"The north gate of Shacheng is flat and almost undefeable."

"If Goguryeo attacks here, our Tang army may not be able to defend it."

Zhao Chen was riding on horseback and talking to Cheng Chumo and others.

Several people also nodded. ??

They also discovered this.

The terrain around Sand City is like a funnel.

Facing the direction of Datang, there is only a small narrow mouth.

But the direction towards Goguryeo is flat.

In this case, Shacheng becomes extremely important.

If they lose Shacheng, it will be extremely difficult for them to capture Goguryeo.

"This Shacheng cannot be lost no matter what." Li Ke said.

"No wonder it was my guy who was willing to cede Shacheng to us in the first place. It turns out that he had already made a plan."

"If we don't have sufficient troop reserves, it will only take him a few days to recapture Shacheng." Cheng Chumo said bitterly.

Qin Huaiyu didn't speak.

The only obsession in his heart now is to kill Huizhen and avenge his father.

"Zhao Da, what is the plan you talked about yesterday?" Cheng Chumo, who was riding on horseback, thought about what Zhao Chen said yesterday, and was still confused.

"You'll know soon." Zhao Chen said with a smile, looking at Xue Rengui who was galloping in front of him.

"Your Highness, King of Han, something big happened in the city." Xue Rengui came to Zhao Chen, got off his horse, and said to Zhao Chen.

"What's wrong?" Li Ke asked with a strange look on his face.

"The villages around Shacheng were attacked yesterday by Goguryeo soldiers disguised as our Tang Dynasty soldiers!"

"They stole all the food from the people in the villages and even killed many people in the villages."

"Now the surviving people have come to the city and joined forces with the Shacheng people in the city to ask us for an explanation." Xue Rengui and Zhao Chen talked about what happened in the city.

"They are all brainless

Well, if we want to take their food, do we still need to rob it? "Cheng Chumo said angrily, wishing he could punch every one of the people in Shacheng who were causing trouble.

"Your Highness, the King of Han, I really can't think of a way, so I can only come here to report this matter to you." Xue Rengui explained his purpose again.

"Brother Imperial, this is obviously intentional by Huizhen and the others, in order to make the people of Shacheng become our enemies and then completely isolate us."

"If this matter is not resolved, we are afraid that we will be unable to move forward in Shacheng." Li Ke said slowly, his tone full of solemnity.

Li Ke could actually foresee the consequences of the matter.

If they can't solve this problem, the people of Shacheng who don't share the same heart with them will definitely be completely alienated from them.

By then, let alone fighting Huizhen's army, it would be difficult for them to gain a foothold in Shacheng.

"Let's go back first." Zhao Chen nodded, and then just said this slowly.

Li Ke opened his mouth.

I originally wanted to say something, but at this moment I swallowed it back.

The group of people rode back to Shacheng quickly.

We haven’t arrived at Shacheng Yamen yet.

From a distance, I could see countless Shacheng people gathered at the gate of the government office.

Everyone was holding a stick in his hand, with a look of resentment on his face, and speaking incomprehensible Koguryo dialect.

Zhou Qing and others led the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty and struggled to maintain order in the yamen.

"Go over and ask them to calm down." Zhao Chen said to the people behind him.

Everyone nodded, and then heard a violent explosion.

The people of Shacheng were shocked.

They all looked for the sound.

"Let those of you who can speak the Central Plains dialect come forward." Zhao Chen walked on the steps and looked at the bustling people of Shacheng below.

"I can speak Central Plains dialect." A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd and looked at Zhao Chen in front of him, with a trace of surprise on his face.

Then it turned into deep anger.

"Tell me what happened?" Zhao Chen looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"What's going on! Don't you yourself know?"

"Last night you sent nearly a thousand Tang soldiers and plundered almost all the villages around my battlefield, and also killed many of us."

"You keep saying that the people of Shacheng are also the people of the Tang Dynasty, but what is the result?"

"What did you do to us?" the middle-aged man said angrily.

"You fart! When did we send people to snatch your things?"

"Just give me your rags, I won't even want them." Cheng Chumo was furious.

"Who else has so many people here besides you?"

"If you don't give us an explanation today, we will never agree!" The middle-aged man was even more angry.

The people in Shacheng behind him also shouted loudly.

Cheng Chumo's face turned red with anger, and he was about to ask the soldiers to go up and arrest these people, but was stopped by Zhao Chen with a wave of his hand.

"We, the Tang Dynasty, have always acted openly and aboveboard, but we are also responsible for your food being robbed. In this way, every household should come to me to pay for the amount of food robbed."

"I will return everything in double, and if someone lives or dies, I will double the amount plus twice."

"You can go get the food now." Zhao Chen said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man stood there stunned.

In fact, they didn't have high expectations when they came to cause trouble.

After all, they were civilians on the battlefield, and the battlefield originally belonged to Goguryeo.

They are originally from Goguryeo.

How could the officials of Tang Dynasty care about them?

But now this young man actually answered

They should be repaid twice as much for their food.

The middle-aged man translated Zhao Chen's words to the Goguryeo people behind him.

The people in Shacheng all looked at Zhao Chen in astonishment.

"Zhao Da?" Cheng Chumo also didn't respond.

He never imagined that Zhao Chen would have such a solution.

They didn't steal the things, so why should they pay them back?

And it was repaid this time, but what about next time?

If Huizhen sends people to rob these people of their food again, will they still have to pay compensation?

This is really too weak.

Cheng Chumo felt that the Zhao Chen in front of him was not the person he knew.

Li Ke also looked suspicious.

But he didn't say it like Cheng Chumo did.

"Are you serious?" The middle-aged man obviously still didn't believe it.

"I am Zhao Chen, King of Han Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty. I have the final say here. Xue Rengui sends people to distribute food to them."

"If there is really not enough in the granary, we can use it from the army's granary." Zhao Chen and Xue Rengui said.

"Your Highness, King of Han, you..." Xue Rengui was also confused.

He also couldn't figure out why Zhao Chen did this?

These Shacheng people are not from the Tang Dynasty at all.

Let alone giving them food, it doesn't matter even if they are killed just because they are causing trouble.

To provide them with food, they also need to take food from the army's food depot to them.

If this happens again in the future or if something unexpected happens and the army is short of food, what should they, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, do?

By then they will really be desperate.

Is it worth it for these helpless people?

"Just do as I say." Zhao Chen looked at Xue Rengui expressionlessly.

Xue Rengui sighed and finally took the order and left.

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