The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1403 Don’t let him run away

Of course Lu Yifa understood what Ma Zhiyuan meant.

But thinking that Zhao Chen was still in Qixian County, but he could never find any trace of him, Lu Yifa felt extremely irritable.

Especially because of Luneng's death, his wife put all the responsibility on him, which made Lu Yifa feel even more uncomfortable.

"Then please tell me, Commander Ma, how long Chang'an will have to wait before we can take action."

"We can't wait like this forever." Lu Yifa glared at Ma Zhiyuan. .??.??

Ma Zhiyuan didn't know how to answer, and he also wanted to resolve the matter here as soon as possible.

The emperor has been staying in Qixian. If they don't take action, the emperor will find out more things.

By then the emperor's evidence would be sufficient and all preparations would have been made.

They haven't received the news yet, so they will all die here.

"Don't worry, I have sent someone to deliver the news to Chang'an again. If everything is ready in Chang'an, we will receive the news as soon as possible."

"During this period, you should look for more traces of Zhao Chen."

"Li Ke has been going to the drug store to get medicine. You should also send someone to investigate."

"I always feel that if there is a slight cold, why should I go to the city to get medicine?"

"The key is, you haven't found that Zhao Chen yet." Ma Zhiyuan and Lu Yifa comforted him.

Then let him go to the drug store where Li Ke went to get medicine.

Ma Zhiyuan believes that as long as Zhao Chen comes out, he will definitely leave some clues.

But now the strange thing is that they found nothing.

Lu Yifa frowned. He had sent people to check the drug store before, but found nothing.

There was really nothing else he could do at the moment.

He had no choice but to say: "If there is any news about Chang'an, please inform me as soon as possible."

After that, Lu Yifa turned and left.

He had to go to the previous drug store to check again.

Seeing Lu Yifa so anxious

Ma Zhiyuan also shook his head.

He was just talking, but Lu Yifa was a little impatient.

But fortunately, it at least gives Lu Yifa something to do.

Lu Yifa left Ma Zhiyuan's place and happened to meet Li Ke coming out of the emperor's courtyard at the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

"His Royal Highness, King of Shu, are you going to get medicine again?" Lu Yifa's eyes fell on Li Ke's face.

This is the third time Li Ke has left the Governor's Mansion in the past few days.

Lu Yifa even wondered whether it was true, as Ma Zhiyuan said, that the pharmacy where Li Ke went to get medicine really had secrets that he had not discovered.

"Yes, my father's body is not fully recovered yet, but the medicine is useful for my father, so I have to go get two sets of medicine today." Li Ke explained with a smile.

For the time being, no one has broken their skin yet, so they all greet each other with smiles.

But only they themselves know what each other's true thoughts are.

"As long as it's useful, we ministers just hope that His Majesty will be in good health." Lu Yifa nodded, with a flattering look on his face.

Even though he wanted the emperor to die here immediately, Lu Yifa still pretended to be fiercely loyal.

"Everyone has this idea. Seeing Lu Changshi taking so many people out, there must be something going on." Li Ke asked tentatively.

Li Ke went to meet Zhao Chen again today.

Therefore, he was naturally cautious about his sudden encounter with Lu Yifa.

"Yes, something happened on the street. Several vendors got into a fight. Didn't we go over there to maintain order?"

"If His Majesty the King of Shu is on your way, why not come together?" Lu Yifa casually made up a lie and invited Li Ke.

He also knew that Li Ke would never go there with him.

Li Ke still has to conspire with Zhao Chen.

Sure enough, Lu Yi found Li Ke shaking his head: "Forget it, my father's medicine is important. I will follow Lu Changshi to learn more about it in the future."

"It's getting late, so I won't delay Lu Changshi."

After Li Ke finished speaking, he was the first to walk out of the Governor's Mansion.

Lu Yifa stopped behind and waved to the spies at the door.

The spy quickly followed, chasing after Li Ke.

"Let's follow." Lu Yifa said to the others around him.

Li Ke realized that someone was still following him behind him.

This is not the first time.

Whenever he goes out, his tail will follow behind him.

But Li Ke can easily get rid of it.

This time is no exception.

Li Ke dodged and hid around a corner, and the spies behind him followed him. Li Ke was nowhere to be seen, and then they separated into two directions, one to the left and one to the right.

After they were all far away, Li Ke came out from the corner where he was hiding.

He walked towards the drug store with a smile on his face.

After crossing a few streets, it didn't take long for Li Ke to stand at the door of the drug store.

Thinking about being punished by the emperor every day, Li Ke felt aggrieved.

"Shopkeeper, shopkeeper, I'm here again today." Li Ke shouted and entered the drug store.

Entering the drug store, there was no trace of Zhao Chen.

Li Ke was a little strange.

The previous two times, Zhao Chen was studying prescriptions in the drug store.

Why is there still no sign of anyone today?

"Brother Huang?" Li Ke shouted.

No one answered.

"Old Zhaotou?" Li Ke changed his title again, but still didn't reply at all.


Li Ke frowned.

He felt there was something strange here today.

His whole body became tense instantly.

He walked cautiously to the second floor of the drug store. When he was halfway up the stairs, he looked up and saw Zhao Chen sitting here expressionless on the steps of the second floor.


"Don't talk." Zhao Chen interrupted Li Ke.

Li Kezheng was confused when he heard the movement of a large group of people at the door.

"Everyone, surround this place and don't let even a fly fly out." Lu Yifa's voice came from outside.

Li Ke's expression immediately changed.

He looked at Zhao Chen and wanted to tell Zhao Chen that he did not bring Lu Yifa here.

But at this moment, I don't know where to start to explain myself.

"You've been wandering around lately, and you don't even know you're being followed." Zhao Chen's voice struck Li Ke's heart like a heavy hammer.

Li Ke's face was full of shame.

He had followed Zhao Chen for so long, but now he was being followed.

From this point of view, Li Ke is a complete waste.

"Brother Emperor, I..."

"Calm down later. This pharmacy has been destroyed. If you find a chance to come out tomorrow, I will contact you."

"Remember this lesson." Zhao Chen left a sentence, and then disappeared on the steps of the second floor.

Li Ke looked up, but there was no trace of Zhao Chen.

"Sir, someone ran away on the roof." Someone shouted loudly outside.

"Hold him, don't let him escape." Lu Yifa shouted again from outside.

Li Ke clenched his hands into fists, his face full of anger.

After a few steps, he walked downstairs and opened the door, only to see that Lu Yifa had already led people to chase Zhao Chen.

"Asshole." Li Ke rushed out of the drug store and cursed.

But he could only watch everyone disappear in front.

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