The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1517 Just be prepared as early as possible

The reason why Xue Rengui was shocked was that Zhao Chen actually wanted to go to war with Goguryeo without declaring it.

Undeclared war has never been Datang's fighting style.

Mrs. Lee had previously taken the initiative to attack Goguryeo, and then suffered a strong counterattack by Yeon Gaesumun.

In the end, the Tang army was defeated.

Countless soldiers were lost. ??

People all over the world were shocked.

It would be completely unreasonable for Zhao Chen to make the same mistake as Li Tai.

"Your Highness, King of Han, would you like to think about it again?"

"At least we should report this matter to the court first."

"If we go to war without declaring it, the officials in the court will not let us go easily!" Xue Rengui and Zhao Chen said, with anxious expressions on their faces.

Although Xue Rengui is young, he is still very clear about the current court behavior and the attitude of court officials.

If they dare to go to war against Goguryeo without declaring it, they may be immediately dismissed from their current positions by a holy order.

He even had to be escorted back to Beijing for investigation.

Xue Rengui felt that Zhao Chen should not take such a risk.

After all, Zhao Chen was targeted by many civil servants in the court.

If something like this happens again, it is estimated that the opposition to Zhao Chen will reach its peak.

Cheng Chumo and Li Ke both looked at Zhao Chen.

They are also worried about such things.

If everything succeeds according to Zhao Chen's plan, it will be easy to explain later. If they fail, their end will definitely not be much better.

If Datang is defeated, someone will definitely need to take the blame.

By then, the officials of Datang will definitely regard them as their primary targets.

"Zhao Da, why don't we think about it again!" Cheng Chumo persuaded Zhao Chen.

Although Cheng Chumo had already agreed with Zhao Chen's idea on the way here.

But now that he thinks about the consequences he may have to face, Cheng Chumo is still not sure at all.

For the sake of Goguryeo, Zhao Chen really didn't have to put himself at risk.

"If Qin San knew you were doing this, Zhao Da, I'm afraid Qin San himself wouldn't be willing to do it!" Cheng Chumo said again.

Cheng Chumo also understood in his heart that the reason why Zhao Chen did this was simply to avenge Qin Huaiyu as soon as possible.

But revenge is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two.

In particular, the problems they face are still very serious.

If something happened in the end, Qin Huaiyu himself would not let go.

"Brother Emperor, I don't have any objections. Anyway, I will do whatever you want."

"I, Li Ke, will do whatever you tell me to do." Li Ke did not follow Cheng Chumo to persuade Zhao Chen.

Instead, he expressed his attitude to Zhao Chen.

In fact, Li Ke also knew in his heart that once Zhao Chen made a decision, he had no choice but to change it.

It would be better to express his support for Zhao Chen.

As long as Zhao Chen's plan is resolutely implemented, there is actually nothing wrong with an undeclared war.

It just lacks a reason.

But you can't find such an excuse on the front line.

"I don't want to waste my youth in this bitter cold land on the border, so the battle must start early."

"You guys are people I trust, so just be prepared as soon as possible."

"As for the rest, you don't have to worry."

"Of course I have a way to deal with it." Zhao Chen spoke to the three people in front of him.

Seeing how decisive Zhao Chen was, Xue Rengui had something to say in his heart, but he didn't say it out after all.

Just nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Zhao Chen and said: "Since His Highness the King of Han has made a decision, the general will not say anything anymore. What orders does His Highness the King of Han have?"

, the general will definitely give his full support! "

Persuasion was fruitless, so I could only provide full support.

"Tomorrow morning, you will lead our army of 20,000 troops and Zhou Qing and others to set up camp twenty miles away from Huizhen's camp."

"Daily training must be half an hour ahead of Huizhen's army."

"Keep their nerves on edge."

"No matter what method you use, it's best to let Huizhen and the others take the initiative to attack our army."

"As soon as they take action, it will be our time to take action." Zhao Chen and Xue Rengui said.

Letting Xue Rengui lead the army to twenty miles away from Huizhen's camp was just to make all Huizhen's soldiers tense up.

Daily training is half an hour earlier than theirs. .??.

There may not be any major problems for a day or two, but as time goes by, Huizhen's men will definitely be trembling with fear.

If you think of other ways, let Huizhen's men take the initiative to attack the Tang army.

That made this thing even more perfect.

As long as this is the case, he will have a reason to send troops to Goguryeo.

Although Huizhen has 50,000 troops, Zhao Chen is confident that he can defeat them all.

"General, take your orders!" Xue Rengui said, cupping his hands, and then with a look of confusion on his face, he asked, "Didn't His Highness the King of Han say that he wanted to go deep into the enemy's hinterland?"

"Why do we need to send the last general to face the enemy head-on again? Could it be..."

Xue Rengui remembered clearly that Zhao Chen had just said that he was going to go deep into the hinterland of Yeon Gaesumun and go directly behind Goguryeo to capture Yeon Gaesumun.

Why did it change so quickly? Or does Zhao Chen have other plans?

"You just need to do your job well, and you don't have to worry about the rest!"

"Anyway, I only give you 20,000 troops. You must at least stop Huizhen where they are!" Zhao Chen and Xue Rengui said.

Although he was confused, Xue Rengui nodded.


Then he immediately went out to prepare.

"Zhao Da, are we going to lead an army to surprise the capital of Goguryeo?"

"I heard that Yeon Gaesumun has been staying in the capital of Goguryeo. It seems that he has no plans to come here." Cheng Chumo stood up and asked Zhao Chen.

"We have this plan, but I haven't figured out the specific course of action yet. Let's see how Xue Rengui and Huizhen confront each other first."

"Also tell Qin San to let him be with Xue Rengui."

"We will also go to the front line in two days." Zhao Chen and Cheng Chumo said.

He had plans to go deep into the hinterland of Goguryeo.

I just haven’t thought of a specific solution.

The most important thing right now is for Qin Huaiyu to find Huizhen for revenge.

Qin Huaiyu has been preparing for this matter for a long time.

This time I met Huizhen again, so the ending should be different.

"Okay, I'll go and inform Qin San's guys right away." Cheng Chumo nodded, then turned and left.

Even when Zhao Chen and Cheng Chumo came to Shacheng, Qin Huaiyu had been training him.

The purpose is that one day, when facing Huizhen, he can kill him and avenge his father.

After waiting for such a long time, Qin Huaiyu couldn't hold himself back any longer.

Now is the time for him to take action.

"Brother, if you really want to go to Goguryeo this time, you must take me with you. I promised my father that I will protect you." Li Ke stood in front of Zhao Chen and said in a serious tone.

"What are you talking about? Your skills are not enough to protect me." Zhao Chen smiled and patted Li Ke on the shoulder.

"Even if I can't protect you, at least I can't let you get into trouble in front of me." Li Ke and Zhao Chen said.

Zhao Chen knew what Li Ke was thinking. In fact, he was just worried that he would encounter endless dangers when he went to the hinterland of Goguryeo in the future.

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