He had killed Qin Qiong, and Qin Huaiyu wished he could eat him alive.

And Zhao Chen buried all 50,000 Goguryeo soldiers under his command in Hulu Valley.

The two sides are now completely unable to coexist.

As for what Hou Junji said would completely anger Zhao Chen, Huizhen didn't take it to heart at all.

Zhao Chen actually came to Shacheng, and sent people to approach the place twenty miles away from his Huizhen camp, obviously preparing to fight with them.

It will be very clear that there is no point in giving in blindly.

It would be better to give the Tang army a severe blow while they haven't broken their skin yet.

Hou Junji looked at Huizhen and saw his curious expression, so he said, "Our scouts have come to report that the Tang army has set up camp on the mountain and near the water."

"The water source they draw passes through us. If General Huizhen is willing, he can throw a batch of dead livestock into the river."

"In this case, the water source of the river must be contaminated by the plague."

"The tens of thousands of Tang Army soldiers ahead will definitely be attacked by the plague."

"But if Zhao Chen knows about this, he will probably lead his troops directly to attack where we are."

Hou Junji finished talking to Huizhen about his thoughts, and then explained to Huizhen the possible consequences.

Throw dead livestock carcasses into the river.

It will definitely cause water pollution.

They were in the upper reaches of the river, and the Tang army was in the lower reaches of the river.

As a result, the soldiers of the Tang army who drank the polluted water from the river were bound to suffer from diseases.

But if Zhao Chen finds out about this later, nothing will happen to him.

They should also be prepared in advance to deal with Zhao Chen's crazy counterattack.

When Huizhen heard Hou Junji's method, he secretly thought that Hou Junji was ruthless.

He actually came up with such a vicious method.

You must know that those Tang Army soldiers are all compatriots of his Hou Junji.

Huizhen thought that if she had any conflict with Hou Junji in the future, would Hou Junji use the same vicious method to deal with her?

r\u003e "What's wrong with General Huizhen? Have you thought of other ways?" Seeing that Huizhen didn't speak, Hou Junji couldn't help but ask.

Huizhen shook his head, with a look of joy behind him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Monkey is indeed full of wisdom. If this happens, the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who stand in front of us will all be killed by this plague."

"Come here and pass this general's order to take a batch of livestock carcasses that are about to spoil and throw them all into the river ahead." Huizhen shouted to the soldiers around him.

The soldiers took the order and left.

After a while, a large number of livestock carcasses were thrown into the nearby river.

A strong fishy smell spread in all directions when blown by the wind.

Two more days passed.

At this time, Xue Rengui was handling military affairs in the camp, but Zhou Qing suddenly ran in.

There was still a lot of anxiety on his face.

"Zhou Qing, what's wrong?" Xue Rengui's face darkened.

He warned Zhou Qing several times that he must stay calm in the camp.

Never express your emotions on your face.

But Zhou Qing's face today really made him feel dissatisfied.

"Brother, something big happened!" Zhou Qing and Xue Rengui said.

Xue Rengui frowned slightly, and then asked slowly: "What happened?"

"Brother, many soldiers were dizzy this morning, and some even had fever and diarrhea."

"There are a thousand people in the Lancer Battalion. They are all lying in their respective barracks now. They don't even have the strength to stand up."

"The military doctor went to treat them and said they were infected with the plague."

"We have only been out for a few days, and the soldiers have been infected with the plague. How are we going to explain to His Highness the King of Han when we go back?" Zhou Qing said in a rather anxious tone.

He thought that he and others had obeyed Zhao Chen's order, and it had not been many days since the results came out.

A thousand soldiers were all infected with the plague.

Zhao Chen will definitely hold them accountable.


"How can there be a plague if everything is fine?" Xue Rengui also stood up with a bang.

If it was an ordinary ailment, he would naturally not be so excited.

But the plague is really a disaster that people cannot deal with.

If it spreads too quickly, this plague will be enough to kill all of their tens of thousands of soldiers.

"The soldiers who were infected with the plague were not allowed to leave their barracks, and everyone else evacuated their areas."

"Tell General Qin Huaiyu to lead troops to guard the left and right sides of our army to prevent Huizhen from sending troops to attack." Xue Rengui made a prompt decision and issued the order to Zhou Qing. .??.

Zhou Qing nodded and left quickly.

Xue Rengui stood in the camp and wandered around for a long time.

The brows were tightly knitted together and could not be loosened for a long time.

The most important thing right now is to solve this epidemic.

The most direct thing should be to find the source of the plague.

Xue Rengui immediately suspected something good happened at the Huizhen camp opposite, but now he just didn't have any evidence and no time to look for it.

"Come here, send me a letter and go to Shacheng immediately to ask for an audience with His Highness the King of Han!" Xue Rengui shouted outside.

A soldier ran in.

Xue Rengui quickly wrote down what Zhou Qing had just reported on the paper, and then handed it over to the soldiers.

"It must be handed over to His Highness the King of Han as soon as possible!" Xue Rengui told the soldiers.

"Don't worry, General!" the soldier responded and left quickly.

Xue Rengui also walked out of the camp. He had to see what was happening to the soldiers who had been infected with the plague.

All the camps where the plague-infected soldiers were located have been isolated.

There are Tang army soldiers guarding all sides.

But Xue Rengui could also see the slightest trace of panic in their eyes.

After all, it is a plague, and a little carelessness can kill countless people.

It’s normal to be scared.

"Where's the military doctor?" Xue Rengui came outside the wounded soldiers' camp and shouted inside.

A gray-haired military doctor ran out of the camp.

His face was covered with a piece of white cloth covering his mouth and nose.

"General Xue." The military doctor stood ten steps away from Xue Rengui and stopped.

"Mr. Liu, what's going on inside now!" Xue Rengui and the military doctor asked.

"The situation inside the general is very bad now. Many soldiers have passed out, have high fevers, and are constantly vomiting."

"If he hadn't received timely treatment, his life would have been lost."

"There is also a plague that can spread from person to person. General, please don't come near this place again."

"If the old man doesn't come out tomorrow morning, please ask the general to order this place to be burned down." After the military doctor said this to Xue Rengui, he handed over his hands and returned to the camp resolutely.

Xue Rengui still had many things to ask, but the military doctor really didn't have time to explain to him at the moment.

Xue Rengui also understood what the military doctor said.

If the military doctor does not come out tomorrow morning, it means that he has been infected, and all the soldiers in the camp will not receive help.

In this way, burning everyone in a fire can also prevent the spread of the plague.

Xue Rengui stood there, his hands and feet suddenly felt cold.

He ordered tens of thousands of soldiers to come here, but only a few days later, a thousand soldiers suffered from the plague.

The other soldiers still don't know what the situation is now.

"General Xue, this is not the time to feel sad. Although all the spearmen battalions are infected with the plague, it is unknown whether they have come into contact with other soldiers."

"In addition, we must find out what caused this plague immediately."

"Otherwise, how can we be worthy of these soldiers who fell here." Qin Huaiyu walked to Xue Rengui with a trace of anger in his eyes.

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