The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1546 Can we win this time?

Hearing the cavalry scout's affirmative answer, Qin Huaiyu was overjoyed.

He knew his chance for revenge had finally arrived.

If Huizhen stayed in his camp, there would really be nothing he could do against him.

But now that Huizhen ran out on her own regardless of life and death, she was completely asking for her own death.

Then Qin Huaiyu had no reason to let Huizhen go.

"Everyone immediately rushed to ambush Hye Jin and the others on the road before they could support the Goguryeo army."

"We are fast and can get ahead of them." Qin Huaiyu made a decisive decision and immediately told everyone.

He will now seek revenge on Hui Zhen.

"It's the general." Everyone responded in unison.

After leaving the gate, Huizhen felt a little uneasy.

He couldn't explain exactly what the situation was, but he felt like something was always going to happen.

But he couldn't tell himself.

After talking to the generals around him for a few words, Huizhen slowly became more comfortable.

Looking at the Goguryeo soldiers behind him, Huizhen felt an inexplicable certainty of victory.

Today is an opportunity for him Huizhen.

As long as the cooperation between him and Hou Junji is perfect, this great achievement must be attributed to him Huizhen.

"Send the order and tell the soldiers to speed up. We will rush to the battlefield to support within an hour."

"As long as I capture Zhao Chen this time, I will ask for a reward from the commander-in-chief. At that time, each of you can be promoted to the third level." Huizhen said to his Goguryeo generals.

I also drew a lot of pie for them.

When the Goguryeo generals heard the benefits of Huizhen's agreement, they were also excited.

He quickly conveyed the order to the Goguryeo soldiers behind him.

Three thousand men and horses were marching on the road. As far as the eye could see, they could not see each other from head to tail.

It was noon at this moment, and everyone marching was slightly feverish.

Many Goguryeo soldiers even unbuttoned their clothes to keep themselves slightly cooler.

When Huizhen saw this, he didn't say anything to them.

Instead, they continued to urge them to speed up their march.

Half an hour later, Huizhen and his party walked out of a place twenty miles away from their camp.

"General, let the brothers have a rest. They don't even have lunch in order to travel."

"If we really encounter the Tang army by then, the soldiers will be so hungry that they will have no physical strength." The Goguryeo general said to Huizhen, and then looked back at the Goguryeo soldiers behind him.

Huizhen also looked back and saw that everyone had bitter expressions on their faces and looked hungry.

Huizhen knew this and was not in a hurry for half an hour.

What's more, they only need to entangle Zhao Chen's army on the road.

Zhao Chen should be more anxious than them.

So eating a meal on the road is not a big deal.

"Okay, let everyone stop and have a rest and have a meal." Huizhen nodded and agreed to the request of the Goguryeo general.

Three thousand soldiers and horses buried pots and stoves on the road.

They did not have the marching rations of the Tang Dynasty, so they could only dig stoves in the fields and set up iron pots to cook some barely edible food.

Huizhen also got off the horse, and the Goguryeo general next to him handed over a piece of beef.

Huizhen didn't say anything and just started biting it in her mouth.

The other Goguryeo soldiers looked at Huizhen with envy.

"General, do you think we can win this time?" The Goguryeo general sat next to Huizhen and asked him curiously.

"Why do you ask that suddenly?" Huizhen was also a little surprised.

"General, I have heard about Zhao Chen before. I heard that he is famous for his scheming in the Tang Dynasty."

"As for Hou Junji, I heard that he suffered a lot at the hands of Zhao Chen."

"Otherwise Hou Junji would not have come to Goguryeo to seek refuge with us.

. "

"So when I hear the name Zhao Chen, I always feel a little worried." The Goguryeo general said.

Huizhen frowned, but then slowly relaxed.

He knew what the Goguryeo general in front of him meant.

It's normal. When ordinary people face a guy like Zhao Chen, after hearing the things about him, they will definitely feel a little scared.

Even I took a long time to recover from what happened in Hulu Valley.

You must know that as a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles, Huizhen is extremely determined.

But the battle in Hulugu Valley made him, Huizhen, almost go crazy.

Zhao Chen's name is far more than just what is said in legends.

But he could not convey such emotions to his generals.

"You also said that they were all rumors. When did Hou Junji say that he was forced to come here by Zhao Chen?"

"Furthermore, if Zhao Chen is really that capable, why didn't he completely defeat our army when he fought against us for the first time?"

"And look at it now, we are now in trouble with Zhao Chen!"

"Whether Zhao Chen lives or dies depends on our actions now." Huizhen said with a smile.

There was a look of relief on his face.

It made people think that he didn't take Zhao Chen seriously at all.

Hearing what Huizhen said, the expression on Goguryeo's face softened.

The shadow of a famous tree is normal for people to feel stressed when facing Zhao Chen.

"Then according to the general's wishes, we can definitely kill Zhao Chen this time?" the Goguryeo general asked again.

"Of course, we Goguryeo are invincible, and the person who will die will definitely be Zhao Chen. We..."


"Dong dong——"

"Dong dong dong——"

Before Huizhen finished speaking, she suddenly heard a neat voice coming from afar. \u003c


This sound seemed to have the power to shake the earth and the mountains.

It hit Huizhen's heart hard.

Huizhen's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that the sound was the sound of cavalry's hooves.

And with such a dense sound, there were probably thousands of cavalry running towards them.

"Everyone, be on alert immediately and prepare to meet the enemy!" Huizhen also realized the crisis immediately.

He immediately shouted to the Goguryeo soldiers who were still resting.

The expression of the ordering soldier also changed drastically, and he immediately spread the order among the three thousand soldiers.

The Goguryeo soldiers were still eating, and they were stunned when they heard this order.

Then the sound of horse hooves became more and more rapid.

The three thousand people immediately panicked and picked up the weapons that had been placed aside from the ground.

He looked towards the direction where the sound of horse hooves came from with a trembling expression.

Huizhen sat on the horse and looked at the direction where the sound of horse hooves came from with evil eyes.

Within a moment, a plume of smoke and dust was seen rising into the sky in the distance.

Thousands of war horses appeared in the field of vision from the direction where the heavy sound of horse hooves came.

"The cavalry is the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty army!" The Goguryeo general's voice became sharp.

At this moment, the hand holding the long knife couldn't help but tremble.

He glanced over and saw that the number of Tang cavalry in front of him was at least more than 2,500.

And the Goguryeo soldiers they led this time were all infantry.

There was no way to actively attack these Tang cavalry.

"Defense, Lancer Battalion, defend immediately." Huizhen also realized the seriousness of the current situation and immediately shouted to the soldiers behind him.

The Goguryeo soldiers were well-trained, but within a short time the spear battalion was assembled at the front of the army.

But looking at the tide of cavalry rolling in front of them, everyone's faces were full of fear.

No one was sure whether they could withstand the charge of the Tang Dynasty cavalry.

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