"Brother, what should we do now?"

"This Hou Junji deliberately made things difficult for us."

"He drove these people to the city gate. Even if he asked us to take them in, it would be fine if we didn't take them." Zhou Qing stood next to Xue Rengui with a worried look on his face.

Zhou Qing also noticed that the scene in front of him was deliberately done by Hou Junji.

The purpose was to make their Tang army lose the hearts of the people in Shacheng.

But if they accept these people, they may cause chaos within Sand City themselves.

But if they don't take it, even if Shacheng is defended, the Tang army will be in trouble in Shacheng and even other cities in Goguryeo.

The situation before them puts them in a dilemma.

Hou Junji's vicious plan really makes people unable to choose.

"His Highness probably won't be able to come back for the time being. Now we have to handle the situation ourselves." Xue Rengui said slowly.

When Zhao Chen set out to withdraw his troops, Xue Rengui had already received the news.

Zhao Chen sent someone to tell him that Huizhen would definitely send troops to stop him from withdrawing his troops.

Therefore, Shacheng ultimately had to rely on him, Xue Rengui, and a group of Tang soldiers.

As for the situation at hand, Zhao Chen also wrote about it in his letter, but the strange thing is that Zhao Chen did not give Xue Rengui any solution.

Instead, let him handle it himself.

Xue Rengui was confused, but it was too late for him to think too much.

"Hou Junji, you betrayed the Tang Dynasty and ran away from Goguryeo, which is a shame to the Tang Dynasty."

"Today you forced these people to come to Shacheng, didn't you just want me to accept them?"

"Okay, I will comply with your wishes, general."

"Come open the city gate and let the people in." Xue Rengui stood on the city tower and shouted to Hou Junji in the distance.

"Brother, should you think about it again, if Shacheng is destroyed..." Zhou Qing wanted to dissuade Xue Rengui.

If Shacheng is destroyed, it will be Zhao Chen who is in danger.

This is much more serious than their own death in battle.


"Shacheng will not be destroyed. If Shacheng is destroyed, I will die first!" Xue Rengui said in a deep voice.

"Open the door!" Xue Rengui shouted again.

The gate of Shacheng slowly opened.

When the Goguryeo people in the villages around Shacheng saw the scene in front of them, their eyes that originally had no hope at all were filled with a light of disbelief.

"The city gate is open, the city gate is open!"

"The general of the Tang Dynasty has let us enter the city!"

"Oh my God, please open your eyes and see why this is happening!"

The people of Goguryeo shouted with anger on their faces.

They never imagined that their own people would use them as a shield to force them to die.

The Tang army, which was originally their enemy, even took the initiative to open the city gate in order to save them.

Some people on the city tower who helped carry supplies for the city defense also burst into tears when they saw the scene in front of them.

"General, let us help you defend the city. These beasts on the other side don't regard us as human beings. Only you, general..." said a Shacheng citizen who was carrying wood to defend the city and Xue Rengui.

His eyes were full of gratitude.

The other people in Shacheng around him also looked like this.

"Thank you all, but we can still resist the mere Hou Junji."

"The city tower is dangerous, you'd better get down quickly!" Xue Rengui smiled and rejected the request of the people in Shacheng.

This is not a time of life and death, and there is no need to use these ordinary people in Shacheng.

"Zhou Qing, lead your troops down and prepare to fight." Xue Rengui shouted to Zhou Qing on the side.

When the people in the village entered the city, they had to be prepared for Hou Junji to suddenly lead his army into the city.

So we also need an army

The team went out of the city to defend themselves.

Otherwise, if Hou Junji's army really rushes into the city, the fall of Shacheng will be a matter of time.

"Yes!" Zhou Qing nodded and then led a thousand troops and quickly rushed out of the sand city.

What surprised Xue Rengui was that Hou Junji did not lead the army to charge while the people in Shacheng were entering the city.

Xue Rengui couldn't help but be a little worried. There were many people from Hou Junji among these common people.

Zhou Qing led his army to the front of the battle. In front of him was the Goguryeo army led by Hou Junji.

"Kid, let Xue Rengui fight, you are no match for me!" Hou Junji said calmly.

Hou Junji was originally a famous general of the Tang Dynasty. He had been on the battlefield for decades, so his kung fu was certainly not bad.

Although Zhou Qing has good abilities, there is still some gap between him and Hou Junji.

But facing such contempt from Hou Junji, Zhou Qing felt furious.

"Hey, you are an old guy like Hou Junji. You dare to speak harshly even when you are about to die. If His Majesty the Emperor had not shown mercy, your head would have been chopped off long ago."

"I didn't expect that you would defect to the Tang Dynasty without repenting."

"Today, they led the soldiers of Goguryeo to attack our country, the Tang Dynasty."

"Rebellious ministers and traitors like you who have forgotten your ancestors, why don't you get off your horse and be punished!" Zhou Qing and Hou Junji roared.

Hou Junji's city is very deep, and he certainly doesn't care about humiliation like Zhou Qing's.

"Are you sure you want to die?" Hou Junjie smiled faintly, but his eyes suddenly became sharp.


"Let's see who wants whose life!" Zhou Qing sneered and raised the big knife in his hand.

Hou Junji drove his horse out of the formation, holding a long spear in his hand.

"That's fine, I'll use you as a sacrificial flag today." Hou Junji looked cold and stern, then waved his whip, his horse neighed, and he charged towards Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing was not afraid and raised his sword to meet him.

Two people clashing weapons

After the collision, Zhou Qing felt numbness in the tiger's mouth, and almost couldn't hold the knife with both hands.

On the other hand, Hou Junji looked like he was fine.

"Young man, let Xue Rengui do it, you can't do it!" Hou Junji looked at Zhou Qing with a smile and said.

Zhou Qing was so humiliated by Hou Junji that his eyes turned red and he wanted to eat Hou Junji alive.

"Come again!" Zhou Qing roared.

He raised his sword and killed Hou Junji again.

Hou Junji did not retreat, but raised his gun and charged towards Zhou Qing.

However, there was indeed a huge disparity in strength between the two of them. Zhou Qing struck the spear with his sword, but it only made Hou Junji tremble slightly.

But Hou Junji pierced Zhou Qing's left arm with a shot.

Blood dripped down the wound. Zhou Qing endured the pain and refused to look at the wound. The pride in his heart did not allow him to take a step back.


Suddenly there was a sound of gold ringing behind him, and Xue Rengui had already ordered Zhou Qing to withdraw.

"Boy, Xue Rengui asked you to withdraw. Go back. I don't want to kill a nobody like you." Hou Junji said with a smile.

Then he drove his horse back to his formation with a spear in hand.

Zhou Qing returned to Shacheng with a face full of reluctance. Xue Rengui took one look at the wound on his left arm and asked the military doctor to take him for treatment.

Xue Rengui still doesn't understand what Hou Junji is thinking.

He could obviously kill Zhou Qing, but chose to let him come back.

He could obviously take advantage of the people entering the city and lead a large army to attack them.

But nothing happened.

For the first time, Xue Rengui felt that the enemy in front of him was so difficult.

He couldn't understand Hou Junji's intention at all.

"Xue Rengui, are you thinking about my intentions?" Hou Junji suddenly shouted to Xue Rengui on the tower.

Xue Rengui looked at Hou Junji in the distance and said nothing.

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