The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1393 We have to keep an eye on him too

The waist card was given to Zhao Chen by the emperor when he was granted the title of King of Han.

The style of waist badges has been copied throughout the Tang Dynasty for a long time.

All Zhechong prefectures will have backups.

With this waist card, Datang can be mobilized to attack the government at will, and has the right to kill first and then report later.

"You are in Qixian County, please delay for a while, I will come back as soon as possible." Li Ruoshuang squeezed the waist badge in her hand tightly and said to Zhao Chen.

"I will. There is a wine shop ahead, and there is a horse sale there. You buy a horse and go on the road. Pay attention to safety on the road." Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang said, pointing to the visible position ahead.

Li Ruoshuang hugged Zhao Chen, pinched Zhao Chen's back hard, and said: "You too, wait until I come back."

After that, Li Ruoshuang let go of Zhao Chen, then turned around and ran towards the wine shop in front.

Zhao Chen stood there until he saw Li Ruoshuang riding a horse in front of him again.

Li Ruoshuang rode on the horse, waved to Zhao Chen, then turned around and drove the horse towards Taizhou.

Zhao Chen paused for a moment, and then walked towards Qixian County.

In Qixian County, Lu Yifa has received the news sent by Ma Zhiyuan.

After learning that the emperor had left for Qixian, Lu Yifa finally had a smile on his face.

As long as the emperor comes to Qixian, they can find ways to control it.

How to deal with the emperor in the future, we only need to wait for news from Chang'an.

In this way, their previous plan was already 90% successful.

Thinking that after the emperor comes, he can complete his previous plan, and then he can rise to the top.

By then, even Qixian County would not be able to satisfy Lu Yifa's appetite.

Lu Yifa also received news about the murderer of his son.

Zhao Chen!

This guy who once stirred up troubles in Chang'an actually came to Qixian County.

He also killed his son Luneng.

Lu Yifa had speculated before that the person who killed his son might be Zhao.


After all, how can other people escape from his hands several times?

Now that the suspicion was confirmed, Lu Yifa hated Zhao Chen even more.

Lu Yi found that what he was thinking about was to find Zhao Chen and then kill him with his own hands to avenge his son.

"I didn't expect that it was Han Wang Zhao Chen who attacked Mr. Neng." The captain of Zhe Chong Mansion whispered, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Obviously, the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion was a little afraid of Zhao Chen.

Even if they have never seen it before.

But a guy who has always been talked about must have something extraordinary about him.

Moreover, when they arrested Zhao Chen several times before, they watched Zhao Chen escape.

Even now, they have not seen Zhao Chen's true identity.

"Zhao Chen!" Lu Yifa said with a cold look on his face: "Even if he is the emperor and kills my son, I will still make him pay with his blood."

Lu Yifa didn't care who the murderer was.

His son was killed, and he must seek revenge on the murderer.

"But Governor Ma said that the most important thing for us now is to get everything ready."

"Once the emperor arrives in Qixian, we must control it as soon as possible."

"Then we'll wait for news from Chang'an."

"Zhao Chen is not our first target." Captain Zhechong Mansion and Lu Yifa said.

Lu Yifa frowned and looked at Captain Zhe Chongfu: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"I don't dare," the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion explained immediately.

"Don't be afraid of your best. Don't think that your wings will become stiff if Ma Zhiyuan returns to Qixian."

"Today you can sit in the position of captain of Zhechong Mansion, and I can let you get out tomorrow." Lu Yifa

He said coldly.

The captain of Zhechong Mansion lowered his head and did not even dare to say anything.

"Hmph." Lu Yifa snorted coldly, and then said: "Let everyone get moving, and arrange our own people inside and outside the Governor's Mansion."

"Once the emperor enters the Governor's Mansion and stays, his every move will be under our noses."

"The five hundred Beiya Forbidden Army soldiers must be dealt with as soon as possible when news comes from Chang'an." ??

"If I can't deal with them, I will deal with you."

"In addition, I will send people to inquire about the whereabouts of Zhao Chen on the street. I heard that he looks very good. If he appears, it should not be difficult to recognize him."

After Lu Yifa finished talking to the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion, he waved him away.

The captain of Zhe Chong Mansion accompanied him with a smile, said yes, then turned and left.

"Zhao Chen, kill me Neng'er, I won't let you go." Lu Yifa stood in the study, with a cold and stern look on his face.

That night, Chang'an, Qunfang Garden.

Imperial College Prince Jiang Siye came here again.

It’s still that small courtyard.

"Dong dong dong -" Jiang Siye knocked on the wooden door, and then stood aside, quietly waiting for the movement inside.

"Hey--" The wooden door opened, and it was still the faceless man in robes.

"Sir, there is news from Qizhou that His Majesty the Emperor has set off for Qi County and will arrive in the next two days."

"The people in Qixian County want to ask when we will take action." Jiang Siye said to the man in robes in front of him.

Jiang Siye only found out two days ago that the man in robes in front of him actually wanted to unite with Qizhou officials to attack the emperor who was on patrol.

Jiang Siye was afraid.

He wanted to quit, but was secretly warned.

Once this matter is leaked out, Jiang Siye's whole family will be killed.

If you want to keep this matter secret and help them act together,

After the deed is accomplished, it will be a great achievement.

Jiang Siye had no choice but to agree to it since it meant death anyway.

"So fast?" The man in robe seemed a little surprised.

Then he quickly regained his composure.

"Where is the news about Zhao Chen, has it been received?" The man in the robe's voice was still hoarse.

"Dudu Ma sent news that Zhao Chen appeared in Qi County and killed Luneng, the only son of Qi Governor Shi Lu Yifa."

"Lu Yi launched a city-wide search for Zhao Chen, but no one was caught."

"Ma Zhiyuan has asked Lu Yifa not to search Zhao Chen for the time being. Now they are preparing for the emperor to enter the city." Jiang Siye said to the man in robes.

"They still have some brains."

"If Zhao Chen was so easy to deal with, would he still be alive today?" The man in the robe had a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Then he waved his hand and said: "Send a message telling them when to take action and wait for my news."

"Before this, everyone remains silent. Even if the emperor finds out something, they have to endure it."

"Push a few people who are not closely connected to go out and let the emperor relax."

"Also, find a way to find Zhao Chen's hiding place. If you can kill him, that would be the best."

"If you can't kill him, you have to keep him locked to death."

"Especially around the emperor, they must not be allowed to exchange news." The man in robes said to Jiang Siye.

Jiang Siye nodded. He could tell that the man in black robe in front of him seemed to be extremely afraid of Zhao Chen.

But thinking about it, who in the Great Tang Dynasty is not afraid of Zhao Chen?

Those who were not afraid would suffer greatly at the hands of Zhao Chen.

"Go." The man in robe waved to Jiang Siye.

"Yes." Jiang Siye nodded and left.

The wooden door was closed again, and everything returned to calm.

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