The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1386 Maybe he discovered something

"No... he won't really be beaten to death." A soldier looked at the motionless innkeeper on the ground, with a trace of panic on his face.

"Shut up." The leading soldier shouted.

Squatting next to the innkeeper, he carefully stretched out his fingers towards his mouth and nose.

No warmth at all.

When I put my ear against the innkeeper's chest, I couldn't hear any heartbeat at all.

A look of panic flashed across the leading soldier's face, but was replaced by a fierce look in his eyes.

"This guy is dead." The leading soldier raised his head and looked at the other soldiers.

"Ah, dead?"

"We just kicked him a few times, why did he die?"

The rest of the soldiers looked panicked at this moment.

The man in front of him said that he was from Qi Governor Shi Lu Yifa.

If Lu Yifa knew that they had beaten his own people to death, they would not end well.

"We can't let Lu Changshi know that we killed this guy, otherwise we will all die." The leading soldier said with a sharp look on his face.

"Then what should we do?"

"He is dead now, and Lu Changshi will find out sooner or later." The soldier looked nervous.

He just stared at the corpse on the ground, completely at a loss.

"Okay." The leading soldier shouted loudly.

Let the panicked people calm down temporarily.

"If you don't want to die, just listen to me." The leading soldier said.

Everyone looked at him, waiting for his next words.

"This man is Lu Changshi's spy. He came out this time to find Lu Changshi to report clues to the murderer."

"But he doesn't want to be beaten to death by us."

"For the current plan, there is only one way, and that is to take his body back and tell Lu Changshi."

"This person was sneaking around on the street. When he saw us, he not only refused to arrest us, but actually tried to escape from our hands."

"Because I'm worried that this person is the murderer, or

He has something to do with the murderer. We're going to arrest him. "

"Unexpectedly, this guy died suddenly when he was resisting arrest." The leading soldier said slowly.

Having said this, he asked again in a deep voice: "Do you all remember it?"

There was a brief silence.

The soldiers nodded.

But some people were worried: "Will Lu Changshi believe it?"

"There is no evidence to prove it. We are from Zhe Chong Mansion. Even if he suspects us, he doesn't dare to do anything to us openly."

"Of course, if he knows that we killed him by mistake because we wanted to take credit, then we will be dead."

"So, does everyone understand?" the leading soldier said.

"Understood." Everyone nodded in unison.

At this moment, they had no other option.

Otherwise, they too will die.

"The murderer's matter..."

"It's not under our control." The leading soldier glared hard at the soldier who spoke.

Now they are almost dead.

Still want to find the murderer?

Lu Yifa was a little confused.

When he saw the body of the innkeeper, he was stunned.

The innkeeper is the spy he arranged in Qixian County.

He took orders directly from him.

The reason is that he can grasp the big and small news in Qixian County at the first time.

It also brought him a lot of help.

But in front of him, the innkeeper was dead, and his body was carried over.

"What's going on?" Lu Yifa took a deep breath. The events that had happened in the past two days had greatly enhanced his ability to bear it.

All the soldiers looked at the former leader.

The leading soldier gritted his teeth, took a step forward, cupped his hands with Lu Yifa and said, "Report to Sir Chang Shi, while we were patrolling the streets, we found this man sneaking around on the streets."

"We thought he was the murderer of Mr. Neng, so we chased him and asked him to be arrested."

"I never expected that this person would run away, completely ignoring our orders."

"The brothers chased him together, but not long after running, the man suddenly fell to the ground by himself."

"The brothers were so angry that they kicked him a few times, only to find that he was no longer angry."

"Trash, he is one of my own." As soon as the leading soldier finished speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa's face turned blue and his chest heaved up and down.

He knew that the innkeeper came out to convey a message to him.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by these guys in front of him.

As for whether he died or was kicked to death by these people, the reason no longer matters.

The important thing is that the message that the innkeeper originally wanted to convey to him has now been lost.

And it's the kind that can never be found again.

The leading soldier who was kicked to the ground did not dare to raise his head, and the other soldiers did not dare to say anything.

Just watching Lu Yifa desperately controlling his anger.

"Captain Huang, take care of these people under your command." Lu Yifa had no way to deal with these soldiers, so he could only vent his anger on Captain Zhechong.

Captain Zhe Chongfu smiled awkwardly.

His own people killed Lu Yifa's spies, so of course he was the first to take the blame.

"What Master Chang Shi taught me is that my subordinates will definitely give them a good beating." Lieutenant Zhe Chong Mansion smiled, then turned to the soldiers and said:

"Why don't you thank Master Chang Shi for your kindness in not killing me."

"Thank you, Lord Chang Shi, for not killing me." All the soldiers spoke one after another.

Lu Yifa waved his hand extremely impatiently.

"Give it quickly

Get out of here. "The captain of Zhechong Mansion cursed.

Everyone dispersed, not even paying attention to the corpse.

Lu Yifa lowered his head to look at the body on the ground, and then took off the clothes on the body.

I found some bruises on it.

Apparently he was kicked like this by those soldiers.

"Sir Changshi, logically speaking, your life should not be in danger from these kicks."

"Does he have any hidden illness?" Captain Zhechong and Lu Yifa asked.

Lu Yifa frowned, not quite understanding what Captain Zhe Chong Mansion meant.

"It's like this. If a person of his age is kicked a few times, he will vomit a few mouthfuls of blood at most and be seriously injured, but it will not be fatal."

"But if this person has a hidden disease, for example, his internal organs have been injured before."

"Those guys' kicks might injure his internal organs, causing internal bleeding and eventually death." Captain Zhe Chong Mansion said.

How could Lu Yifa know if the innkeeper had any hidden illness?

This matter can only be judged through work.

"Carry the body to the Yamen and let him see what the cause of his death was."

"As soon as there is news, report it to my officer immediately." Lu Yifa shouted to the soldiers outside.

Someone took away the body, but the captain of Zhechong Mansion said: "The innkeeper came here to deliver the news. Maybe he has discovered something."

"Master Changshi had better go to his inn and have a look. Maybe you will find something."

Lu Yifa nodded.

Although he looked down upon the captain of the Zhechong Prefecture in front of him, what the captain of the Zhechong Prefecture said this time clearly made sense.

Since the innkeeper is coming from that way.

Then it was near that place that he should have seen the murderer.

Otherwise, why would he be the one to give me the news?

In fact, the murderer already knew the relationship between the innkeeper and him.

The death of the innkeeper was also caused by the murderer.

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