The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1519 Hou Junji’s trick

That night, Huizhen and a group of generals gathered to greet Hou Jun.

It lasted until late at night.

Everyone is drunk.

Huizhen, who was still conscious, told herself that she would have to train troops tomorrow morning.

Although a little reluctant, the banquet ended hastily.

After returning to her tent, Huizhen fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning.

The rumbling drums suddenly woke Huizhen up.

Huizhen had a clever idea and jumped down from the bed.

"What's going on? Where's the drumming?"

"Come here!" Huizhen shouted outside the camp.

The soldiers rushed into the camp in a hurry.

"What's going on outside? Where's the drum sound coming from?" Huizhen looked gloomy and asked the soldiers who broke in.

He also couldn't figure out why he was in the camp without giving the order. There was even the sound of drums.

Don't these guys even listen to their own orders?

Thinking of this, Huizhen felt shocked and angry, and made up her mind to deal with the person who asked Drumming to be beaten severely.

"General, it's not us who beat the drums."

"It's outside, and it's quite close to us!" the soldier said to Huizhen with a confused look on his face.

"Outside?" Huizhen frowned.

"Yes, it's outside, it seems to be the drums of the Tang army!" The soldier nodded and said to Huizhen.

Huizhen frowned even more tightly.

The Tang army camped twenty miles away from them.

Twenty miles away, the sound of the drum could not have been so clear, as if it was close to my ears.

"Follow me, General, to have a look." Huizhen didn't bother to ask any more questions.

The sound of drums at such a close distance made him feel an inexplicable crisis.

He predicted that the sound of the drum would never be more than five miles away from him.

If this drumbeat is planning to attack them, how should they defend themselves?

Huizhen and the soldiers came to the outside of the camp and saw that the generals under his command were also standing outside the camp.

Everyone's faces showed surprise.

Hou Junji also stood in front, looking in the distance.

"Mr. Hou, what's going on ahead?" Huizhen walked to Hou Junji and asked him.

"The drums that are not ours should belong to the Tang army." Hou Junji said slowly, with a solemn look on his face.

Huizhen didn't ask any more questions, but mounted his horse and ran towards the place where the drums sounded.

A group of Goguryeo generals behind him also drove their horses to follow.

After a while, we climbed over the hillside in front.

A neat and orderly queue of Tang soldiers appeared in front of them.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of people.

Huizhen's face immediately turned ugly.

Having so many people training here clearly puts pressure on them.

And they chose it before their training in Goguryeo.

It was simply intentional.

"General, what do they mean?" a Goguryeo general asked Huizhen.

"Isn't this vindictive against us?"

"We were training our troops every hour, and they started beating drums as soon as they arrived!" A general next to him looked ugly.

The Tang soldiers in front of them were clearly fighting against them.

Just to make their lives uncomfortable.

Huizhen looked gloomy.

Looking at the majestic Tang soldiers in front.

He turned around and headed back to his camp.

Everyone followed Huizhen back.

"Mr. Hou, what do you think we should do now?" Huizhen looked at Hou Junji.

Huizhen knew in his heart that the Tang army was nothing more than provoking them.

Or trying to piss them off.

As long as he takes the lead in attacking the Tang army, Datang will have an excuse.

But if you don’t have it yourself

If there is a reaction, the Tang army will surely press forward step by step and be aggressive.

Huizhen is also feeling embarrassed now.

I couldn't think of any good ideas for a while, so I looked at Hou Junji aside.

Hou Junji was silent for a moment, and then said to Huizhen: "This matter is of great importance. I think General Huizhen should send someone to ask the commander for instructions first, and then make plans later."

No one can bear the responsibility of taking the lead in starting a war. .??.

But what the Tang army did was nothing more than provoking them.

In other words, they are testing the limits of Huizhen and others' patience.

Huizhen didn't react at all when this happened today. It is likely that Datang will make other moves in the future, which will make people feel even more uncomfortable.

So no matter what, it’s better to send someone to inform Yeon Gaesumun first.

Wait until you have a clear goal before making plans.

"I'm afraid the commander will let us continue to be patient, but the Tang army is a bit too bullying, and I really don't want to tolerate it." Huizhen's face became increasingly ugly.

Hou Junji looked at Huizhen and thought to himself, if you, Huizhen, really have a way to solve this problem, you still need to think so much.

Isn’t this because you, Huizhen, don’t have this ability?

"General Huizhen, you have to understand that Zhao Chen just wanted to find an excuse. If we really take the initiative and attack his Tang army, does General Huizhen think he can withstand Zhao Chen's plan?" Hou Junji and Huizhen said slowly.

Huizhen didn't know how to answer Hou Junji for a while.

It is indeed as Hou Junji said.

Taking the lead in attacking the Tang army was a consequence he could not bear.

And Zhao Chen did this to create opportunities for them.

If you are really fooled, you will really suffer.

"That being said, we still have to wait for the commander-in-chief to make a decision before we can figure out how to respond."

"Forget it, come quickly and report the situation here to the commander-in-chief, and ask the commander-in-chief to make a decision."

Huizhen and the soldiers outside the door shouted.

The soldiers took the order and left.

All the generals also left the camp one after another.

Hou Junji was about to leave but was stopped by Huizhen.

"Mr. Hou, what preparations do we need to make before the commander makes a decision?" Huizhen asked Hou Junji for a question.

At this moment, Huizhen was also worried that if this situation continued for a long time, his soldiers would not be able to help but attack the Tang army.

The current plan is not only to appease the emotions of his soldiers, but also to prevent the Tang army from suddenly attacking him.

"General Huizhen, with all due respect, Zhao Chen has never cared about some rules and regulations. When he was in Chang'an, he dared to break the legs of the prince Li Tai in the Tai Chi Palace. The so-called agreement does not matter to him. It honestly has no effect.”

"So I hope General Huizhen can prepare in advance to face the Tang army."

"This way we can avoid being at a loss later." Hou Junji and Huizhen said.

Huizhen looked at Hou Junji and nodded slowly.

He understood what Hou Junji meant.

But being passive and defensive has never been his Huizhen style.

"Mr. Hou, don't you have any other options? For example, if we take the initiative, even if there is no need for a war, we can at least disgust the other side." Huizhen and Hou Junji asked.

Hou Junji pondered for a moment.

"There is a way, but this may completely anger Zhao Chen. Is the general prepared?" Hou Junji nodded and asked Huizhen in return.

Huizhen frowned. He didn't know what kind of method Hou Junji was talking about, and he actually completely offended Zhao Chen.

But right now, they and Zhao Chen are incompatible with each other, so it doesn't matter whether they are completely offended or angered.

"This general is somewhat interested. As for Zhao Chen, we are life-or-death enemies."

"If Mr. Hou has a plan, please make it clear to me, General." Huizhen said slowly while looking at Hou Junji.

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