The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1405 Is it time to go back for dinner?

As soon as Li Ke heard what Ma Zhiyuan said, his expression immediately changed.

What Ma Zhiyuan meant was that it was already too late for him to take people there now.

"Your Highness the King of Shu, is the murderer of Lu Yifa's son very important to His Highness the King of Shu?" Ma Zhiyuan said with a hint of doubt in his tone.

Li Ke did not stop, nor did he answer Ma Zhiyuan's words.

Li Ke didn't believe that Ma Zhiyuan didn't know about Zhao Chen. He said this just to stimulate Li Ke.

Li Ke led his men out of the Qizhou Governor's Mansion and disappeared around the corner in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Li Ke and others disappearing, Ma Zhiyuan showed a sneer on his face.

He thought that this time Lu Yifa could finally catch Zhao Chen and relieve the anger in his heart.

By the way, they also eliminated a big enemy for their plan. ??

Ma Zhiyuan was happy and thought about whether he should spread the good news to Chang'an in advance.

Lu Yifa was a little strange.

The governor of Zhechong Mansion led hundreds of people to search Zhao Chen from house to house.

But no trace of Zhao Chen was found.

His people also said that they did not see anyone running out of the closed area.

This means that Zhao Chen is still here, but they haven't found it yet.

"Lord Chang Shi, do you think Zhao Chen has run away? We haven't seen any trace of him until now. This is really strange." Lieutenant Zhechong Mansion and Lu Yifa asked.

Lu Yi realized that the last thing he wanted to hear was that Zhao Chen had run away.

If Zhao Chen escapes again, Lu Yifa will want to catch Zhao Chen next time. Who knows when he will wait.

Maybe he will never be able to catch Zhao Chen again in this life.

There is no way to avenge his son.

Lu Yifa was unwilling to do so.

"Then Zhao Chen must still be here, it's just that we didn't catch him."

"None of you should take it lightly. You must catch him."

"If anyone can catch him, I will definitely reward him heavily."


You, Captain Huang, I hope you can take this matter seriously. If Zhao Chen escapes because of your mistake, I will never let you go." Lu Yifa turned to look at the Lieutenant of Zhechong Mansion next to him, his eyes full. Somewhat fierce.

The governor of Zhechong Mansion immediately did not dare to speak.

There was a sly smile on his face.

"All of you, hurry up and look for me. If you can't find this Zhao Chen, I will definitely deal with you first."

The governor of Zhechong Mansion did not dare to refute Lu Yifa's words, but he had many ways to deal with the soldiers of Zhechong Mansion under his command.

When the soldiers under his command heard what he said, their expressions suddenly changed with fear.

They all walked towards the enclosed area in front.

But even so, after a long time, they still found nothing.

It was as if Zhao Chen suddenly disappeared from here.

Lu Yi's face was filled with anger.

He stared at the governor of Zhe Chong Mansion with a fierce look.

The governor of Zhe Chong Mansion did not dare to look at him and could only look to the side.

But he happened to see Li Ke coming with a group of Beiya Forbidden Army soldiers.

"Lord Chang Shi, His Royal Highness the King of Shu is here." Lieutenant Zhechong Mansion said to Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa followed the line of sight of the governor of Zhe Chong Mansion.

Sure enough, I saw Li Ke coming here with a group of soldiers from the Beiya Forbidden Army.

Of course Lu Yifa knew why Li Ke came.

He was very eager to see Li Ke's anger when he knew that he had caught Zhao Chen.

But the current situation is that he didn't catch anything.

Even now, Zhao Chen has not been seen.

Lu Yifa watched Li Ke bring the soldiers of the Beiya Imperial Army over.

Then he looked at himself fiercely.

"Why is His Royal Highness the King of Shu looking at the minister like this?"


It was this murderer who knew His Highness the King of Shu. "Lu Yifa stared at Li Ke.

And Li Ke was even more angry.

He felt that he had brought Lu Yifa's people here and then exposed Zhao Chen's whereabouts.

If something happened to Zhao Chen, Li Ke would not be able to escape the blame no matter what.

"It seems that Lu Changshi has not caught anyone." Li Ke glanced at the people in front of him.

At this moment he also understood.

If Lu Yifa really caught Zhao Chen, he would never stay here now.

It must be because Zhao Chen's whereabouts have not been discovered so far.

This couldn't help but make Li Ke feel relieved.

As long as Zhao Chen hasn't been caught, everything is still possible.

"Of course I don't know the murderer."

"The king brought people here just because he wanted to see where he could help Lu Changshi."

"How come Lu Changshi hasn't seen the murderer until now?"

"I never thought that the murderer would be the doctor hiding in the medicine shop."

"If I had known earlier that he was the murderer who harmed Luneng, I would have definitely brought him to justice and handed him over to Lu Changshi."

"Lu Changshi, you see, I have brought a dozen people to help you find the murderer." Li Ke was in a good mood and couldn't help but start teasing Lu Yifa.

Lu Yi was so angry that his face turned red.

He once again tried his best to catch Zhao Chen.

But it seems to have been a useless effort.

"His Royal Highness the King of Shu is joking."

"So many of us haven't caught the murderer. It's better to take His Royal Highness the King of Shu's dozen or so people back and have a good rest."

"Lieutenant Huang, lead everyone now and immediately search all the unsearched areas in front of you. You must find the murderer."

"I will personally skin and cramp the murderer in front of His Majesty the King of Shu, and bring him to justice."


If we can't find the murderer, you and your Zhe Chong Mansion soldiers will all get out of here. "Lu Yi found that he was also crazy with anxiety now, and did not care about the face of the governor of Zhe Chong Mansion.

It didn't matter that he didn't catch Zhao Chen, but now he was still being ridiculed by Li Ke, which made Lu Yifa feel sad and angry.

The governor of Zhechong Mansion was extremely unhappy, but he had no other choice.

They could only obediently lead the Zhechong Mansion soldiers to continue searching the area encircled in front.

"Lu Changshi, do you need me to send these people to help you?" Lu Yifa seemed to have not heard.

I just personally led people to search the front.

Li Ke waved his hand, and the soldiers of the Bei Ya Forbidden Army behind him followed him and walked forward.

Although Lu Yifa has found no trace of Zhao Chen for the time being, Li Ke is still worried that if he doesn't follow him, what will he do if something goes wrong with Zhao Chen?

More and more people were watching on both sides of the street.

For the people of Qixian County, everything in front of them is just excitement.

Of course, they are also concerned about who killed Lu Yifa's son Luneng.

People in the besieged residences were constantly being driven out of their houses.

But no one dared to resist.

From day to night, all rooms in the entire enclosed area were searched.

But there was still no trace of Zhao Chen.

Lu Yi found that he was even a little desperate in his heart.

He didn't know what went wrong with him and why he never found Zhao Chen.

If Zhao Chen cannot be found, there will be no way to avenge his son Luneng.

Li Ke stood aside and looked at Lu Yifa with a smile.

Li Ke suddenly realized that his worries seemed a bit unnecessary.

If Zhao Chen couldn't even escape the arrests of these people, he would have died long ago in Chang'an.

Why wait until now.

"Lu Changshi, it's getting late, shouldn't it be time to go back for dinner?" Li Ke said suddenly.

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