Qi County.

Lu Yifa had been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally the emperor came over.

"I, Shi Lu Yifa, the governor of Qi, together with officials of all sizes in Qizhou, respectfully welcome His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty." Lu Yifa stood in front of the emperor and shouted loudly to the emperor.

Other officials from Qizhou, big and small, also bowed and bowed their hands to the emperor.

Ma Zhiyuan jumped off the horse and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, we have arrived in Qixian County."

Li Ke walked up to Luan Jia and helped the emperor come out.

The emperor's eyes swept across the large and small officials of Qizhou in front of him.

It is these people who have to deal with themselves in this place.

A smile appeared on the emperor's face, and he waved his hand and said: "I just came to see the situation in Qizhou. You don't need to delay your own affairs for me. Get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After the emperor said this, the officials of Qizhou, big and small, shouted in unison.

Then they divided into two rows and stood on both sides.

"Your Majesty, when the people of Qixian County heard that Your Majesty was here, they all said they wanted to come to pay homage to the Holy Face. The public opinion was difficult, so I dared to let them come. Please punish Your Majesty." Lu Yifa walked up to the emperor and apologized to him.

The emperor glanced at the people standing in two rows on the street and knew that this was arranged by Lu Yifa.

But he didn't say anything more.

If what is expected is true, many of these people are spies under Lu Yifa.

"Lu Changshi, my father has been on the bumpy road for so long and is already tired. Let everyone go back."

"Father, you should also rest early." Li Ke spoke and said to Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa looked at Li Ke. His original intention was to let the emperor dispel his doubts.

After all, the emperor came here because of the Qizhou riot.

If the emperor saw that the people of Qixian County welcomed the emperor so enthusiastically, how could the emperor believe that there was any riot?

But he didn't expect that Li Ke would directly ask him to take the emperor to rest.

Although Lu Yifa was a little dissatisfied, he did not dare to break out here and immediately said: "The Palace of the King of Shu"

You are right, but I was negligent. "

"Your Majesty, I have prepared a private courtyard for Your Majesty in the Governor's Mansion. All the maids and attendants inside have been trained in etiquette."

"Your Majesty, please come with your attendants." Lu Yi smiled and invited the emperor.

"The Governor's Mansion is inconvenient and affects your normal work. It is better to arrange an inn..."

"What are you talking about, His Majesty the King of Shu? It is an honor for us and other Qi County officials to have His Majesty visit Qixian County."

"Let His Majesty stay in the inn. After word spreads, let me wait for the Qizhou officials to behave."

"The Yushitai is not allowed to say that we don't respect saints."

"Your Majesty, what do you think?" After Lu Yifa finished speaking, he looked at the emperor.

The emperor nodded and said to Li Ke: "Lu Changshi is right. He lives in the Governor's Mansion and is safe."

When Lu Yifa heard the emperor say that the Governor's Mansion was safe, his heart suddenly twitched twice for no reason.

Ma Zhiyuan's eyes also flickered, and then he regained his composure.


"Listen to Lu Changshi, we are guests in Qizhou, and guests do as they please." The emperor interrupted Li Ke, and then smiled and waved to Lu Yifa: "Lu Changshi, lead the way."

Li Ke couldn't figure out what the emperor was thinking.

Coming to Qixian can be interpreted as the emperor not being afraid of the danger in Qixian.

But after entering the city, he had to agree to choose Qizhou Governor's Mansion as his residence. This was completely heading towards death.

Qi County is already dangerous enough.

Now living in the Governor's Mansion, isn't that already a desperate situation?

Li Ke was very worried.

The emperor and his entourage were arranged in the east courtyard of the Dudu Mansion.

It happened to be the yard where Zhao Chen killed Luneng.

I don’t know what Lu Yifa was thinking.

"Oh, don't tell me, the preparations are quite good." The emperor sat in the courtyard, looking at the good environment in front of him, and said with a smile.

Li Ke looked around and saw no one else.

He walked to the emperor's side in a few steps and lowered his voice: "Father, the Governor's Mansion is all their people. We took the initiative to move in, but they were completely in control of us."

"If they plan to take action, it will be difficult for us to fly even if we have wings."

The emperor smiled, pointed to the stone bench beside him, and motioned for Li Ke to sit down. .??.

But Li Ke had no intention of sitting at this time.

He just stood there with a worried look on his face.

"Li Ke, do you think we had a choice at that time?"

"Lu Yifa has already made arrangements. Even if we stay in the inn, he can still make some noise."

"On the grounds of inn safety issues, let us stay in the Dudu Mansion."

"How can I refuse then?"

"If you forcefully say that you don't live in the Governor's Mansion, don't you just tell Ma Zhiyuan and Lu Yifa that we suspect them?"

"Instead of wasting everything, it would be better to move in directly."

"Tell them, I don't know anything." The emperor and Li Ke said slowly.

Li Ke's expression changed a little as he listened.

But he was still worried that it was too dangerous to live here.

If Ma Zhiyuan and Lu Yifa were really ready to take action against them, they would be lambs to be slaughtered here.

"Stay there peacefully. You can go out sometime and find a way to contact Mr. Chen to see what to do next."

"As long as I don't go out, they won't be too cautious when you go out."

"Besides, if the man from Chang'an doesn't open his mouth, they won't dare to attack me."

“As for Chang’an, it’s not that easy to deal with.

. "The emperor said to Li Ke again.

Although Li Ke was a little hesitant.

But now that they have all moved in, nothing they say will help.

"Then I will contact the emperor later." Li Ke nodded.

"Captain." In the north residence of the Governor's Mansion, Lu Yifa and Ma Zhiyuan held their hands.

"I heard about Luneng. Don't worry. When the matter here is resolved, I will definitely help you get revenge." Ma Zhiyuan patted Lu Yifa on the shoulder and comforted him.

Lu Yifa said nothing.

He didn't believe what Ma Zhiyuan said.

Ma Zhiyuan had always been talking to the man from Chang'an alone, and he, Lu Yifa, didn't know anything at all.

Lu Yifa knew clearly that Ma Zhiyuan never fully believed in himself.

Lu Yifa even speculated that if they took action against the emperor, Ma Zhiyuan would push himself out to atone for the crime.

"Captain, it was Zhao Chen who killed Neng'er, and now Zhao Chen is in Qi County."

"I hope that the governor can avenge me, Neng'er." Lu Yifa and Ma Zhiyuan said.

Ma Zhiyuan nodded: "I can understand your mood, but waiting for the news from Chang'an before taking action against the emperor is our most important thing at the moment."

"As for that Zhao Chen, once our plan succeeds, it will be easy to kill him."

Lu Yifa looked at Ma Zhiyuan. He was not sure how much of Ma Zhiyuan's words were true.

But right now, their most important thing is to wait for news from Chang'an.

Everything else must come after this matter.

No one can deal with Zhao Chen unless the emperor is eliminated.

"Now that the emperor has moved into the Governor's Mansion, if he wants to go out, should we stop him?" Lu Yifa and Ma Zhiyuan asked.

Ma Zhiyuan lowered his head and pondered for a moment. Before he could speak, he saw someone running towards here from outside.

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