.

They had also been running all night and were so exhausted that some of them could even fall asleep standing up.

Hearing Lu Yifa's scolding at this moment, many people felt extremely annoyed.

Many people even secretly cursed Luneng for his death.

Seeing that all the soldiers in Zhe Chong Mansion were silent, Lu Yifa felt extremely angry.

"You losers, what are you doing here? Keep looking and find the murderer. I tell you all to get out." Lu Yi cursed angrily.

The soldiers endured the anger in their hearts, clenched their fists and left angrily.

Lu Yifa's face was extremely gloomy, and he was about to turn around to see his wife, but he heard the governor of Zhechong Mansion speak.

"Lord Changshi, just now I saw signs of rummaging in the study on the east side."

"I wonder if that person came to the east courtyard to look for something."

"The east courtyard used to be Ma Zhiqing's house, and all his things were later placed in the north house by Governor Ma."

"I wonder if the murderer is still in the Governor's Mansion, or even went to Beizhai to look for what he wants?" Captain Zhechong Mansion and Lu Yifa said.

He also just discovered this situation.

Originally, he wanted to inform Lu Yifa of his discovery quickly, but Lu Yifa only focused on scolding the Chongfu soldiers.

There was no time to pay attention to him at all.

When Lu Yifa heard what the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion said, he felt even more angry.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lu Yi said angrily.

Captain Zhe Chongfu smiled but said nothing.

He was promoted by Ma Zhiyuan and Lu Yifa.

Although he is said to be in charge of Zhe Chong Mansion, Ma Zhiyuan and Lu

Yifa is the actual talker.

"Bring people to search quickly." Lu Yifa shouted.

He had planned to visit his wife just now, but now that he had received the news that the murderer might be hiding in the North House, Lu Yifa could not care about anything else.

Lu Yi found that the most urgent thing now was to take down the murderer of his son.

The rest is unimportant.

Lu Yifa and his people quickly arrived outside Beizhai.

The two soldiers were still asleep at the door.

"Made." Lu Yifa cursed angrily.

Someone ran over to help the two soldiers who fell asleep.

Another soldier kicked open the door of the North House.

A group of people rushed inside with weapons in hand.

Lu Yifa also walked into the Beizhai room, but saw no trace of anyone.

But all the books originally placed on the shelves were thrown to the ground.

An open book indicates that someone has read it not long ago.

At this moment, the sky was gradually getting brighter, and the fatigue on Lu Yi's face was mixed with a strong anger.

They are like fools, being manipulated by others.

The murderer was clearly still in the Governor's Mansion, right under their noses.

But they found nothing.

He even asked the murderer to rush to the North House and search the entire room.

Lu Yifa didn't even know what the murderer found here.

"Seal all the streets and inform them that no one can go out during the day. Anyone who dares to go out will be treated as a murderer."

"In addition, please inform the people in the city that if a stranger breaks into the home or finds someone sneaking around, report it to the Governor's Office immediately."

"This long history has many rewards."


Anyone who knows something but fails to report it will be punished as a murderer. "Lu Yifa is now determined to catch the murderer.

Lu Yifa knew what happened to Ma Zhiqing.

When Ma Zhiqing left with the secret message, Ma Zhiyuan chased him all the way.

Now that someone is looking for Ma Zhiqing's things, Lu Yifa is very suspicious whether Ma Zhiqing said something to someone.

There are also some secret messages hidden among his things.

Lu Yifa was somewhat resentful of Ma Zhiyuan, if he hadn't said that he wanted to keep Ma Zhiqing's things.

Directly ask people to move all Ma Zhiqing's things here.

There was not even a simple search, and today's incident would not have happened.

Now Lu Yifa is worried that the murderer not only killed his son, but also found evidence of their conspiracy.

All the soldiers left one after another, and Lu Yifa also left quickly.

He also needs to inform Ma Zhiyuan, who is still in Jing County, about this.

If the murderer really found any evidence, then their plan would have to be advanced.

Otherwise, they will be the ones who die!

Zhao Chen has not left, he is currently hiding on the beam of the North House.

A piece of black cloth was used on the beam to block the dust falling from it, which became Zhao Chen's natural shelter.

The soldiers who rushed in didn't look carefully.

Naturally, no trace of Zhao Chen could be found.

Taking out the letter in his arms, Zhao Chen also had a smile on his face.

He also didn't expect that Ma Zhiyuan would just move all Ma Zhiqing's things here.

No one was even sent to check the contents.

Maybe Ma Zhiyuan's fate was bad.

After taking a look at the contents of the letter, Zhao Chen stuffed the letter back into his arms.

He lightly jumped down from the beam and landed firmly on the ground.

At this moment, Zhao Chen needs to leave here quickly.

I heard it just now

After receiving Lu Yifa's order, if he left the Governor's Mansion like this now, he would be easily discovered.

Gotta find another way.

Zhao Chen stood at the door and his eyes fell on the two soldiers standing guard at the door.

"Made, you're so good, why did you get knocked unconscious? If I catch that guy, I'll see if I don't beat him to death." A soldier cursed.

He was the second soldier knocked unconscious by Zhao Chen yesterday.

Another soldier glanced at his pants.

He punched Zhao Chen and knocked him out yesterday. When he fell asleep, he peed all over himself.

It's good that Lu Yifa didn't deal with them.

How dare the soldiers go back and change their clothes?

My pants are all wet right now.

"Stay away from me, the smell is strong." The soldier who spoke before spoke with a look of disgust on his face.

"When... when..."

There were two knocks on the door suddenly from behind.

Both soldiers turned around and looked at each other with horrified faces.

"Just... was there someone knocking on the door just now?" the soldier asked.

" seems so. Could it be that the murderer is still here..."

"I'll call someone."

"No, if there was no one else, wouldn't Lu Yifa chop us alive?" The soldier stopped another person.

"What should we do?" one person asked the other.

The soldier glanced at the door behind him, swallowed, then gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go in first and take a look. You'll be on guard outside. If anything happens, run and report it."

After saying that, the soldier slowly walked to the door and put his eyes on the door, trying to see what was going on inside through the crack in the door.

But at this moment, the genius is just bright. Looking from the outside and inside, basically nothing can be seen.

Gritting his teeth, the soldier carefully opened the door and walked inside.

"Bang -" Suddenly there was a strong gust of wind coming from nowhere, and the door was suddenly slammed shut.

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