The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1392 This waist card can be cut off first and played later

Li Ruoshuang thought about how many people they had.

In addition, the 500 Beiya forbidden troops beside the emperor were far more than the soldiers of Zhechong Mansion.

Qizhou is Shangzhou, and Zhechong Mansion has at least three thousand people.

Even Qizhou officials would maintain nursing homes in their own homes.

What this number would be, it would not be something they could imagine.

What's more, Qixian County is still the base camp of those people. Doesn't the emperor come here just to fall into a trap?

This is why Li Ruoshuang looks so worried.

"Then Ruoshuang, if you were the emperor, even if you knew that there was a dangerous place ahead, would you leave in despair, or would you choose an adventurous place?" Zhao Chen asked with a smile.

"Of course I chose..." Li Ruoshuang said smoothly, and she must leave quickly.

But mid-sentence, she suddenly realized.

Zhao Chen said, if she were the emperor.

Since he is the emperor, if he is too afraid of such a small dangerous place, how can he control the entire Tang Dynasty.

Li Ruoshuang somewhat understood why the emperor chose to come here even though he knew there were many dangers ahead.

"Then what should we do if we encounter danger?" Li Ruoshuang changed the topic and talked about their own situation.

After all, they were few in number. Once Qizhou officials really wanted to take action against the emperor, how would they respond?

"This matter is still being prepared. Tomorrow you, Ping An and Qinghe will go out of the city. I'm not worried about you staying here." Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang said.

Ping An is too young and Qinghe has no skills at all.

In the event of an emergency in Qixian County, they will be easily harmed.

"I'll stay with you and let them go out of the city." Li Ruoshuang left a message to Zhao Chen.

Just as Zhao Chen was about to persuade Li Ruoshuang, he heard Li Ruoshuang say, "You don't need to persuade me anymore, I won't leave your side."

"Last time, I was with Qinghe safely and was well taken care of.

,I'm not worried. "

Last time at the inn, although Princess Qinghe was frightened by the soldiers, she still took good care of her safety.

Li Ruoshuang was also relieved of her.

Seeing the determination in Li Ruoshuang's eyes, Zhao Chen still didn't say anything about asking her to leave together.

"Then let's go out of the city tomorrow and settle them down." Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang said.

"Have you heard that His Majesty the Emperor is coming to our Qixian County soon?"

"I heard that Lu Yifa burned hundreds of our houses last time for his son. This time your Majesty comes, I will definitely file a lawsuit against him."

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"If Lu Yifa finds out, how will you live in Qixian in the future?"

"How can I control so much and now I can live without filing a complaint?"

"Well, I advise you to think about it more."

On the street, people were discussing the news that the emperor was coming to Qixian County.

The people did not seem to be very excited about the emperor's arrival.

Some people even wanted to take advantage of this time to file a petition, but they were dissuaded by their companions.

As far as the people of Qi County are concerned, none of the officials of Qi County, big or small, can be provoked by them.

They may file a complaint in front of the emperor today, and they will be arrested by Qizhou officials in the evening.

The whole family could have been killed.

In a small place like Qixian County, officials of all sizes in Qixian County are already emperors of ordinary people like them.

Moreover, even the emperor dealt with Lu Yifa at that time.

What happens after that?

Those Qixian officials who have not been punished have always been cowardly.


It’s ordinary people like them who will end up in a bad way.

Even if they managed to escape from Qi County, they would die as long as they were within the borders of Qizhou.

The final say in Qizhou is not the emperor, but them, officials of all sizes in Qizhou.

The people do not fight against the officials. This is the truth that the people of Qixian County have learned with their lives.

Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang slowly walked out of Qixian City gate after listening to the people's discussions.

Hearing the people's comments, Zhao Chen also felt a sense of worry in his heart.

The people of Qi County were so afraid of Qi County officials that they even felt that the emperor could not control Qi County officials.

This shows how far the power struggle here has reached.

If they don't have foreign aid, once the emperor comes, it may not be so easy to get out. .??.

In the village outside the city, Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang settled Ping An and Princess Qinghe here.

Li Ruoshuang glanced at Ping An reluctantly, then turned and left.

Fortunately, Ping An didn't cry, but looked at Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang helplessly.

"Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of you. You should also pay attention to your safety." Princess Qinghe and Zhao Chen said.

Zhao Chen nodded, waved to Ping An, and then left.

After walking for a while, Li Ruoshuang was still in a low mood.

Zhao Chen took her hand and asked with a smile, "I still can't bear to part with you!"

"She is still so young, I..." Li Ruoshuang looked back in the direction of the village, her eyes full of reluctance.

"Don't worry, as soon as the matter in the city is resolved, we will come to bring Ping An back." Zhao Chen comforted Li Ruoshuang.

Although it is a short separation now, it is nothing compared to letting them stay in the city.

Since the emperor has come to Qixian, there will definitely be a big conflict soon.

Staying in the city will only make it more dangerous.

"Okay, let's go." Li Ruoshuang responded and took the initiative to walk in the direction of Qixian County.

Zhao Chen paused for a moment and said to Li Ruoshuang, "Ruoshuang, I need you to do me a favor now."

"What's wrong?" Li Ruoshuang was a little confused.

"There are three thousand Zhechongfu soldiers in Qixian County, and they also have a nursing home for them."

"In addition, Qixian County has already arranged it."

"Once the emperor comes, conflict will inevitably occur within a short period of time."

"We only have 500 Beiya Forbidden Army soldiers, which is far from enough strength."

"I hope you can go to Zhechong Mansion in Taizhou to ask for help." Zhao Chen informed Li Ruoshuang of his thoughts.

"Are you trying to drive me away again?" Li Ruoshuang looked at Zhao Chen.

Her first thought was that Zhao Chen wanted to drive her away from him.

At this moment, Li Ruoshuang was a little annoyed.

"No, Cheng Chumo has already gone to Huangzhou, but Huangzhou is only a Zhongzhou, and there are only two thousand people in Zhechong Mansion, which is not enough to solve possible situations."

"You are the only one with me, so I hope you can go to Taizhou for help." Zhao Chen explained to Li Ruoshuang seriously.

Li Ruoshuang was silent.

She didn't want Zhao Chen to be left in danger alone, but if she didn't ask for help.

How to solve the situation Qixian may face?

"Then you promise that nothing will happen, otherwise I will never forgive you." Li Ruoshuang looked at Zhao Chen angrily.

Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Okay, I promise you."

Then he took out his waist card.

"This is the waist badge of the King of Han given by the emperor. The captains of Zhechong Prefecture know it everywhere. You can take it with you to ask for help."

"If someone disobeys orders, this waist card can be killed first and then played."

"Pay attention to your own safety." Zhao Chen handed the waist badge to Li Ruoshuang and told him.

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