The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1387 Next time we meet, I will take your life

Early the next morning, Wu Zuo asked someone to bring news.

"Lord Chang Shi, Qin Wuzuo from the government office said that the body was pierced through the heart with a tiny silver needle before death."

"But because it was too small and for unknown reasons, the wound did not break immediately."

"So there was no immediate death."

"It will only accelerate the burden on the heart during constant exercise, which may lead to heart rupture."

"I really didn't expect that the body had been beaten so much that it caused a heart rupture on the spot."

"Ultimately dead."

After the person who brought the news finished speaking, he handed over his hand and left.

Lu Yi found out at this moment that the innkeeper must know the murderer.

That's why the heart can be pierced with a silver needle at close range.

In the past two days, the entire Qixian County has been completely blocked.

No one can get out of the house.

Therefore, the only people who know the innkeeper are the residents of the inn.

The murderer is in the inn!

"Here comes someone." Thinking of this, Lu Yifa could no longer bear it and shouted loudly outside the door.

He will go to the inn now and bring everyone here.

Interrogated one by one.

The murderer must be among those people.

"Sir." The attendant came in from outside and held hands with Lu Yifa.

"Inform everyone in Zhechong Mansion to gather outside the door immediately. We will go and arrest the murderer now." Lu Yifa said in a cold voice.

After saying that, he walked out of the door first.

At this moment, he couldn't wait to find the murderer.

Then he tortured him severely to avenge his dead son.

The soldiers of Zhe Chong Mansion soon gathered at the door.

The captain of Zhe Chong Mansion also appeared here.

"Lord Chang Shi, is there any result?" Captain Zhechong and Lu Yifa asked.

I originally planned to visit the inn yesterday.

But Lu Yifa said that he had to wait for the news about Wu Zuo first.

Make a decision.

It was also to make the murderer relax his vigilance.

Today Lu Yifa suddenly ordered to set off, which obviously had results.

"Yes, the murderer is in the inn."

"Today, we will definitely catch them." Lu Yifa said in a deep voice, forming a fist with his right hand and raising it above his head.

"Everyone, follow me. As I said before, as long as the murderer is caught, everyone will be rewarded heavily."

"Set off!"

Following Lu Yifa's order, everyone ran towards the inn.

But before walking far, Lu Yifa saw many people appearing in front of him.

"What's going on?" Lu Yifa asked the people around him.

"Sir Chang Shi, more than a hundred civilian houses were burned down yesterday. Hundreds of people had nowhere to go. They said they wanted to ask Mr. Chang Shi for an explanation." People around him explained to Lu Yifa.

But Lu Yi found out that his way would be blocked by these people at this moment!

"Disperse them. If anyone dares to block the way again, he will be severely punished." Lu Yifa said in a deep voice.

When the soldiers heard the order, they did not dare to disobey it immediately.

Before the common people could get closer, they were pushed aside by the soldiers, and many people fell to the ground immediately.

Lu Yi didn't even turn his head.

What he cares about most right now is catching his son's murderer.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

Outside the inn, Lu Yifa and his people surrounded the inn.

Even if a fly flies out from here, it must obtain Lu Yifa's consent.

"Master Changshi, why are you here?" The waiter at the inn naturally knew Lu Yifa.

After all, as the governor of Qi, he also held a high-ranking official position in Qizhou.

"Get away." Lu Yifa pushed hard and pushed the waiter to the ground.


"Let everyone come out, I want to search this place."

"Anyone who dares to hide in it and doesn't come out will be treated as a murderer without mercy." Lu Yifa ordered.

Immediately some soldiers rushed up.

Inside the inn, the soldiers of Zhe Chong Mansion were completely under control.

Residents were pushed from their rooms to the lobby by soldiers.

The dozen or so residents all looked at Lu Yifa nervously.

"Whoever killed my son, please stand up." Lu Yifa glanced at the people in front of him, with a cold look on his face.

No one spoke, they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Lu Yifa.

"I'll tell you again, who killed my son? Come forward yourself." Lu Yifa said again. ??

The temperature in the inn seemed to have suddenly dropped a lot.

Everyone felt a chill on their backs.

"Tell me who it is!" Lu Yi became furious, suddenly pulled out the weapon of the attendant beside him, and put it on the neck of the resident in front of him.

The resident was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

He cried and said: "Master Chang Shi, you are not a villain. I don't know anything. I just passed through Qixian County and don't know Mr. Ling at all."

While begging for mercy, the resident was immediately frightened to the point of peeing.

Lu Yifa kicked the resident in front of him.

Such a courageous person would definitely not be the murderer of his own son.

Lu Yifa's eyes scanned the people in front of him like a hawk, and all the residents were swept by his gaze.

All of them lowered their heads.

Don't dare to look at him.

None of these people are murderers.

Lu Yifa sighed in his heart.

"Waiter, there are only these guests in your inn, is there anyone else?" Lu Yifa looked at the waiter.

"All of them..." The waiter was about to say that everyone is here.

However, they discovered that there were a few missing from the crowd.

"Sir Changshi, a few people are missing." The waiter said hurriedly.

"They are gone. Who are they and what do they look like?" Lu Yifa pinched the waiter's collar and asked coldly.

The waiter was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

"Chang...Sir Changshi, they...they have three girls and one boy, of them is a little girl."

"In addition...the other three people are...a couple and the man's sister." The waiter said tremblingly.

He didn't dare to hide it from Lu Yifa.

Tell Lu Yifa everything he knows.

Lu Yifa's face was cold.

He can now conclude that the couple among the four people are the two who were in the fire before.

"Very good, very good." Lu Yi said "very good" twice.

"When was the last time you saw them?" Lu Yifa looked at the waiter, with no expression on his face.

Now that the characteristics of the murderer were known, Lu Yifa had the opportunity to catch the murderer.

"Last night, the man asked me to deliver dinner, and he was never seen again."

"Sir Chang Shi, I really don't know that he is the murderer." Xiao Er and Lu Yifa cried.

"Take me to their room." Lu Yifa ignored the waiter and asked him to take him upstairs.

The waiter trotted ahead to lead the way.

Soon everyone came outside the room.

The soldier opened the door and saw that it was empty and saw nothing.

"My lord, the murderer has escaped."

"I found a note on the table." The soldier came over and handed Lu Yifa a note.

Lu Yifa took the note and saw a sentence written on it: Next time we meet, I will take your life.

"Presumptuous!" Lu Yifa's face turned red with anger when he saw the words on the note.

The note in his hand was also torn into pieces.

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