The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1516 It’s better to think long-term

Yeon Gae So-moon’s worries are not unreasonable.

Huizhen can handle a good thing like this, how can she have any resourcefulness at all?

That is to say, he has no generals available, otherwise Huizhen would have been dealt with by him long ago.

Let Hou Junji assist Huizhen. If Huizhen follows Hou Junji's advice, it may still be useful.

It's just that Huizhen doesn't listen to Hou Junji at all, so sending him there might make Hou Junji angry.

"If Huizhen doesn't listen to General Hou when we get there, what are General Hou's plans?" Yuengai Suwen and Hou Junji asked.

Perhaps he was also testing Hou Junji.

Hou Junji glanced at Yuengai Suwen and saw that he was staring at him. He smiled and cupped his hands and said, "If this happens, I will definitely inform you, the commander-in-chief."

Hou Junji's words made Yuan Gaisuwen feel relieved a lot. .??.??

What Yeon Gaesumun was worried about was that Hou Junji had been wronged by Huizhen, and then turned around and sold him out.

If that's the case, it's better to let Hou Junji stay with him.

This will at least help you think of a solution.

It's not like I wasted the preferential treatment I gave him for so long.

"Since General Hou has such a plan, I will obey General Hou." Yuengai Suwen said with a smile.

"When is the commander going to the outer edge of Shacheng?" Hou Junji and Yuengai Suwen asked.

The reason why Hou Junji stayed in Goguryeo was simply because he hoped to defeat the Tang army with the help of Yeon Gaesumun.

If Yeon Gaesumun never makes any move, he, Hou Junji, doesn't want to stay here forever.

When Yuan Gaisuwen heard Hou Junji ask himself this, he naturally understood what he was thinking.

He also wanted to lead the army to defeat the Tang army in Shacheng as soon as possible.

But now the situation in Goguryeo has just stabilized.

My own strength still needs to be accumulated.

If he rashly sends troops to the Tang Dynasty to fight against each other again, Yuan Gaisuwen will not feel confident.

Especially now that Shacheng is still Zhao Chen

Sit in person.

This made Yeon Gaesumun feel unsure.

Ever since he was defeated in the previous battle, Zhao Chen was like a big mountain, weighing on his heart.

Yeon Gae So-moon didn’t like this feeling at all.

But there really is no way.

Now that he thought that the general of Shacheng turned out to be Zhao Chen, Yuan Gaisuwen even didn't want to play Shacheng Frontier.

He was worried that if he went again, he would suffer a big defeat.

"Commander, don't you want to go?" Hou Junji saw the hesitant look on Yuengai Suwen's face and wondered what he was thinking.

He even said it directly in his mouth.

It shouldn't be that if I don't go, what's the point of Hou Junji staying here?

It's better to leave early.

"It's not that I don't want to go, it's just that the current situation in Goguryeo is not too stable."

"If we tear up the previous agreement and start a war with the Tang Dynasty at this moment, I'm afraid the people of Goguryeo will not agree."

"When the time comes, those opponents hiding behind the scenes will definitely take advantage of the situation, and our internal and external difficulties will be our biggest trouble at that time." Yeongae Suwen Yihou Junji explained.

With Hou Junji's keen insight, he would not understand that Yeon Gaesumun was using Goguryeo's court situation to perfunctory him.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

I went to the Shacheng camp and said that I could do something, so I helped Yuan Gaisuwen.

It’s just that you can’t find a way out for yourself in advance.

"What the commander-in-chief said is that this matter needs to be discussed in the long term!"

"Then we will set off for the Shacheng camp tomorrow." Hou Junji said to Yuengai Suwen with a smile.

Yuengai Suwen nodded, and then waved to Hou Junji to signal him to leave.

Hou Jun

After Ji left, Yeon Gaesowen's face immediately darkened.

"Here comes someone." Yeon Gaesumun called out the door.

"Commander?" A soldier stood at the door and saluted Yeon Gaesumun.

"Send someone to keep an eye on Hou Junji. His every move must be reported to me at any time."

"If he attempts to escape to Goguryeo, kill him immediately!" Yeon Gaesumun said to the soldiers.

"Yes!" The soldier took the order and left.

Yeon Gaesumun looked at the sky at the door, his eyes slightly fascinated.

"Hou Junji, Hou Junji, you'd better stay with me obediently. If you have other thoughts, don't blame me for being cruel." Yuengai Suwen said slowly.

… ??

After Chun Jisi and others were executed, the people in Shacheng seemed to have changed their faces.

All the people in Shacheng stared at the people who saw the Tang army before.

It's like the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty's army are all their father-killing enemies.

But since Chun Jisi and others were executed, the people of Shacheng showed awe-inspiring smiles on their faces when they saw the Tang soldiers.

Many people also took their own food and gave it to the Tang soldiers on duty at Shacheng Yamen.

This surprised Xue Rengui and others.

When they stayed here before, they struggled every day on how to live in harmony with the people in Shacheng.

How long has it been since Zhao Chen came?

This matter was solved so easily.

Looking at the smiling people in Shacheng in front of him, Xue Rengui couldn't help but sigh again.

Before meeting Zhao Chen, Xue Rengui always believed that his ability should be among the best among the younger generation.

But now it seems that he can't even compare to Zhao Chen.

Now with the help of the people of Shacheng, Shacheng is firmly in the hands of the Tang Dynasty.

After some time, this sand

The people of the city are the people of the Tang Dynasty.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han!" Xue Rengui was sitting in the Yamen lobby thinking about recent events when he saw Zhao Chen, Cheng Chumo, and Li Ke walking in slowly.

"Thank you for your hard work, General Xue!" Zhao Chen and Xue Rengui nodded.

"Why is the general so hard? Since His Highness the King of Han came here, the general has been resting here." Xue Rengui said with a smile.

He's not talking nonsense either.

Before, she had to deal with the conflicts between the people of Shacheng and the soldiers of Tang Dynasty every day.

If you have time, you have to go to the school field to train.

But since Zhao Chen came, Xue Rengui no longer needs to do these things.

Cheng Chumo and Li Ke were responsible for all military training matters.

The affairs of the people in Gesha City have been completely resolved. Now Xue Rengui himself feels that he doesn't know what to do.

It was as if all goals were lost in an instant.

"It's okay to rest here all the time. Do you want to find something to do?" Zhao Chen sat down and asked Xue Rengui.

Xue Rengui was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses.

Zhao Chen is probably planning some big move?

"The final general will all depend on the orders of His Highness the King of Han." Xue Rengui and Zhao Chen said, cupping their hands.

"There are four of me here today, and we are all old acquaintances, so I will just say some things directly!"

"This time I came to Shacheng, my only goal was to destroy Goguryeo and capture Yeon Gaesumun."

"In addition, we have to conduct this operation secretly. The best way is to directly break through all the defense lines of Goguryeo, go straight to the hinterland of Yuengaisuwen, and catch them by surprise!" Zhao Chen glanced at the three people in front of him and said expressionlessly. .

Cheng Chumo and Li Ke's expressions didn't change much. They had learned about this matter before.

But Xue Rengui had a look of surprise on his face.

"His Royal Highness, the King of Han, means that we should go to war without declaring it?" Xue Rengui looked at Zhao Chen worriedly.

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