The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1404 It’s probably too late now

Looking at the people disappearing in front of him, Li Ke's eyes were full of worry.

Zhao Chen is being hunted by Lu Yifa and so many people. How can he get out?

Lu Yifa has been following behind him.

When he entered the drug store to look for Zhao Chen, he had already set up a dragnet outside.

At the moment, Li Ke has no idea at all.

If something happened to Zhao Chen because of his own negligence.

Li Ke didn't even know how he should face the questions from the emperor, Li Ruoshuang and others.

Li Ke ran out of the drug store in a hurry.

He wanted to go back to look for reinforcements, or at least block the pursuit of Lu Yifa and others.

At this moment, Lu Yifa was extremely happy.

He knew that the person running away on the roof in front of him was the murderer Zhao Chen he needed to find.

Thinking of his dead son, Lu Yifa's eyes were instantly replaced by anger.

If it weren't for Zhao Chen, his son might not have died.

His wife will not complain to him day and night because of this matter.

Lu Yifa vowed to catch Zhao Chen today to avenge his dead son.

"Everyone must catch the murderer on the roof no matter what."

"If he escapes, I will never let you off lightly."

"In addition, send someone to Zhechong Mansion to mobilize manpower. Even if the entire Qixian County is turned upside down today, we must catch him." Lu Yifa fixed his eyes on Zhao Chen who was escaping on the roof. .

The spies behind him also left immediately.

The people on the street had strange expressions on their faces when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Isn't this Qi Governor Shi Lu Yifa Lu Chang Shi?"

"Why did he bring so many people out here today?" Some people on the street looked at Lu Yifa who was leading the hunt in confusion.

Lu Yifa appeared too many times during this period.

Almost every two days, you can see Lu Yifa leading people to chase him on the street.


He even chased people to the roof.

"Then who knows?"

"I heard that Lord Changshi has been hunting down the murderer of his son recently."

"But there has been no news, and I don't know if the man running away on the roof is the murderer of his son."

"If so, with so many people chasing him, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the murderer to escape."

"Are you still making such a fuss over his son's affairs?"

"Who is that son of his? No one knows!"

"Being killed is actually a very happy thing for the people of Qixian County."

"Although I say that, who is Lu Yifa? His son can end up like today."

"It's most likely also because of Lu Yifa's pampering."

"The hanged man and his dead wife, to whom can they complain of their grievances?"

"Actually, to tell the truth now, I really hope that this murderer will not be caught."

The people on the street were talking a lot.

Lu Yifa didn't hear it either.

Even if he heard it, he would not give up chasing the murderer.

Lu Yi found that his current obsession was to catch Zhao Chen and avenge his son.

But Lu Yifa also discovered at the same time that his people could not catch up with Zhao Chen.

Soon Zhao Chen disappeared on the roof without a trace.

"Lord Chang Shi, Zhao Chen has disappeared." A spy reported to Lu Yi.

Lu Yifa looked around and felt that Zhao Chen must be hiding in the front room area.

The whole street was manned by his manpower.

If Zhao Chen rushed out, his people would definitely find him.

"There's no rush, let's wait for the people from Zhe Chong Mansion to arrive." Lu Yifa said in a deep voice.

Lu Yifa had already learned his lesson when Zhao Chen escaped from the inn last time.

So this time he was fully prepared.

"Have people surround this place. Anyone who sees the escaped person will be warned for the first time." .??.

"If you don't listen, just shoot him with random arrows." Lu Yifa's eyes were filled with fierceness.

Even if he couldn't catch Zhao Chen alive, he could still use Zhao Chen's body to pay homage to his dead son.

"Yes." The spy responded and left.

"Father, something happened." Li Ke said this to the emperor when he returned to the Qizhou Governor's Mansion and saw the emperor the first time.

The emperor was drinking tea leisurely at that time.

Suddenly hearing Li Ke's words really shocked him.

"What happened? Didn't you go to the drug store to get medicine?"

"Did something happen to Mr. Chen?" The emperor hurriedly put down the teacup in his hand and asked Li Ke repeatedly.

Li Ke nodded, his face full of panic.

With so many people chasing Zhao Chen, he didn't know if Zhao Chen would be caught.

But what they should do at this time is to try their best to help Zhao Chen out of danger.

"Yes, father, something happened over there with the emperor." Li Ke nodded.

The emperor stood up suddenly and stared at Li Ke closely.

"What's going on?" The emperor held the tea cup tightly with one hand, his face full of worry.

"Father, when I met my brother, I didn't expect that Lu Yifa's people would be following me behind."

"They laid a trap. By the time I met Brother Huang, they had already surrounded the entire medicine shop."

"Right now, Brother Huang is being hunted by Lu Yifa's people."

"My son, I want to ask my father to send someone to help my brother escape."

After Li Ke finished speaking, a look of pleading appeared on his face.


The emperor was silent at this moment.

Faced with Li Ke's request, he suddenly felt powerless.

There must be many traps for Lu Yifa to pursue Zhao Chen, and there are people from Zhe Chong Mansion to support him.

If they send someone over, they will definitely not be able to help.

"We can't get out now, so you should take some people to take a look first."

The emperor is very aware of his current situation.

If he sends out all 500 Beiya Imperial Guards.

Lu Yifa will also stop all his people on the grounds that he is hunting the murderer.

He wants to send out people, but he cannot send out all of them.

"But, father..." Li Ke was worried that it would be useless to take more than a dozen people out.

Once the people from Zhe Chong Mansion arrived, they had no chance to help Zhao Chen escape from there.

"You still have to rely on Mr. Chen to handle this matter. You should take people there quickly and don't let anything happen to him." The emperor could only say this to Li Ke.

At the moment, we can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Li Ke didn't say anything in the end, turned around and walked out.

"Follow me as a team." Li Ke came to the door of the east courtyard and shouted with a group of soldiers from the Bei Ya Forbidden Army in front of him.

The soldiers of the Beiya Forbidden Army were stunned for a moment, and then quickly followed behind Li Ke.

I happened to meet Ma Zhiyuan when I was walking at the door.

Ma Zhiyuan saw Li Ke leading people out and stopped him with a smile.

"Where are you going, His Majesty the King of Shu?"

"But what happened?" Ma Zhiyuan and Li Kexiao asked.

Li Ke doesn't have the energy to talk nonsense with Ma Zhiyuan now.

He is just worried about Zhao Chen's safety now.

"If you have something to go out on, please ask Governor Ma to give way." After Li Ke finished speaking, he led the people outside.

Ma Zhiyuan did not stop him, but shouted from behind: "The people from Zhe Chong Mansion have already gone, and it is probably too late now."

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