The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1545 How to ensure safety

Huizhen still hasn't received any news about Hou Junji.

He even had some doubts about whether something happened to Hou Junji, but seeing Zhao Chen continue to lead the troops to retreat, this made Huizhen feel a little more relaxed.

As long as Zhao Chen continues to withdraw his troops, it means that Zhao Chen still cares about Shacheng.

Since Zhao Chen cares about Shacheng, it means that Hou Junji still has a role in Shacheng.

Otherwise, why would Zhao Chen rush back? It must be because of the situation in Shacheng.

Most of the soldiers and horses were sent out, but only 5,000 soldiers were left to defend Huizhen.

Five thousand soldiers is actually not a small number.

At least Huizhen is still very confident in her safety.

Even if someone suddenly attacks his camp, with five thousand soldiers, not to mention that they can all be surrounded and suppressed, at least there is no problem in keeping Huizhen safe.

"General, there was news just now that our soldiers have encountered Zhao Chen's former army, and the two sides have started fighting."

"It seems that the Tang army is very eager to break through our army's ambush. The situation in Shacheng should be very serious." A Goguryeo general walked in and talked to Huizhen.

Hearing the news, Hye Jin had a smile on her face.

This is exactly what Huizhen wants to see.

The more Zhao Chen wants to break through the encirclement set by Huizhen, the more it proves that the situation in Shacheng is an excellent opportunity for Huizhen.

As long as he can firmly trap Zhao Chen's reinforcements on the road, Hou Junji can help him capture Shacheng.

And as long as the battlefield is taken and the two armies of Hou Junji and himself join up to annihilate Zhao Chen and others, even killing Zhao Chen is not impossible.

Thinking that Zhao Chen, the famous Han King of the Tang Dynasty, was likely to fall under his sword, the smile on Huizhen's face became even more uncontrollable.

"It's not that easy. If he wants to run away, we will block him in the road."

"Sending another

Three thousand men and horses went to support my ambush army. No matter what, they must be stopped on the way back to Shacheng. Huizhen was silent for a moment, and then spoke to the Goguryeo general beside him.

The general seemed hesitant.

He did not immediately convey the order.

"What's wrong?" Huizhen frowned and asked.

"General, you only have 5,000 troops guarding you. If you send another 3,000 troops now, how can you guarantee your safety?"

"Previously, we detected that the Tang army was trying to investigate the situation in our camp."

"If these five thousand men and three thousand are transferred away, and they suddenly attack our camp, your safety will be in question..." The Goguryeo general's meaning was obvious.

There was news before that Datang sent people to check the situation of their camp.

Obviously he wanted to target Huizhen himself.

Now Huizhen actually took the initiative to withdraw three thousand soldiers and horses, leaving only two thousand people around him.

If this was known to the Tang army on the opposite side, they would definitely take action against Huizhen.

If they are caught off guard by then, Huizhen's own sense of security will be difficult to guarantee.

Huizhen's safety is related to the survival of their Goguryeo army.

The Goguryeo general believed that Huizhen's safety should be the first priority in all matters.

"Your worries are not unreasonable, but you yourself said just now that the Tang army is desperately trying to break out of our army's ambush circle, which means that their most important thing now is to rescue Shacheng."

"Once Shacheng is captured by our army, all their troops will be buried here."

"What would you do if you were Zhao Chen?"

"Send someone to kill me, let's not say whether they can kill me or not.

If he kills me, even if he is lucky, once Shacheng is captured, what if he kills me? Can it change the ending of Zhao Chen's death without a burial place? Hui Zhen said calmly.

Huizhen believes that Zhao Chen is definitely smart.

He knew what was most important at the moment.

Send someone to kill yourself?

That might have been just an act of passion from before.

Now that Zhao Chen continues to lead his troops back, it means that he knows how important Shacheng is to him.

In this way, Huizhen believed that Zhao Chen would never send anyone to attack him.

And judging from the urgency of the matter, Zhao Chen had no reason to attack him.

"But General..."

"There's nothing wrong with it. Let's do this. If you are really worried about my safety, you will be in charge of the camp. I will personally lead three thousand troops and continue to intercept Zhao Chen's reinforcements." .??.

"Even if the Tang army attacks, it will still attack our camp. It will never lose the reinforcements we sent."

"Besides, even if he wanted to, he doesn't have the strength." Huizhen said to the Goguryeo general in front of him.

After hearing Huizhen's decision, the Goguryeo general nodded slowly.

Judging from the current situation of Zhao Chen's army, he really can't allocate troops to attack their Goguryeo reinforcements.

Not to mention that Huizhen would personally lead the troops to stop Zhao Chen's army.

This would catch Zhao Chen off guard.

"General, you must be careful and pay attention to your own safety!" the Goguryeo general said to Hui Zhen again.

Huizhen waved his hand, then turned around and left the camp.

Qin Huaiyu was racking his brains to think of ways to attack Huizhen's camp.

But he found that there was nothing he could do.

With his own three thousand cavalry, although he can kill Huizhen's camp,

A man fell on his back.

But he couldn't accurately kill Huizhen himself.

With five thousand people, Qin Huaiyu couldn't identify Huizhen one by one among so many people.

Qin Huaiyu couldn't help but feel a little melancholy when he thought that he finally had such a close opportunity to avenge his father. At this moment, he really had no way to kill Huizhen with one blow.

If Huizhen can lead the troops out, it can be considered an opportunity!

Qin Huaiyu thought to himself, then shook his head secretly.

Unless Huizhen was kicked in the head by a donkey, why would he run out so well?

"General, there is good news." A cavalry scout ran to Qin Huaiyu's side with a slightly excited look on his face.

"What good news?" Qin Huaiyu frowned.

At the moment he cannot avenge his father, and no news is good news to him.

"General, I just saw Huizhen outside the camp. Huizhen led a team of three thousand people and left the camp."

"Looking at the direction they are traveling in, it seems to be the direction my army is retreating from."

"My subordinates speculate that they may be going to aid the Goguryeo soldiers who ambushed our army." The cavalry scout told Qin Huaiyu about his findings.

Qin Huaiyu suddenly became energetic.

Huizhen stayed in the camp and could not come out. He, Qin Huaiyu, had no way to determine which camp Huizhen was in.

But if Huizhen came out, he would now lead an army of three thousand people to support him.

Then Qin Huaiyu had every chance to keep an eye on Huizhen on the road and then attack him.

"Are you sure that is Hui Zhen, and you saw the right person?" Qin Huaiyu stared at the cavalry scout in front of him carefully and said in a solemn tone.

"General, my subordinates have definitely seen clearly that the leader is Hye Jin of Goguryeo that day." The cavalry scout nodded heavily.

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