Of course Lu Yifa knew what Ma Zhiyuan said.

But he couldn't just watch this opportunity right in front of him and give up on him.

His son's body is still cold, and the murderer appears in front of him.

How could he remain indifferent.

Listening to what Ma Zhiyuan said, Lu Yifa could only nodded quietly and said, "I understand what Captain Ma said."

"All I can say is, try not to make a big fuss."

"But if Zhao Chen appears in my news again, I won't let him go easily."

"Captain Ma has never experienced the pain of losing a child, and I'm afraid it's hard for him to understand my feelings."

Ma Zhiyuan didn't know how to answer Lu Yifa's words.

He just sighed slightly and nodded.

He exchanged hands with Lu Yifa again, then turned and left.

Lu Yifa looked at Ma Zhiyuan walking away, thinking about the man from Chang'an's plan.

I suddenly felt confused about the future.

Lu Yifa had some doubts, could the Chang'an man's plan succeed?

But now he has no choice.

Lu Yifa sat in the room, thinking carefully about what happened today.

After thinking about it, he didn't know why he didn't find any trace of Zhao Chen.

Could it be that Zhao Chen is really hiding among those people?

Then while they were searching, he openly left their sight.

Lu Yifa once again felt Zhao Chen's difficulty.

But what suddenly came to mind?

He stood up and shouted outside: "Here comes someone."

"What are your orders, sir?" came the response from outside the door.

"We did not catch the murderer today. Li Ke may go to meet him again tomorrow."

"So if there is any movement from Li Ke tomorrow, please report it to me immediately."

"There must be no delay."

"Remember?" Lu Yifa said to the person outside the door.

"Yes, sir, remember." A voice came from outside the door again.

Lu Yifa believed that Zhao Chen would never lose contact with the emperor.

Therefore, Li Ke will definitely contact Zhao Chen again tomorrow or later.

And as long as he keeps an eye on Li Ke, he might be able to find traces of Zhao Chen again.

As long as Zhao Chen was found, Lu Yifa decided this time not to seek arrest but to shoot him directly.

With a dissatisfied mood, Lu Yifa sat in his room and couldn't close his eyes for a long time.

The next morning.

Li Ke walked out of his room.

After greeting the emperor, he prepared to leave and go to the city to contact Zhao Chen.

"Li Ke." The emperor opened the door and shouted to Li Ke in the yard.

"Father." Li Ke turned around and saluted the emperor.

"Be careful when you go out."

"Lu Yifa will never let go of any opportunity easily. You have to be careful about the people behind you when you go out today."

"Don't let yesterday's situation happen again."

"After meeting Mr. Chen, ask him what to do next."

"If he has any questions, remember to inform me first." The emperor and Li Ke instructed.

"Yes, father." Li Ke agreed.

"Go." The emperor waved his hand. There was no look of blame on his face.

Li Ke nodded and walked out of the yard.

Pausing at the gate of the Dudu Mansion, Li Ke did not see Lu Yifa or Lu Yifa's people guarding here.

But this time Li Ke didn't dare to relax at all.

He knew that he absolutely could not make the same mistake a second time.

Lu Yifa wanted to follow his old tricks again, but that was impossible.

After leaving the Governor's Mansion, Li Ke wandered around on the street.

"grown ups

, news just came that the King of Shu has left the Governor's Mansion. "

Outside the door of Lu Yifa's room, his entourage spoke to Lu Yifa at the door.

Lu Yifa opened the door and stared at the entourage in front of him.

"Can we send someone to keep an eye on it?" Lu Yifa asked.

There was even a look of anticipation on his face.

"I sent someone to keep an eye on him, but this time Li Ke seemed to be very careful."

""I've been walking around the street for a long time, and I haven't seen him do anything inappropriate until now. "The attendant said to Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa nodded, he understood why Li Ke acted like this.

What happened yesterday must have put Li Ke and the emperor on guard.

If he goes out again today, Li Ke will definitely guess that he will also send someone to follow him.

Today I want to repeat what happened yesterday.

I'm afraid it will be even more difficult.

But Lu Yifa is not worried.

As long as he does it himself, as long as Li Ke really wants to get in touch with Zhao Chen, they will definitely show their flaws.

As long as the weak point is exposed, Lu Yifa will have the opportunity to seize the flaw.

"People must keep an eye on him. Once he finds out that Li Ke has any contact with anyone, he must go up and check."

"And don't let him escape our sight again."

"This guy is more evil now than before, so be careful."

"You continue to send people to keep an eye on it, and report to me immediately if there is any news." Lu Yifa said to his entourage.

"Yes, sir." The entourage left, and then Lu Yifa stood at the door.

The expression on his face seemed less angry than yesterday.

After one night, Lu Yifa's condition seemed to improve.

He stood at the door for a short time. The captain of Zhe Chong Mansion appeared in front of Lu Yifa.

"Lord Chang Shi," shouted Lu Yifa, the captain of Zhechong Mansion.

"Captain Huang, you have done everything I asked you to do yesterday." Lu Yifa nodded. \u003c


Then, he looked at what was in the hands of the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion.

"Sit tight, sir, this is a slightly modified crossbow."

"It is the most elite weapon in our Zhechong Mansion."

"But sir, if we find Zhao Chen again, you really decide to use such a weapon against him."

"This thing is very lethal. If you hit it, you will basically be dead." Lieutenant Zhechong Mansion and Lu Yifa asked.

After returning yesterday, Lu Yifa asked the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion to find such a weapon, saying that he would use it against Zhao Chen in the future.

Of course, the captain of Zhechong Prefecture did not dare to neglect and found someone to make the modified crossbow overnight.

But if they really use this thing to kill Zhao Chen, they will really have no way out.

Although there are not many escape options for these people, at least there is still some hope for now.

But if they really took action against Zhao Chen, they would completely break up with the emperor.

Then they must complete their previous plan no matter what.

"Of course, maybe you think I'm joking."

"Next time I see Zhao Chen, this is the time to take his life."

"I keep my word." Lu Yifa said with a cold face and stretched out his right hand.

He signaled the governor of Zhe Chong Mansion to hand over the crossbow to him.

The captain of Zhe Chong Mansion was stunned for a moment, and then handed the crossbow to Lu Yifa.

Lu Yifa skillfully loaded the crossbow arrows, then pointed at a tree behind Captain Zhechong and pulled the button.

The whoosh of a crossbow arrow passed by the ear of the captain of Zhechong Prefecture. The captain of Zhechong Prefecture was immediately frightened and sweated all over his body.

He felt that Lu Yi's arrow was clearly a warning to him.

The captain of Zhe Chong Mansion was secretly unhappy, but he did not dare to behave in any strange way.

"How about Captain Huang, how is my archery skills?" Lu Yi released the crossbow in his hand and asked Captain Zhe Chongfu.

"Okay, very good." The captain of Zhe Chong Mansion kept smiling, but he didn't dare to look at the arrow stuck in the tree trunk behind him.

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