The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1406 Years of hard work in vain

Lu Yifa heard what Li Ke said. At that time, I was so angry that my heart and liver ached.

It's getting late, should we eat?

This was clearly a mockery of him. Lu Yifa still hasn't caught Zhao Chen.

Such upright cynicism made Lu Yifa feel extremely uncomfortable.

But the soldiers of Zhechong Mansion and the spies behind him, who had been busy all day, were already having their chests pressed against their backs.

Everyone was hungry and seemed reluctant to move.

Lu Yifa knew that today's arrest was another failure.

"Lord Changshi. Brothers are very hungry now. Should we go back and take a rest first?"

"It's getting late, and there are too many people outside."

"If we don't let them go back, there will probably be big problems later."

"The emperor is in our Qixian county now. If the commotion is too big, how can we explain to the emperor?" Lieutenant Zhechong Mansion and Lu Yifa persuaded.

Even the governor of Zhechong Mansion himself felt hungry.

They have been searching for traces of Zhao Chen here for a whole day.

But nothing was found.

The governor of Zhechong Mansion felt that this method of search was simply not feasible.

In other words, Zhao Chen actually ran away from here long ago.

Because the Zhao Chen they saw at the beginning was actually just an old man.

Then maybe Zhao Chen had disguised himself as someone else and was kicked out of the room with them while they were searching.

Even if they search here forever, Zhao Chen is gone and they can't find him no matter how hard they search.

Besides, the governor of Zhe Chong Mansion didn't want to do such a thankless job.

Obviously there are so many people searching for the murderer for Lu Yifa.

As a result, Lu Yifa still didn't buy it.

He even humiliated him, the governor of Zhechong Mansion, many times.

Lu Yifa listened to what the governor of Zhechong Mansion said to him, and he knew in his heart that he was blaming himself.

looked up

Looking at it, the sun has already set over the western mountains.

and the sky that was about to be covered by night, Lu Yifa sighed secretly in his heart.

"Forget it, let's end today's search here and let everyone go back." When Lu Yifa said this, he was extremely reluctant.

Even if there was a chance, he wanted to try it.

But now everyone who has not found any trace for a long time is already exhausted physically and mentally.

These people will no longer listen to themselves, and forcing them to stay here will only make them resent themselves.

"Your Highness, King of Shu, as you wish, we found nothing." Lu Yifa looked at Li Ke with an unspeakable expression on his face.

"What does Lu Changshi mean by this? What does it mean to do as I wish?"

"I also hope that you can catch the murderer of Luneng, but who makes you incompetent?"

"I brought people to help you, but you all stopped me from helping."

"Otherwise, I think you should give up." Li Ke's words made Lu Yifa clenched his fists tightly.

They all know that the murderer is Zhao Chen, but neither party will admit it.

After all, I haven't broken my skin yet.

"Give up? The word "give up" has never been in Xiaguan's dictionary. If you kill my son, I will definitely make him pay the price."

"If His Royal Highness the King of Shu really knows the murderer, he hopes to convey the officer's words to the murderer."

"What are you talking about?" Li Ke became more interested and asked Lu Yi.

"If I don't die, I will definitely kill him and avenge my son." Lu Yifa coldly left a few words, then turned and left.

Li Ke stood there and looked at Lu Yifa's leaving figure, with a cold and stern look on his face.

The governor of Zhechong Mansion also left with his people.

The originally noisy streets soon became quiet.

"Your Highness, should we go back?" A soldier from the Beiya Forbidden Army asked Li Ke.

"Well, go back. You have worked hard today. Let's go back and have a rest early." Li Ke nodded, and then walked towards the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

He has to come out tomorrow.

Tell him when you leave before morning and come back the next day to find a way to contact him.

This time Li Ke will not make the same mistake again.

"Father, my son is back." Li Ke returned to Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

He knocked on the door of the emperor's room.

The door was opened, and the emperor's worried face came into Li Ke's eyes.

"How's it going?" The emperor's voice was also low.

Obviously still worried about Zhao Chen.

"Father, don't worry. Brother Huang has not been caught. Lu Yifa has just taken people back."

"They don't even know how the emperor escaped." Li Ke said to the emperor with a smile.

"That's good, that's good."

"It's fine, Mr. Chen, if nothing happens." The emperor nodded, with a relaxed smile on his face.

Li Ke suddenly knelt on the ground and spoke to the emperor: "Father, everything today is due to my son's negligence. I beg my father to punish my son."

Even at this moment, Li Ke still felt a sense of fear in his heart.

He was thinking about how he would face those people around Zhao Chen if something happened to Zhao Chen.

Even if it were me, I might not be able to pass the test in my heart.

The emperor looked at Li Ke kneeling on the ground, sighed softly, and then said:

"I will not make the decision to punish you. But you must remember that you must never make such a mistake again in the future."

"The wave clouds in Qi County are treacherous, and the forces within them are complicated."

"We are now trapped in this place. If we are not careful, it will be a disaster."


Things are. It takes a lot of thought before doing it. "

"I hope you remember today's lesson."

"Okay, it's getting late. You've been tired for a long day. Go back and have a rest." After the emperor finished speaking, he asked Li Ke to go back and have a rest.

Li Ke nodded, and then kowtowed to the emperor again: "I will remember it."

"Brother Huang said that he will find a way to contact me tomorrow. This time I will never make the fatal mistake like today." Li Ke said, and then stood up and respectfully handed over to the emperor.

The door closed and the emperor let out a long breath.

The stress in my heart is also released at this time.

Compared to the relaxation here, the atmosphere in Beizhai is actually not very good.

Lu Yifa returned to Qizhou Dudu Mansion.

Thinking that he had another failed arrest today, he felt extremely angry.

When Ma Zhiyuan came to him, Lu Yifa didn't even raise his head.

"I've also heard about what happened today. Zhao Chen is a resourceful person. It's normal that you didn't catch him."

"Anyway, as long as he is still in Qixian County, we will have a chance."

"Even if there is no chance at the moment, if something happens to the emperor in our plan, and then all the responsibility is put on Zhao Chen, he will not have any chance of survival even without us taking action."

"Now I still have to say one thing: Lu Changshi still has to put the overall situation first."

"Before our plan is completed, we must not expose this matter in front of the emperor."

"Otherwise, once Chang'an is not ready, we will break up with the emperor."

"Then the matter is absolutely irreversible."

"The life of Lu Changshi will not only be lost by that time, but also our entire officialdom in Qizhou will be overthrown because of this matter."

"All the hard work over the years will be in vain." Ma Zhiyuan looked at Lu Yifa and said slowly.

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