The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1385 How dare you pretend to be dead with me?

"What's the matter? Is this question difficult to answer?"

"If it's difficult to answer, then forget it." Seeing that the innkeeper didn't speak, Zhao Chen smiled and waved his hand.

The innkeeper nodded.

At this moment, he couldn't quite tell whether the Zhao Chen in front of him was the murderer Lu Yifa was chasing.

If not, why would he ask himself what he thought of Lu Yifa?

If so, is he testing himself?

When did he show his weakness again?

The innkeeper remained silent and drank his wine with his head down.

"Shopkeeper, I heard that Na Luneng has been causing trouble in Qixian County. Many girls have been ruined by him."

"No matter how powerful Lu Changshi is, he can't suppress this matter."

"After all, Lu Changshi also has Governor Ma above him."

"Tell me, why did Governor Ma just ignore this matter?" Zhao Chen took a sip of wine and asked the innkeeper again.

"Who knows what happened to Governor Ma, but I guess it was Lu Changshi who handled the matter very well, so Governor Ma couldn't have anything to do with it."

"After all, we are colleagues, no one will do anything particularly ugly, right?" the innkeeper said with a smile.

Zhao Chen nodded: "That's right. Under the governance of these two people, Qizhou is still very good among all the states and counties in the Tang Dynasty."

"That's right, Lu Changshi was a capable person who was favored by the Emperor before. But then the Emperor passed away and he had no place to go. He only came to Qizhou to be a long history." The innkeeper drank two drinks and had a slight feeling. Drunk.

"Lu Changshi also had a relationship with the Supreme Emperor, please tell me in detail?" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

The innkeeper seemed to be more awake. He shook his head and waved his hands and said, "I'm just talking nonsense. I'm just a small innkeeper. How could I know those things?"

"It's getting late, Master, go to bed early."

After the innkeeper said this, he turned and left.

Zhao Chen got up and walked slowly upstairs.

Early the next morning, Zhao Chen came out of the room.

I saw the innkeeper downstairs explaining something to the waiter.

"Waiter, send two breakfasts upstairs, I'll eat downstairs." Zhao Chen went downstairs and shouted to the waiter.

When he saw Zhao Chen, the innkeeper looked a little unnatural.

But it was only for a moment.

"Master, you got up so early, why don't you sleep a little longer!" The innkeeper came over with a smile.

"I don't have the habit of sleeping in. Are you going out, the shopkeeper?" Zhao Chen replied, looking at the clean and tidy clothes on the shopkeeper's body.

"Yes, I have to go out and have some things to do."

"Didn't you just explain to the waiter what happened in the inn?"

"Things here are a little urgent. I won't talk to you anymore. I'll talk to him at night when I get back." The innkeeper said with a smile.

"That's okay. It's a mess outside now. The shopkeeper should be careful. I'll wait for you to come back." Zhao Chen nodded and patted the innkeeper on the back gently.

The innkeeper is a little strange.

My relationship with the guy in front of me is not that good.

But this guy acted so familiar.

But it doesn't matter. When he comes back, the identity of the guy in front of him will be revealed.

"Okay, farewell." The innkeeper smiled and walked out of the inn door.

Of course the innkeeper wanted to report Zhao Chen.

He thought about it all night and felt that this was his opportunity.

If Zhao Chen and the others in his inn are really the murderers of Lu Yifa's son Luneng.

Then he helped Lu Yifa find the real murderer, which is definitely a huge contribution.

Maybe in the future he will

You no longer have to guard this shabby inn, you can work with Lu Yifa.

This may be his chance to turn around.

The innkeeper doesn't want to miss such an excellent opportunity.

Therefore, he wanted to come over and send a message to Lu Yi early in the morning.

But he didn't expect that he would be met by Zhao Chen.

"What a pity, boy, if you didn't test my relationship with Lu Yifa, I might not have made up my mind yet."

"Now, I can only blame you for your bad luck."

"Even if you are not the murderer, if you fall into the hands of Lu Yifa, you will not come out alive."

"For my future, you'd better be the murderer." The innkeeper stopped on the street and looked back at the inn behind him, with a sneer on his face.

After walking a few steps forward, the innkeeper was blocked by someone.

"For what?"

"Don't you know that the Dudu Mansion is arresting the murderer of Lu Changshi's son?" the soldier blocking the innkeeper's path said coldly.

The other soldiers also held weapons and surrounded him.

"My lords, I am a subordinate of Lu Changshi, and I have information to report to him."

"I know where the two murderers are hiding." The innkeeper and the soldier said.

"Where are they?" the soldier asked coldly.

"I won't tell you where they are hiding until I see Lu Changshi."

"This is a huge achievement, and I won't hand it over to others in vain." The innkeeper said with a smile.

The soldiers frowned and looked at each other, noticing the greed in each other's eyes.

"Lu Changshi is leading the search in front, you come with us." The leading soldier ignored the sharpness in his eyes.

Wave to the innkeeper.

The innkeeper did not doubt his presence and followed the leading soldier with a smile.

Not long after, they arrived

In an abandoned house.

Seeing that this place is deserted, there is no trace of human activity at all.

A trace of panic flashed across the innkeeper's face.

"What do you want to do?" the innkeeper asked.


"Old guy, tell us the news about the murderer, otherwise, you won't be able to get out of here today." The leading soldier sneered.

The other soldiers who surrounded the innkeeper also had evil smiles on their faces.

Lu Yifa paid a heavy reward.

They all want to get the news and get Lu Yifa's reward.

Now that we have met, who would let an old and immortal innkeeper take advantage of him?

"I am Lu Changshi's man, how dare you..."


The ear scraper slapped the innkeeper on the face, interrupting his words.

"You just need to tell me whether to tell me the news or not." The leading soldier scolded him coldly.

"Bah, if you want to steal my things, don't you be afraid that Lu Changshi will deal with you when the time comes..."

"Made, give me a beating, give him a good meal, let's see this old guy Nalu Yifa pressure us." The leading soldier heard the innkeeper Nalu Yifa threaten him.

At that moment, anger arose in his heart.

He kicked the innkeeper over hard.

When the other soldiers saw this, they kicked the innkeeper one after another.

At first, the innkeeper was still rolling and struggling on the ground, but after a few kicks, the innkeeper's struggle disappeared.

"Stop." The leading soldier shouted.

Everyone stopped and looked at the innkeeper, who was still lying on the ground motionless.

"Old man, how dare you pretend to be dead with me." The leading soldier kicked the innkeeper on the waist again.

But the innkeeper's body just swayed and he didn't seem to feel any pain at all.

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