The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1513: When you, Grandpa Cheng, are easy to bully

Chun Jisi managed to escape with his troops.

Looking at the only five hundred Goguryeo cavalry in front of him, Chun Yi's face was filled with sadness.

If he goes back like this, he will definitely be severely punished by Huizhen.

But if I don’t go back, what else can I do? ??

Is it possible to raid another village?

Yes, let's raid another one.

Chun Jisi suddenly thought of a way to escape the crime.

Although he was ambushed in Huangcun and lost most of his troops.

But as long as he attacks another village and takes away all their things, he will be able to explain things to Huizhen when he returns to the camp.

Moreover, three villages were robbed in one night. Even if those men and horses were lost, it was normal.

Besides, if Li Ke led his troops to ambush him, he would definitely have thought that he had led his troops back to the camp. He would never have thought of going to rob another village.

This is indeed a good idea.

Chun Jisi was overjoyed, and then shouted to the five hundred cavalry in front of him: "Everyone, let's go to Shecun, ten miles away, and kill everyone in Shecun before dawn."

"In this case, even if General Huizhen goes back, he won't blame us!"

Shecun is ten miles west of Huangcun.

With the speed of the war horses, it won't take long for them to arrive.

And it's late at night.

A back and forth, Li Ke didn't expect it.

The soldiers' eyes were struggling. Huangcun was defeated, and they had long wanted to return to the camp.

But Chun Sisi obviously didn't want to let it go.

No matter what, they still have to obey military orders.

"Everyone aims at Shecun, set off at full speed!" Chun Sisi shouted, then turned the horse's head and ran towards Shecun.

All the soldiers hesitated for a moment, and then chased after him.

Cheng Chumo was a little troubled.

Zhao Chen ordered him to lead a thousand soldiers to ambush in Shecun.

It is said that unless there is an enemy attack in the village involved, no one else will

If there is any movement anywhere, he is not allowed to lead his troops to leave.

Cheng Chumo was a little confused.

What is Zhao Chen's intention in ordering himself to do this?

And just now he received news that there was a battle with the Goguryeo army where Huangcun Li Ke led his army to ambush.

Cheng Chumo felt a little anxious.

Of course, he was not worried about Li Ke. Li Ke led a thousand troops and was still ambushing him. Those Goguryeo cavalry were unprepared and were certainly no match for Li Ke.

What Cheng Chumo was worried about was that Li Ke was already at war with the enemy.

And he could only lie down in the snow and chew the snow.

It's really useless.

"Ma De, if I had known I would have gone to guard Huang Village and let that guy Li Ke take advantage!" Cheng Chumo bit a dead grass stalk with a look of displeasure on his face.

The soldiers did not speak, but looked in the direction of Huangcun.

If possible, they would also like to go to Huangcun to stop the incoming Goguryeo soldiers.

But that seems impossible now.

"General, it seems that no more highly intelligent troops will come over. Why don't you go get some rest early." The soldier said to Cheng Chumo.

But Cheng Chumo can't sleep now.

My heart felt as if there were ants gnawing at me.

"Go to bed first and leave me alone." Cheng Chumo waved his hand and was about to turn around and go to the nearby tree to urinate.

Suddenly, he saw a soldier running towards him.

"There is movement in front of the general!" the soldiers and Cheng Chumo shouted.

"What's going on?" Cheng Chumo lifted up his pants and asked quickly.

"There are sounds of a large number of war horses ahead, and they seem to be coming towards our village." The soldier said to Cheng Chumo.

"Made, there's actually someone here." Cheng Chu cursed silently, unable to suppress the smile on his face.

Just now he was saying he was here

After staying there for several days, there was no movement.

Unexpectedly, there was a fighting in Huangcun, and people came from my side.

"Attention, everyone, prepare to meet the enemy immediately!" Cheng Chumo ordered.

The soldiers became cautious.

Slowly touch the entrance of Shecun.

After a while, the sound of horse hooves became clear and sweet.

After a while, hundreds of cavalry came straight to the village entrance from the east.

"General, these people are not fully armored. They seem to have just fought. They are not the Goguryeo troops who escaped from Huangcun, are they?" The soldier lay beside Cheng Chumo and asked softly.

"Hehe, it looks like he wants to fight back."

"But when you meet Grandpa Cheng, you won't have any luck!" Cheng Chumo smiled proudly and waved his hand to give the order.

Jun was already looking at Shimura, who was already close in front of him, with a ferocious look on his face.

Today he must get rid of the village in front of him.

Kill everyone in the village.

In this way, when he goes back, he can have an explanation with Huizhen.

Otherwise, he might as well just die.

"Attention everyone, if you see anyone alive, kill them all!" Chun Yisi said with a ferocious smile on his face.

The Goguryeo cavalry also drew out the long swords on their waists.

The blood on the long knife has not completely solidified.

"Kill!" Chun Sisi shouted.

Then the cavalry rushed towards the village of Shecun.

But before he could get very far, the horse ropes were pulled up from both ends.

The horse's hoof hit the tripping rope and fell heavily to the ground.

The cavalry also fell off their horses one after another.

Many people's heads were knocked directly to the ground, and their necks were immediately broken.

"General, there is an ambush here too." Soldiers and Junjisi shouted loudly.

Chun Jisi also came back to his senses at this moment.

I was shocked and angry.

Just now

I've already been ambushed once, why did I get ambushed again here?

How many people did the Tang army have ambushing around?

It seems that he can no longer care about this at the moment.

Chun Ji wanted to turn the horse's head and escape from the entrance of Shecun.

But Cheng Chumo was prepared and would not give Chun Jisi any chance.

Chun Jisi's war horse hasn't even run twice yet.

Then he heard the war horse scream sadly, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Chun Sisi looked down.

Seeing that the two legs in front of the war horse were cut off simultaneously.

I don't know when a big man holding a long knife stood next to him.

The big man had a beard on his face and was looking at him with a ferocious smile.

"Who are you?" Chun Jisi himself shouted this inexplicably.

Cheng Chumo was stunned by his shouting.

Who are you? Of course he was the one who came to take his life.

"Your Grandpa Cheng has been waiting for you here for a long time. I didn't expect that you are so brave. You just went to Huangcun and now you are here again."

"Why, I think your grandpa Cheng is easy to bully!" Cheng Chumo said with a smile.

The big knife in his hand was swung towards Chun Jisi.

Cheng Chumo raised his knife to block, but how could he be Cheng Chumo's opponent?

Immediately, the sword in his hand was knocked off the ground.

When he wanted to pick it up, Cheng Chumo punched Chun Sisi hard in the face again.

Chun Sisi only felt a sense of darkness.

Then he fell heavily to the ground.

It was already bright when Chun Jisi woke up.

He found himself tied to a stake.

People were standing everywhere on the wooden piles.

Everyone glared at themselves.

Jun Sisi looked around.

But he saw that he had been kidnapped to Shacheng City.


Only three words came to Chun Jisi's mind.

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