The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1539 Let them put down their weapons

Xue Rengui really couldn't figure out what Hou Junji's intention was.

According to Xue Rengui's own opinion, since Hou Junji led his army to capture Shacheng, he must have taken it by surprise.

When the people of Shacheng entered the city, Hou Junji could have sent a large army to follow them.

Even when Zhou Qing and Hou Junji fought just now, Hou Junji could have killed Zhou Qing to undermine the morale of the Tang army.

But Hou Junji did not do this. Not only did he not kill Zhou Qing, he even let him return to the city safe and sound.

Xue Rengui really couldn't figure out this approach. ??

At this moment, facing Hou Junji's questioning, Xue Rengui frowned.

"Hou Junji, since you let Zhou Qing come back, I will have a good talk with you."

"What do you want?" Xue Rengui stood on the tower and asked Hou Junji.

Hou Junji smiled and then drove his horse to the foot of the tower alone.

The archers on the tower instantly aimed their bows and arrows at Hou Junji.

Hou Junji was not panicked at all, he just looked at Xue Rengui on the tower with a smile.

"Xue Rengui, I just want to negotiate a deal with you today." Hou Junji looked at Xue Rengui on the tower and said.

"Deal?" Xue Rengui was a little confused.

"What deal can I have with you?" Xue Rengui continued: "You are a general of Goguryeo. Now you are leading the Goguryeo army to attack Shacheng of Datang. If you attack, we will be enemies of life and death."

"Deal, unless you ask all of your men to lay down their weapons and prepare to surrender."

The reason why Xue Rengui said this was simply to tell Hou Junji that he really had nothing to talk about with him.

The two are enemies, and they only talk to each other with swords on the battlefield.

Hou Junji waved his hand, pointed at the Goguryeo army behind him, and said with a smile: "It is not impossible to ask them to put down their weapons and surrender on their knees."

"As long as Xue Rengui agrees to my conditions!"

"What conditions?

"Xue Rengui frowned even more tightly.

Hou Junji actually said that he was willing to let the Goguryeo army behind him surrender, which made Xue Rengui feel incredible.

You must know that Hou Junji came to capture Shacheng on Huizhen's order.

If Shacheng was not captured, Huizhen would never let him go easily.

What's more, getting soldiers like Huizhen to surrender.

If Huizhen knew, he would definitely tear Hou Junji into pieces.

"Let me pass through Shacheng, and don't send troops to pursue me!" Hou Junji said to Xue Rengui with a smile.

Xue Rengui was a little stunned, as if he did not expect that Hou Junji would make such a deal.

Let his troops surrender and let Hou Junji pass through Shacheng.

Xue Rengui remained silent.

He knew that if Hou Junji was allowed to pass through Shacheng, Hou Junji would probably take the same route and go north.

To the north of the Tang Dynasty is the vast grassland. If Hou Junji goes there, it will be extremely difficult to catch him.

Although Qin Qiong's death was not directly related to Hou Junji, Qin Huaiyu obviously still wanted to seek revenge from Hou Junji.

But if I let Hou Junji go...

"Xue Rengui, you are a sensible person. If you don't agree to my terms, with the fifteen thousand soldiers under my command, it is estimated that even if you cannot attack this small sand city, you will lose your troops and generals."

"You should think carefully about losing the lives of these great men of the Tang Dynasty just for me!"

"Besides, I have already given you enough sincerity. Otherwise, if I had just ordered the army to rush into the city along with the people of Shacheng, would you still be able to completely block it?"

"Besides, that young general just now, if I hadn't let him go on purpose, he would be dead right now."

"So Xue Rengui, you really need to

think about it. "

"I'll give you an hour." After Hou Junji finished speaking, he jumped on his horse's head and returned to his military formation.

Xue Rengui felt very embarrassed.

He admitted that what Hou Junji said was very reasonable. Xue Rengui did not have much confidence in facing the Goguryeo army three times his own size with 5,000 defenders.

And as long as a war breaks out, the Tang soldiers under his command will definitely suffer a lot of losses.

If war can be avoided, then naturally it should be avoided if possible.

Moreover, the surrender of the Goguryeo army would be even more beneficial to Datang.

But the only thing Xue Rengui was worried about was how he would explain to Zhao Chen if he let Hou Junji go privately.

Seeing that Zhao Chen has sent troops to rescue him, if he lets Hou Junji go now, how will Qin Huaiyu face him in the future?

Xue Rengui felt very embarrassed.

"Brother, why did Hou Junji's army suddenly stop attacking us?" Zhou Qing had already applied medicine to the wound on his arm and came to Xue Rengui's side.

He had just gone to the city tower to take a look, originally thinking that Hou Jun had gathered to lead an army to attack Shacheng.

But they didn't expect that Hou Junji's army was parked outside the city without any movement.

This made Zhou Qing very puzzled.

Didn't you agree to attack the city? Why was there no movement at all when you got to the bottom of the tower?

"Hou Junji said he was willing to let his troops surrender, but he had a condition."

"What conditions?" Zhou Qing was stunned when he heard this.

So he blurted out and asked.

He really couldn't figure out why Hou Junji had the reason to let his Goguryeo army surrender.

The current situation is obviously that Hou Junji and others have the advantage, and the side defending the city is at a disadvantage.

Why did the dominant side surrender instead?


Junji wanted to escape, so he asked us to let him pass through Shacheng. I guess he wanted to escape to the grassland. "Xue Rengui and Zhou Qing explained.

"Let him pass through Shacheng?"

"Wouldn't that mean he had to run for his life?" Zhou Qing looked shocked.

It seemed difficult to accept the news for a while.

"What I'm worried about now is that Qin Huaiyu wants to seek revenge on Hou Junji. If I let Hou Junji go, he will definitely resent me!"

"As for Your Highness, I believe he will understand me." Xue Rengui said slowly.

He knew that Zhao Chen was a sensible person.

Under the current situation, if the two armies went to war, not to mention that Hou Junji could be captured, the five thousand soldiers of the Tang army who were defending the city would definitely be killed and injured.

A war of blood and fire can now be completely avoided.

He, Xue Rengui, was not afraid of death, but he did not want his soldiers to die in an unknown manner.

"Qin Huaiyu has an irreconcilable relationship with His Highness. If Qin Huaiyu keeps insisting on this matter, brother..." Zhou Qing did not finish his words.

But both of them knew in their hearts that if Qin Huaiyu hated Xue Rengui because of this, then Zhao Chen would definitely not be able to reuse Xue Rengui because of his relationship with Qin Huaiyu.

Xue Rengui might be on the bench in the future.

There is even no possibility of leading troops.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing couldn't help but feel worried again.

"Brother, what do you think?" Zhou Qing still asked.

"No matter what, I decided to give it a try without sacrificing soldiers."

"If I am held accountable afterwards, I will bear the responsibility alone." Xue Rengui looked at Zhou Qing and said slowly.

It seems that he is firm on this idea in his heart.

"Brother, just go ahead and do it. If he is eventually punished for this matter, Zhou Qing will follow him no matter what the situation is." Zhou Qing looked at Xue Rengui and said solemnly.

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