The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1508 This strategy is indeed vicious

"Zhao Da, what exactly do you think?"

"Huizhen and the others sent people to rob the people of Shacheng of their food and killed their people. Why do they ask us to compensate them for the food?"

“Wouldn’t it be true that if we do this we will become innocent victims?”

Cheng Chumo didn't understand very much.

Even now that he was back at his residence, he still wanted to ask Zhao Chen for a clear explanation.

It's really hard to believe.

The food of the people of Shacheng was robbed by Huizhen's men. As a result, the Tang soldiers had to use their own rations to compensate the people of Shacheng.

There is absolutely no reason for this.

The people of Shacheng are not of the same mind as them. If they do this, others will only regard them as fools. .??.

Cheng Chumo couldn't understand Zhao Chen's intention at all.

"Yes, it is obviously unreasonable for the emperor to do this."

"Brother Emperor, what other plans do you have?" Li Ke also asked Zhao Chen.

It's best to have an explanation for this matter.

Otherwise, when the news reaches Chang'an, the officials still don't know how to talk about Zhao Chen behind his back.

Moreover, Li Ke was also guessing that since Huizhen dared to rob once, he would definitely tell the story a second time after hearing the news.

Again and again, how could they have so much food for the people of Shacheng?

"Do you know why they disguised themselves as soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to rob the people of Shacheng of food?" Zhao Chen asked the two people in front of him.

The two were silent for a moment, and then they heard Li Ke say: "They want to kill two birds with one stone. They can not only steal the food, but also frame my soldiers of the Tang Dynasty."

"Yes, they also know that our foothold in Shacheng is not stable and our relationship with the people of Shacheng is not good."

"Through this method, we will definitely be able to pit our Tang soldiers and the people of Shacheng against each other. If there is a war with Goguryeo in the future, these killings of the people will not only not be a help, but may become a potential threat to us." Zhao Chen nodded and said. .

"Then, brother Huang, you just..." Li Ke didn't understand even more.

Since Zhao Chenming knew the Goguryeo people’s plans.


Then why should we compensate the people of Shacheng with food?

How could such a thankless thing come from Zhao Chen?

"There must be a reason why you still do this despite knowing you are suffering a loss."

"What's the reason?" Cheng Chumo and Zhao Chen asked.

"Do you think today, what happened in this city will reach Huizhen's ears?" Zhao Chen asked the two of them.

"For sure, there must be Goguryeo spies in the city. Maybe the spies are reporting on what just happened in the city." Cheng Chumo nodded affirmatively.

Shacheng is a large city.

There are all kinds of people inside.

There will definitely be spies from Goguryeo, there is no doubt about it.

"I just want Huizhen to know that we compensated the people of Shacheng for their food."

"After knowing this news, Huizhen will most likely have two choices."

"First, if you don't take any action, the matter ends here."

"Second, continue to send troops to brainwash the villages around Shacheng and rob them of their food."

"What choice do you think Huizhen will make?" Zhao Chen asked the two of them.

The two were silent.

Their first instinct was that Huizhen would choose to continue robbing the people of Shacheng of food.

Anyway, these things are free of charge.

You can also frame it to the Tang soldiers.

"I think he will choose the second one." Both Li Ke and Cheng Chumo said this.

Zhao Chen nodded, then smiled.

"That's true. Huizhen will definitely choose to send people to snatch food again."

"As long as he does that, that's our chance."

"Our opportunity? What opportunity?" Passengers and Cheng

Chu Mojian looked at Zhao Chen suspiciously.

They still can't figure it out, what is Zhao Chen selling in this gourd?

"Since they sent people to snatch the food again, we can let them capture it together."

"Then reveal their identities in front of the people of Shacheng."

"You said that when the people of Shacheng know that it is their own people who are robbing them of food, what will they think?"

"Not only did they steal food, but they also killed all their relatives."

"Compared with us giving them food and appeasing them, who will the people of Shacheng choose to follow in the end?" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Cheng Chumo opened his mouth.

At this moment, he didn't know what words to use to describe Zhao Chen's strategy.

If everything goes according to Zhao Chen's plan, the people will definitely choose to believe in their Tang soldiers.

As for Goguryeo's army.

He will definitely be despised by the people of Shacheng.

After that, the people of Shacheng will definitely choose to follow them in Datang.

This strategy is indeed vicious.

He not only defeated Huizhen's conspiracy, but also won the hearts of the people in Shacheng.

one stone two bird.

"Brother Huang is really a genius. Li Ke is so impressed with him." Li Ke and Zhao Chen said while cupping their hands.

"Go and prepare. Today you will lead people to ambush various villages around Shacheng. As soon as Huizhen's people show up, arrest them all immediately." Zhao Chen said to the two of them.

"Okay." The two of them took the order and left.

Huizhen camp.

Huizhen was very happy.

Everything went according to his plan. Not only did he seize the food of the people in Shacheng and alleviate his own food shortage problem, but it also caused a conflict between the people of Shacheng and the Tang army.

I heard that the scouts came to report that the Shacheng Yamen had been blocked by the people of Shacheng.

The smile on Huizhen's face could no longer be suppressed.

"What does this general say? As long as the strategy is used properly, no matter what kind of opponent it is, it will fail in front of this general." Huizhen smiled broadly.

"What the general is saying is that Zhao Chen is rumored to be a miraculous person, but now it seems that he is just a mediocre person."

"I've seen it, and I guess the people in Shacheng can eat them all alive without us even having to do anything."

There were generals who flattered Hui Zhen with a flattering smile on their faces.

"General, the scouts are here to report." A voice suddenly came from outside the camp again.

"Let him in." Huizhen shouted outside.

"General, news just came from Shacheng that the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty ordered to compensate the people in the villages around Shacheng for the food they had stolen."

"And it's double compensation."

"At this moment, the people in the villages around Shacheng are transporting food back to their homes one by one." Scout and Huizhen said.

"What?" Huizhen felt like she was hearing hallucinations in her ears.

Zhao Chen actually compensated the people in the villages around Shacheng with food.

This was something Huizhen never expected.

Could it be that Zhao Chen was worried about conflict with the people of Shacheng, so he came up with a solution like this?

Huizhen thought secretly in her heart.

"You go down first!" Huizhen waved to the scout and signaled him to leave.

"General, the King of Han in the Tang Dynasty is really a little strange. What does he mean by doing this?"

"Is it because he was worried about conflict with the people of Shacheng that he agreed to compensate?" A young general in the camp asked Huizhen.

But Huizhen couldn't guess Zhao Chen's thoughts.

But right now, it seems that there is only one explanation.

After all, although the Tang army occupied Shacheng, Shacheng was still dominated by Goguryeo people.

If he goes against these local people, I'm afraid even Zhao Chen won't be able to get any benefits.

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