The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1547: Take advantage of the opportunity and leave quickly

Opposite were the murderous Tang cavalry, but they were unprepared infantry.

Infantry versus cavalry is inherently at a disadvantage.

There was another sudden attack on the opposite side. At this moment, the Goguryeo soldiers looked at the Tang cavalry charging in front, and they couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Many people even have trouble holding the weapons in their hands.

And looking at the number of people rushing towards him in front, it is not a small group.

The vast area is not even much different from the number of their infantry.

The spear battalion blocking the front pointed their spears straight at Qin Huaiyu and the others who were charging.

The Tang cavalry faced the spear battalion in front without any fear on their faces.

Once the cavalry charges, there is no way to retreat. They will either die on the way to the charge or smash the opponent to pieces.

From the charge of the Tang Dynasty cavalry to the contact with the Goguryeo spear battalion, it only took a dozen breaths.

But everyone felt that this period of time passed extremely long.

Only the rumble of horse hooves filled the sky.

"Kill!" The Tang cavalry only shouted the word "kill", and then they collided fiercely with the Goguryeo spear barracks.

Dozens of Tang cavalry in front had their horses pierced with spears, and many Tang cavalry even had their bodies pierced by spears.

But more cavalry rushed from behind.

The Goguryeo spear battalion, which could still maintain its formation, was knocked to pieces in an instant.

The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty smashed a hole in the middle like a tide.

Then it poured down on the Goguryeo army.

The long knife was waved, and blood filled the sky with every breath.

The screams and the clash of weapons were completely intertwined.

Huizhen looked at the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty rushing past, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

He knew that if he didn't escape today, he was afraid that he would really become a dead soul under the sword of these people.


Although she didn't know why she was ambushed by the Tang cavalry here, Huizhen knew clearly that she must leave here immediately.

"General, leave quickly before they find us." The Goguryeo generals and Huizhen beside them said.

But in this chaotic situation, Huizhen didn't even have an idea of ​​which way he should escape.

There are cavalry on the opposite side. If they find out that he is fleeing, they will definitely try their best to pursue him.

But if he doesn't run, he will be discovered sooner or later and then be killed.

"Where to run?" Huizhen quickly asked the Goguryeo general beside him.

"General, where we came from, there is a mountain forest with deep forests and dense trees. It is only five hundred meters away from us."

"There is no way for the Tang cavalry to pursue us. As long as we escape and head north, we will be able to find our people sooner or later." The Goguryeo general advised.

In fact, there is no need for his persuasion. Huizhen can't care about anything else at the moment, but he needs to find someone who can temporarily gather soldiers to resist the Tang cavalry.

"Although it's only five hundred meters away, if we are discovered by those Tang cavalry, we still can't run away. I need one person to attract their attention." Huizhen was frightened in her heart, but she could still maintain a sense of calm at the moment. Calm.

The Goguryeo general looked around, only to find himself alone.

"General, let your subordinates come here to attract their attention. You can take advantage of the opportunity and leave quickly."

"But take off your armor now and exchange it with your subordinates." The Goguryeo general was also loyal.

At this time, I didn't even think about leaving Huizhen here.

Huizhen couldn't care less about the others, so she quickly took off her armor and put on the armor of a Goguryeo general.

"Come here, fight back." The Goguryeo general put on Huizhen's armor, and then immediately commanded the soldiers to fight back.

Although the Goguryeo soldiers were beaten to pieces by the Tang cavalry, many people quickly gathered around him when they heard the Goguryeo general's cry.

After Qin Huaiyu led the cavalry to charge, he also noticed the Goguryeo general.

Before he could look back and see how many soldiers were dead around him, he heard Qin Huaiyu shout: "Everyone, charge again, target, Goguryeo generals, charge?!" ??

With the word "charge", the remaining cavalry rushed towards the formation that had just been assembled on the opposite side again.

Huizhen had already taken advantage of this opportunity to break away from the formation assembled by the Goguryeo generals.

Seeing the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty rushing toward him, Huizhen felt like he was dead and ran away with all his strength.

How can infantry be the opponent of cavalry? The powerful impact, even if it does not kill the infantry, is enough to knock the infantry into confusion.

In just a moment, the infantry formation that had just been assembled was instantly smashed into pieces by Qin Huaiyu's cavalry.

The broadsword passed over the neck of a Goguryeo soldier, but Qin Huaiyu searched for Huizhen's shadow in the crowd.

He came to take revenge on Huizhen today.

Qin Huaiyu didn't care at all about the shrimps, soldiers and crabs in front of him.

What he cares about is where Huizhen is.

Qin Huaiyu saw the Goguryeo general wearing Huizhen armor at a glance.

The long knife in his hand slashed, turning the blocking battle into a Goguryeo soldier hacking to the ground. The Goguryeo general in front of him was about to compete with him.

Qin Huaiyu slapped him off his horse with the back of his sword.

The Goguryeo general struggled to get up, and Qin Huaiyu's long knife was placed on his neck.

"Huizhen, where did he go?" Qin Huaiyu asked the Goguryeo general in front of him with cold eyes.

The Goguryeo general did not speak, but looked at Qin Huaiyu with malicious eyes.

Qin Huaiyu was a little anxious. The more time he delayed, the greater the possibility of Huizhen escaping.

"Let me ask you for the last time, where has Huizhen gone?" Qin Huaiyu roared.

The Goguryeo general glanced at the battlefield at this moment.

Except for those who died in battle, most of the three thousand Goguryeo soldiers had lost their weapons and squatted on the ground to surrender.

Not only did they fail to support the troops that ambushed Zhao Chen's army, but they themselves were completely wiped out.

The Goguryeo general looked at Qin Huaiyu in front of him again, with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Are you Qin Huaiyu?"

"It's a pity that you will never find General Huizhen!"

"Seeking death!" Qin Huaiyu was furious.

In order to take revenge for himself, Zhao Chen rejected all suggestions from everyone.

Even Cheng Chumo felt that Zhao Chen's approach was unreasonable.

If he, Qin Huaiyu, could not find Huizhen for revenge, he would not only be sorry for himself, but also sorry for Zhao Chen.

The Goguryeo general in front of him dared to ignore his own threat.

Qin Huaiyu raised his long sword and immediately chopped off the head of Goguryeo in front of him.

After his head fell to the ground, Qin Huaiyu did not give up tracking Huizhen's traces.

"Ask them about where Huizhen went."

"If no one knows, kill them all!" Qin Huaiyu also showed his fierce look at this moment.

Huizhen has completely become his nightmare.

If Huizhen cannot be killed this time, how will Qin Huaiyu face himself and those who have been helping him take revenge in the future?

Hearing Qin Huaiyu say that if he couldn't find out, he would kill all these people, and the Tang soldiers around him were also stunned.

Then nod quickly.

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