The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1551 Isn’t everything settled?

Qin Huaiyu was really worried that he had only been chasing Huizhen for two days.

Hou Junji has 20,000 soldiers and horses, plus the troops sent by Huizeng to block Zhao Chen's reinforcements, the total number is more than 40,000.

In just two days, Zhao Chen would never be able to defeat all these people.

So Qin Huaiyu only has one worry right now.

That is, Shacheng has been captured by Hou Junji, and they can no longer retreat to the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

But if this is the case, Qin Huaiyu is the heinous one.

If it weren't for his revenge, things wouldn't have developed to this point.

Thinking of this, Qin Huaiyu's face was full of self-blame and guilt.

Zhao Chen felt a little strange when he saw the look on Qin Huaiyu's face.

He had obviously seen Huizhen being caught by Qin Huaiyu, so why did this guy still have such a look on his face.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Isn't everything settled?" Zhao Chen asked Qin Huaiyu with a smile.

"Zhao Da, I'm sorry. If it weren't for me, things wouldn't have gotten to this point and Shacheng wouldn't have been lost. Don't worry, no matter what, I will fight to the death to let you leave!" Qin Huaiyu and Zhao Chen said solemnly.

After hearing what Qin Huaiyu said, Zhao Chen understood, and everyone else also laughed.

Qin Huai was stunned by everyone's reaction.

There are already many crises now, why do these guys still act like they have nothing to do with them?


"Qin San, don't worry, Shacheng is still in our hands, but his Huizhen subordinates have all surrendered to us now!"

"That's Hou Junji, let him run away!" Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu said with a smile.

When Qin Huaiyu heard the news, the look of doubt on his face became even stronger.

He couldn't figure it out at all, how could the well-behaved Goguryeo army suddenly surrender to them?

Huizhen doesn’t even understand?

He looked at Cheng Chumo in front of him with a face full of astonishment.

"We will explain this matter to you when we get back.

Go back now! "Zhao Chen waved his hand to signal everyone to go back and talk.

Although Qin Huaiyu was full of doubts, he still nodded.

Huizhen was taken back to Shacheng.

Detained in a prison in Shacheng.

"Zhao Chen, Your Highness the King of Han, I know I was wrong. Please spare my life and I can lead the way for you to attack the capital of Goguryeo." Huizhen shouted loudly in prison.

He couldn't understand why all the troops under his command surrendered.

Hou Junji disappeared directly.

How could things come to such a point.

Now he can only hope that Qin Huaiyu will abide by the agreement and spare his life.

No one wants to die, especially Huizhen.

He was thinking that since Yeon Gaesumun was not Zhao Chen's opponent anyway, then why did Huizhen not obey the will and simply go to help Zhao Chen.

This way you can save your own life.

But as soon as he arrived in Shacheng, he was thrown into prison, and he didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy from Zhao Chen.

At the moment, he just hopes that the jailer in the prison can hear his cry and inform Zhao Chen about this.

Shacheng Yamen.

Zhao Chen, Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu, and Li Ke are sitting here.

Cheng Chumo was still full of questions.

He didn't understand why the good-natured Hou Junji chose to surrender, and Zhao Chen was so brave that he didn't send people to rescue Shacheng before, and instead let Qin Huaiyu lead the troops to defeat Huizhen.

But now Cheng Chumo seems to be more responsive.

He felt that there was an ulterior secret in this matter.

At this moment, Zhao Chen brought himself and others here probably to give an explanation for this matter.

"I called you all here today to talk about Hou

Junji surrendered. " Zhao Chen said to a few people.

There were doubts on several people's faces.

Qin Huaiyu's face was even more confused.

He still couldn't figure out how someone like Hou Junji could surrender to Zhao Chen.

This makes absolutely no sense.

"Brother Emperor, why do you think Hou Junji suddenly surrendered?" Li Ke also asked.

"That's because I made an agreement with Hou Junji." Zhao Chen slowly said to everyone.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Zhao Chen and Hou Junji have made an agreement?

What agreement?

Zhao Chen asked Hou Junji to surrender, and then Hou Junji really agreed?

How can this be?

You must know that Zhao Chen and Hou Junji have a huge grudge.

Hou Junji almost killed Xiao Ping'an back then, and Zhao Chen would never let Hou Junji go regardless of emotion or reason.

But Zhao Chen just said that he had made an agreement with Hou Junji.

That's why Hou Junji surrendered!

Since I can’t figure out the reason at all!

The look on Cheng Chumo's face was even more surprised.

He knew that Zhao Chen's decision not to send troops to rescue Shacheng must be because he knew that nothing would happen to Shacheng.

But what Cheng Chumo didn't understand was that Zhao Chen actually cooperated with Hou Junji.

But what is all this for?

"Why?" Qin Huaiyu asked three words, his face full of confusion, and even a little angry.

Although Hou Junji did not kill his father with his own hands, it was because of him that his father led the army to cut off the rear.

Then he was outnumbered and killed by Huizhen.

Although Hou Junji was not the direct murderer, his father's death was closely related to him.

Qin Huaiyu still thought that one day he could take revenge on Hou Junji, but he didn't expect that this time it would be...

Zhao Chen let Hou Junji go.

Qin Huaiyu hoped that Zhao Chen could give him an explanation.

"Hou Junji was originally a veteran of the Tang Dynasty. He is familiar with the combat style of our Datang army. If he and Yuan Gaisuwen were together, I would definitely cause immeasurable losses to our Datang general Zhao Chen."

"This time we have been facing off against Huizhen's army for too long. If we want to capture Huizhen and Hou Junji, it is extremely impossible."

"So I wrote a letter with him, asking him to lead Huizhen's army to surrender, and I promised to let him go!"

"The attack on Shacheng was just to confuse Huizhen." Zhao Chenyu slowly explained to everyone.

Cheng Chumo and Li Ke both nodded.

They all understood what Zhao Chen meant, and as Zhao Chen said, if they really fought with Hou Junji, Shacheng might not be in whose hands right now.

Their large army must escape the ambush of Huizhen's army again, and they must lose a lot of people.

In doing so, Zhao Chen not only captured Huizhen, but also captured more than 20,000 Goguryeo soldiers.

Although he was placed in Hou Junji, as a military leader, Zhao Chen was absolutely right to do so.

Cheng Chumo glanced at Qin Huaiyu worriedly.

He was worried that Qin Huaiyu wouldn't be able to accept this.

Sure enough, Cheng Chumo saw a trace of dissatisfaction on Qin Huaiyu's face.

"Brother, what you did is okay. Not only did you capture Huizhen, but you also captured more than 20,000 of Huizhen's men. You also saved the lives of our Tang soldiers. This move killed three birds with one stone."

"If my father knew about this, he would be so happy that he couldn't sleep at night!" Li Ke didn't care about Qin Huaiyu's expression.

He felt that Zhao Chen's method was wonderful, reasonable and useful.

Otherwise, if there was a real battle with Hou Junji's soldiers, many people might not die.

They all have families, and no one is willing to lose their lives for an unnecessary war.

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