The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1509 There is some truth in your worries

Although it seems strange, there seems to be only one explanation at the moment.

"The people in Shacheng are mainly the Goguryeo people, accounting for more than 80%. Even if the Tang army and the Goguryeo people are against each other, Zhao Chen will probably not get any benefits."

"It must be for this reason that Zhao Chen chose to settle the matter."

"But he was wrong."

"Even if those people choose not to cause trouble, I, the general, will not give up."

"Since you can rob him the first time, you can rob him the second time."

"Does Zhao Chen like to compensate for food? Then I will send troops to rob him again to see how many times he can compensate." Huizhen showed a proud look on his face.

He looks like he has a winning chance.

Hearing Huizhen make such a decision, some Goguryeo generals frowned.

"General, is your decision too hasty? What if this is Zhao Chen's plan?"

"He gave food compensation to the people on the battlefield just to wait for us to take the bait?"

"He is ambushing the troops in secret and catching all of us who are going to grab food!"

"This is also very possible!" A Goguryeo general said to Huizhen.

When Huizhen heard this, a look of displeasure appeared on her face.

Although he felt that what the general in front of him said made some sense.

But if I followed his advice, wouldn't it mean that all my guesses just now were wrong.

How could he, a veteran on the battlefield, be no match for the young boy in front of him?

Huizhen felt a little uncomfortable.

But because there were so many people in front of him, he didn't show it directly.

"Your worries are reasonable, but they are unnecessary. There are so many villages outside Shacheng. How can he know which one we are going to rob?"

"Besides, it's freezing cold and we don't know when we will send troops there again. Do you think Zhao Chen will let his soldiers lie in wait in the wild in such a cold day?" Huizhen said with a smile.

The young general was at a loss for words?

Then he shook his head mockingly


After hearing what Huizhen said, he also felt that his idea was unlikely to become a reality.

After all, it's really cold outside.

They haven't determined when they will rob the people of Shacheng.

Is it possible that Zhao Chen still let his soldiers guard them outside in such a cold weather?

"Okay, that's it. The specific time of action will wait for my general's order!" Huizhen waved to everyone.

Everyone also nodded and then dispersed.


Li Ke and Cheng Chumo each led a team of a thousand people, crawling on the hills surrounding the village.

It's ice and snow outside.

The snow on the ground was also frozen solid.

If you hit him with a punch, your fist will break the skin.

However, the Tang soldiers did not feel particularly uncomfortable.

Even in the unusually cold weather, they only rubbed their hands slightly.

"General, this cotton coat is too warm. This is my first time wearing such warm clothes."

"Now lying on the snow, I only feel a little bit cold."

"It's really amazing." A soldier lay next to Li Ke and whispered to Li Ke.

Li Ke smiled.

The people they came out today all put on cotton-padded clothes brought from Chang'an.

Li Ke didn't expect it.

A simple cotton coat is so warm.

Even though their hands were cold and red, their bodies were warm.

In this severe cold weather, I can't even feel the slightest bit of cold.

"This is cotton planted by the King of Han himself. Even the high-ranking officials in the imperial court didn't have the chance to wear the cotton used to make this cotton coat. They all gave it to you first."

They are. "Li Ke said to the soldiers around him.

"Really?" The soldier looked surprised.

This cotton coat is his first time.

But when Li Ke said that even the high-ranking officials in the court had no chance to wear them, they put them on first, which could not help but surprise the soldiers.

"When the cotton-padded clothes were first made, His Majesty planned to give one set to each of the court officials, but the emperor refused."

"He said that the soldiers are on the front line in the ice and snow. It is when they need these cotton-padded clothes that they should be prepared first." Li Ke and the soldiers continued.

The soldier nodded.

I thought to myself that I should protect such a warm cotton coat.

The night is getting darker, and the lights of the village ahead are gradually extinguished.

I didn't see Huizhen sending people to rob the people of Shacheng of food.

Li Ke also knew in his heart that Huizhen was not completely a fool.

There will definitely be some precautions.

He didn’t say he would definitely come today.

But they couldn't leave.

They have to stay here and wait peacefully for Huizhen to send people to rob the people of Shacheng of food.

It was getting light.

A group of soldiers of the Tang Dynasty huddled on the haystack.

They did not leave, but moved their bodies slightly.

Then he took out the fried flour brought from Chang'an from his pocket.

Although there was no hot water, they still held up the dry fried flour, and then looked for some clean ice and snow nearby.

It was settled in just one meal.

The same is true for Li Ke.

Three days later.

Huizhen's tent.

"Is there any news in Shacheng?" Huizhen asked his scouts.

"Reporting to the general, there is no news in Shacheng. Everything is as usual." The scout replied.

"What about the villages around Shacheng? Are there any suspicious people?

"Huizhen continued to ask.

"No." The scout shook his head.

Huizhen waved the scout away, but she frowned.

He really couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that Zhao Chen really just compensated the people for their food and then didn’t have any plans?

But if there was a plan, it would take such a long time to take action.

"Since the general has made no move, let's continue sending people to grab food!"

"It's not a problem to keep procrastinating like this." A general under his command and Huizhen suggested.

"What about you, do you have any other opinions?" Huizhen and other generals in the camp asked.

No one spoke.

No movement was seen in Shacheng for several days.

Even though I had suspected that Zhao Chen might have some plans before, now I have no clue.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's send another thousand troops to attack the villages around Shacheng tonight and steal all their food."

"Remember to dress up as soldiers of their Tang Dynasty like last time, and remember to speak a few more words in Central Plains dialect." Huizhen said to everyone.

"Yes, General!" Everyone responded in unison, and then left the camp.

In the tent, Huizhen smiled.

He thought about what would happen if he succeeded in robbing food again today.

Zhao Chen's reputation in the Tang army will definitely drop drastically.

It can be regarded as a small revenge for the previous self.

Thinking that he had scared tens of thousands of soldiers and died at the hands of Zhao Chen, Huizhen felt a surge of anger in his heart.

The reason why he was able to recover from his previous depression.

The reason was that he felt that Zhao Chen only used the sky-blasting cannon to defeat him.

That kind of powerful weapon cannot be resisted by others.

If Zhao Chen competed with him on the battlefield with real swords and guns, Zhao Chen would definitely not be his opponent.

Tonight, he was going to let Zhao Chen know how powerful he was.

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