The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1512 What are you going to do?

Li Ke was riding on a war horse, his eyes fixed on Chun Sisi in front of him.

"I heard you speak the Central Plains very well just now. Now I will give you a chance. Either kneel down and surrender, or lead all of you to die here." Li Ke said to Chun Jisi with an expressionless face.

Chun Jisi looked very ugly.

He thought about escaping from here, but there seemed to be no chance at the moment.

They had been completely disrupted by the sudden ambush.

After the round of cavalry shooting and the ensuing cavalry charge, most of his soldiers had already dispersed.

Now he seemed to be surrounded by troops led by Li Ke.

"Surrender, can you really leave all of us here?" Chun Jisi looked at Li Ke fiercely.

It was originally an opportunity for him to make great achievements, but now it was ruined by these people in front of him.

"That doesn't matter. I just need to catch a few of you alive. By the way, which one of you can speak the Central Plains dialect?" Li Ke had a smile on his face.

He only needed to prove that the people who came to kill these people and rob their food today were the Goguryeo soldiers under Huizhen.

As for how many people ran away, Li Ke actually didn't care.

Anyway, Zhao Chen's intention was to let these people understand who was causing trouble for them.

Chun Jisi looked at Li Ke in front of him and thought carefully about what Li Ke had just said.

It took a while to react.

But what if we react?

At the moment, he was not sure that he could lead these soldiers to retreat intact.

But as long as they are caught alive by Li Ke, all their plans will be exposed.

If Huizhen knew what was going on here, would he still be able to reap the benefits?

Maybe Yeon Gaesumun would personally order Chun Jisi to be dealt with.

But right now, Chun Sisi has no idea.

"How about it? Have you decided yet? Should you surrender directly? Maybe you can save yourself."

A life? "Li Ke continued, with a confident smile on his face.

Chun Jisi's face was even more ugly.

Surrender is even more impossible.

If I surrender, what will happen to my family in Goguryeo?

How could Yeon Gaesumun let them go?

But if he doesn't surrender, even if he runs out, he probably won't end up well.

"General. What should we do? We have been surrounded!" Goguryeo soldier Yu Chun asked thoughtfully.

His face was full of fear.

Neither of them expected that in a perfectly good hunting game, they would actually become the prey.

"Don't panic, I will take you out." Chun Sisi whispered to the soldiers.

Surrender is impossible.

For this reason, he could only lead some soldiers to rush out from here.

As for how Huizhen and Yeon Gaesumun will punish themselves after returning, that is a matter for the future.

But if he surrendered, he would really be dead.

Being surrounded by Li Ke and his men today can only mean that their plan failed.

"But there are Tang soldiers all around. If we want to rush out, we have almost no chance!" said the soldier and Chun Jisi.

Then he looked around again.

I found Tang soldiers everywhere.

"Rush into the village. The village is full of people from Huang Village. They just want to conquer these people. If they dare to chase into the village and attack us, they will definitely hurt these people. They will not dare!"

"Everyone retreat!" Chun Sisi made a prompt decision.

He ordered the remaining soldiers to rush into the village.

The people of Huang Village, who were already frightened, saw that Chun Jisi was leading the remaining people.

The rest of the cavalry rushed towards him, and they were immediately heartbroken.

They also got down and fled in all directions.

The cavalry pursued by Li Ke were also stopped by the people of Huang Village.

In the end, only dozens of Goguryeo cavalry were captured before they could escape.

"General, only these people were caught, the others ran away!" The soldier came to Li Ke and reported to him.

Li Ke glanced at the dozens of Goguryeo soldiers tied up in front of him.

Then he just nodded slightly.

"Go and gather all the people in the village here!" Li Ke said to his soldiers.

The soldiers left, and soon the frightened people of Huang Village were gathered on the huge grassland. ??

The cavalry led by Junji Si just now attacked, although it only attacked for a moment.

But it also caused heavy casualties to the unarmed people in Huangcun.

Now the people of Huang Village are standing in the middle of the grass, looking at the Goguryeo cavalry trapped on the ground with angry expressions in their eyes.

"Is there anyone who can speak the Central Plains dialect?" Li Ke shouted on horseback with a group of people in Huang Village.

"General, I can." A man walked out of the crowd and came to Li Ke.

"You have also seen what happened today. It was not my Tang army that robbed the food of your Goguryeo people, but your Goguryeo army in disguise."

"Right now we have only captured a few dozen of them and they are all here. See what you are going to do with them." Li Ke said to the man in front of him.

When the man heard Li Ke's words, his eyes turned red.

In the scene in Xisha just now, all his family members were killed by the swords of Chun Jisi's cavalry.

Now I heard that I could take revenge on these people.

The man's eyes instantly burst into murderous intent.

"Folks, the Tang general said, these people are killing our families and robbing us.

Food beasts can be dealt with by ourselves. "

"Folks, what are you going to do!" The man did not respond to Li Ke, but turned around and shouted to the people of Huang Village standing in the middle of the grass.

When the people of Huang Village heard what the man said, they were stunned on the spot, and then someone picked up a stone on the ground.

Angrily, he threw it at the tightly tied Goguryeo soldiers.

"You bastards, we are all Goguryeo people just like you. Why do you want to kill us?" The stone hit a Goguryeo soldier hard on the head.

Once upon a time.

The breath of the Goguryeo soldiers gradually disappeared from their screams.

When the other Goguryeo soldiers saw the evil-looking man in front of them, their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

The blood stained the entire stone red.

The soldier whose head was smashed by the man did not move.

When the other people in Huang Village saw this scene, they were also filled with anger.

He picked up the stones around him one by one and threw them at the tied Goguryeo soldiers.

Soon, there were shouts all over the grass.

The smell of blood slowly filled half of the night sky.

"General, these people are really cruel, but what should we do next?"

"If we didn't kill all those Goguryeo cavalry, will His Highness the King of Han..." asked the soldier and Li Ke after returning.

The order they received was to kill the Goguryeo army that came to raid the villages around Shacheng.

But they haven't caught many people yet.

Most of the Goguryeo soldiers fled from here.

Moreover, a village of Shacheng people not far from them was completely burned to the ground. If we go back like this, it will be difficult for Zhao Chen to explain.

"It doesn't matter. Brother Huang's goal has been achieved. These people are now ours!" Li Ke said with a slight smile.

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