The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1506: You guys stabilize them here first

A hundred miles north of Shacheng is the place where Huizhen, the general under Yuan Gaisuwen, led his troops to garrison.

Hui Zhen is also lucky.

I was almost scared out of my wits by Zhao Chen in Hulu Valley. It was also because of this that I was lucky enough to come back with my life.

After returning to Goguryeo, Hyejin received treatment from a famous Goguryeo doctor and overcame her fear.

This time, Yeon Gae So Moon ordered him to lead the army again.

At this moment, Huizhen was commanding Goguryeo's 50,000-strong army and was eyeing Shacheng.

"General, can we attack Shacheng directly?" ??

"Didn't the commander give an order a few days ago, telling us to act according to the situation?"

"The weather is getting warmer now. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, I'm afraid it won't be so easy in the future." Huizhen's generals said to Huizhen in the camp.

"Is there any news from Shacheng?" Huizhen asked expressionlessly.

"General Qi, there is news from Shacheng today. It is said that Zhao Chen, King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, has led his troops to the border. It seems that they have arrived in Shacheng today..."

"That Zhao Chen is here too?" When Huizhen heard this, his expression immediately changed.

The generals who followed Huizhen here this time were all the new generals of Goguryeo.

What Huizhen encountered in Hulu Valley in the Tang Dynasty did not spread in Goguryeo.

Of course, these people have also heard of Zhao Chen's name.

But when they saw Hui Zhenhe looking like this, everyone felt very confused.

He's just a King of Han. As for such a big reaction?

All the generals were puzzled.

"Do you think this general is making a fuss?" Huizhen glanced at the young generals in front of him.

No one replied, but there were disapproving looks on their faces.

"That Zhao Chen is definitely not a simple person, and I am not afraid to tell you that if it hadn't been for this Zhao Chen in the previous battle with the Tang Dynasty, my Goguryeo soldiers would have entered Chang'an by now."

"If it weren't for this Zhao Chen, why would my sand city in Goguryeo be ceded to the Tang Dynasty?"

"If you encounter this guy on the battlefield, the best way is to kill him first." Huizhen said slowly.

Even recalling Zhao Chen's performance on the battlefield at this moment, Huizhen felt a chill on her back.

If it weren't for his good luck, he would have escaped from Zhao Chen.

I'm afraid that his body is now in a state of disrepair.

"General, is Zhao Chen really that powerful?"

"Is it possible that he is better than our commander?"

All the Goguryeo generals still didn't believe it.

Huizhen didn't explain to them anymore.

Believe it or not, you can see it with your own eyes on the battlefield later.

But now that Zhao Chen has come to the battlefield, Huizhen feels inexplicably endless pressure in his heart.

He managed to save his life back then, but now that he meets Zhao Chen again, he is afraid that he will never have that kind of luck again.

Moreover, he also killed Qin Qiong, a general of the Tang Dynasty. Huizhen also heard that Qin Qiong's son, Qin Huaiyu, had been training hard on the border.

Just to take revenge on myself.

Huizhen is not worried about Qin Huaiyu, but Zhao Chen also appears here this time, and Huizhen is in danger.

"General, what should we do now?" A young general asked Huizhen.

Huizhen frowned, he hadn't thought about his next action yet.

"The people in Shacheng were originally my people in Goguryeo, but they have been under the rule of the Tang Kingdom for nearly a year now, and they have probably rebelled long ago."

"The people of Shacheng have stored a lot of food in the villages near Shacheng."

"General, why don't we grab all this food." A young general suggested to Huizhen.

"Grab it!" Huizhen hesitated.

Huizhen was also very impatient with the people in Shacheng.

Since Shacheng was ceded to Datang,

The people of Shacheng were naturally the people of the Tang Dynasty.

At present, the army is short of food and grass. If we can steal the food from the people of Shacheng, we can solve the current problem.

If we just do this, how will the people in other cities in Goguryeo view it?

Huizhen hesitated.

"If the general is worried, he can ask the soldiers to dress up as soldiers of the Tang Army. This way we can grab food and solve our current situation."

"Secondly, it can also be framed by Tang soldiers."

"In the words of the Tang Dynasty, this is called killing two birds with one stone."

"What does the general think?" Another soldier also said.

Hearing this, Huizhen's eyes lit up.

Today, the area near Shacheng is still covered with heavy snow.

Their provisions for fifty thousand people have been delayed on the road.

If this goes on for a long time, something might happen.

But the suggestion made by his general just now is undoubtedly a good idea.

Let his people dress up as soldiers of the Tang Dynasty and rob the people of Shacheng of food.

Not only did they obtain food and grass, but they also framed the robbery on the Tang army.

Let the common people on the battlefield completely confront the Tang army in the city.

This is a perfect plan.

"This is a good idea, you can give it a try." Huizhen nodded.

Hye Jin is not worried about this plan being exposed.

Yuengai Suwen told him that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty and his ministers paid most attention to benevolence and righteousness.

As long as they did not take the initiative to use troops against the Tang army, no matter who would lead the troops, they would not dare to attack Goguryeo.

Now this frame-up has been discovered by Datang.

It doesn't really matter.

"You guys plan to take advantage of the darkness tonight to send a thousand soldiers to attack the villages near Shacheng and steal all their food."

"Remember, don't speak our Goguryeo dialect, lest

Reveal our identities? "Huizhen and a group of generals warned.

Everyone didn't know what Zhao Chen's plan was.

But early the next morning, they received news that the villages around Shacheng had been robbed by the Tang army.

To say that he received the news, it would be better to say that he was blocked by the people of Shacheng.

Thousands of Shacheng people blocked the Shacheng Yamen.

All of them had angry faces, sticks in their hands, and looked like they were about to rush into the Yamen.

Xue Rengui was a little embarrassed.

He has never experienced anything like this.

Naturally, the people of Shacheng were not happy with them taking over Shacheng before.

But it didn't make such a big fuss.

If this matter is not handled well right now, it is estimated that the people of Shacheng will really have to use force against the Tang soldiers.

If that were the case, it would be even more difficult for the Tang army to gain a foothold on the battlefield.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Zhou Qing and Xue Rengui asked.

In front of me are thousands of civilians on the battlefield.

It can be seen from their angry eyes that if this matter is not handled well, they will never let it go.

Xue Rengui had no choice at the moment.

Let him go into battle to kill the enemy, and he will naturally not be afraid.

Dealing with these things is not Xue Rengui's strength.

"Where is His Highness the King of Han? I'll go find him!" Xue Rengui and Zhou Qing said.

The only way now is to find Zhao Chen.

Xue Rengui believes that Zhao Chen must have a way.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han went out of the city to inspect the city defenses this morning and has not come back yet." Zhou Qing and Xue Rengui said.

"You guys stabilize them here first, and I'll go find His Highness the King of Han!" Xue Rengui and Zhou Qing said.

Zhao Chen hasn't come back yet, but I'm afraid it won't take long here now.

For the current plan, the only way is to find Zhao Chen in person.

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