The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1408 What’s going on with you guys?

Of course Lu Yifa was warning the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion.

In the recent actions, Lu Yifa clearly felt that the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion was dissatisfied with him.

If you don't use severe measures to warn Captain Zhe Chongaxe. It is inevitable that the person in front of me will have other ideas in the future.

"Compared to Captain Huang, my archery skills are probably much inferior."

"But, no matter how bad your archery skills are, you can still kill someone." Lu Yifa said to the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion with a smile.

The face of the governor of Zhechong Mansion changed slightly, but he did not dare to say anything to refute.

He could only laugh and say, "What Mr. Chang Shi said is very reasonable, and I admire you very much." ??

Lu Yifa was very satisfied with what Captain Zhe Chong said.

Throwing the crossbow in his hand back to the Captain of Zhe Chong Mansion: "Li Ke just left the Governor's Mansion again. I guess he went to contact Zhao Chen."

"But that guy Li Ke seems to have a lot of savvy. I guess it won't be so easy to catch him today."

"Captain Huang, I would like to ask you to bring someone with you to follow me and send out this spy."

"Let's see if we can find Zhao Chen again."

"If Zhao Chen's whereabouts are discovered, he must be killed regardless of the reason or alive."

The captain of Zhechong Mansion could already sense Lu Yifa's determination from his tone.

I know he has made up his mind this time.

Even though he said he didn't want to do anything to Zhao Chen, he had no choice but to follow Lu Yifa's orders.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chang Shi, my subordinates will definitely carry out the orders in accordance with Mr. Chang Shi's instructions." Captain Zhe Chong Mansion caught the crossbow thrown back by Lu Yifa, and then vowed to do so.

Lu Yifa was very satisfied with the attitude of the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion.

Then he waved his hand to indicate to the captain of Zhe Chong Mansion that he could take action.

Li Ke was still wandering around with a group of spies behind him on the street.

Even Li Ke himself didn't know how to get in touch with Zhao Chen.

Although Zhao Chen left a message with him yesterday and would contact him in the city today.

But Li Ke was still a little worried.

After all, Zhao Chen just escaped from Lu Yifa's siege yesterday.

If it were me, I would never take this risk again today.

So today, Li Ke actually didn't have much confidence in whether he could contact Zhao Chen.

So he just wandered the streets.

The streets in Qixian County are quite prosperous.

The vendors on both sides of the street kept shouting nearby.

All kinds of novelty gadgets are dazzling.

"Sir, come and see these new things, they come from Chang'an." Li Ke walked past a stall and was suddenly stopped by the stall owner next to him.

Li Ke paused and looked back at the stall.

Then walked back to the stall in two steps.

The detective behind him watched Li Ke standing in front of the stall from a distance, and did not dare to continue following him at the moment.

I can only look here from a distance.

"Brother." Li Ke whispered to the stall owner in front of him.

The stall owner nodded, and then continued to hand some novelties on the stall to Li Ke.

Li Ke also took it in his hand, seemingly playing with it.

"How did brother escape yesterday? I'm really worried to death." Li Ke asked Zhao Chen in a low voice.

The stall owner in front of him is who Zhao Chen is pretending to be.

If it weren't for that familiar voice and familiar eyes, Li Ke wouldn't be sure that the person in front of him would be Zhao Chen.

"That's how he escaped. He changed his clothes a little and they didn't recognize him."

"I found a place to stay early yesterday."

"How is the situation over there?" Zhao Chen lowered his head and asked Li Ke.

"The situation over there is fine, but my father is particularly worried about your safety."

"After learning about you yesterday,

, although my father didn’t say anything, he was still very anxious in his heart. "

"When I came out today, my father told me again that I must tell my brother to pay attention to safety."

"And my father wants to know what my brother has planned next."

"If you have any questions, you must discuss it with your father in advance." Li Ke lowered his voice and said to Zhao Chen.

"Go back and tell the emperor that I have asked Cheng Er to go to Huangzhou and Ruoshuang to Taizhou to seek support from the local Zhechong Prefecture."

"In the next few days, I am going to spread the secret message in my hand throughout Qixian County."

"But then, the situation will become tense instantly. You and the emperor must pay attention to your own safety in the Qizhou Dudu Mansion."

"The five hundred Beiya forbidden troops cannot leave your side at any time." Zhao Chen and Li Ke warned.

This was Zhao Chen's plan originally, but it was delayed for a day because of yesterday's incident.

Zhao Chen's current plan is to post the secret message he received from Ma Zhiqing in the streets and alleys of Qixian County. ??

Then let the people of Qi County see clearly the faces of the officials of the Qizhou Dudu Mansion.

Li Ke nodded, the matter in Qixian County should also be settled.

Otherwise, they might not have a chance when the man from Chang'an is completely ready.

"Brother, I have one last question." Li Ke suddenly said to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen nodded and signaled Li Ke to continue asking.

"Brother, who do you think the man from Chang'an is?"

"Why did he do this?" Li Ke and Zhao Chen asked.

Li Ke was very surprised that now that the world is peaceful and the people live in peace, why does the man from Chang'an still want to cause these things?

Could it be that he couldn't see the people being well and the country having no worries?

Li Ke didn't understand, so he wanted to see if he could get some explanation from Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen smiled: "Who is that person? You will know when the truth comes to light."

. "

"As for what you said, why did he do this?"

"Greed, power, anger, these are all possibilities."

"But since he has made this decision, it is probably just for his own selfish desires."

"Okay, the spies behind you are ready to come. Please take your things and leave quickly."

"If you come out every two days, I will find a way to contact you." Zhao Chen and Li Ke said.

To their left, the spy chasing Li Ke from a distance was slowly coming over again.

Maybe Li Ke stayed here for too long, which made them suspicious.

"Brother, take care." Li Ke took out two coins from his arms and placed them on the stall.

Then he picked up the two fresh gadgets on the stall, turned around and continued walking forward.

As soon as Li Ke left, the spies behind him came to Zhao Chen's stall.

Looking at Zhao Chen carefully, he found that he didn't recognize the person in front of him.

Nor is he the old man their elders described him as.

"What did that person say to you just now?"

"Why did he stay here for so long?" the spy asked Zhao Chen with a cold face and an angry look.

Zhao Chen kept smiling and said, "The young master just wanted to bargain with me."

"He took a fancy to the fresh stuff at the stall and thought the prices were a bit expensive, so he talked here for a while."

"What's wrong with you guys?"

Zhao Chen pretended to have an innocent expression, and in line with his current appearance, the spies believed what he said.

"It's nothing." The spy left a sentence, and then continued to follow Li Ke's traces with others.

On the street, Zhao Cheng watched the spies retreat. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, thank you very much. This is for you." Zhao Chen walked to the side and left a gold leaf with the vendor next to him.

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