The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1552 Then it will be troublesome for General Cheng

Qin Huaiyu returned to his tent, his face a little gloomy.

He couldn't understand that he even refrained from killing Huizhen for the sake of Zhao Chen, just so that Huizhen could lead the way for Zhao Chen to break through the capital of Goguryeo and capture Yeon Gaesumun.

But as for Zhao Chen, he released Hou Junji.

Hou Junji was the murderer who indirectly killed his father, so Zhao Chen let him go.

Qin Huaiyu still couldn't figure it out. ??

He took several jars of strong liquor from the quartermaster, returned to his tent, and poured it down his throat.

Qin Huaiyu stayed on the border front for so long just to avenge his father.

Now Huizhen was suddenly caught, but Hou Junji ran away, and Zhao Chen took the initiative to let him go. Qin Huaiyu couldn't accept it.

Even slightly dissatisfied with Zhao Chen?

"General, you are not allowed to drink alcohol in the military camp. Your Highness will be angry if you find out!" Qin Huaiyu's soldiers persuaded him outside the camp.

Zhao Chen strictly forbids generals from drinking alcohol in the army. This rule applies to everyone.

If Zhao Chen knew that Qin Huaiyu drank so much here, he would definitely be angry.

"Get out!" Qin Huaiyu roared angrily and slammed the half-empty wine jar outside the tent.

The wine jar was shattered to pieces, leaving the fine wine on the ground.

The soldiers were too frightened to speak. When they were at a loss, they saw Cheng Chumo walking towards them.

"General Cheng, our general..."

"You go and do your work first, I'll watch over here!" Cheng Chumo said to his soldiers.

"Then I'll trouble General Cheng!" The soldiers saluted Cheng Chumo and then left quickly.

Cheng Chumo walked into the camp and smelled a strong smell of alcohol inside.

Qin Huaiyu sat on the ground, picked up the wine jar in his hand and poured it into his mouth one mouthful at a time.

The look on his face was slightly tipsy, and he was obviously a little drunk.

"That's almost it. Are you worthy of Zhao Da by doing this?" Cheng Chumo stood at the

Qin Huaiyu asked expressionlessly beside him.

Qin Huaiyu raised his head, looked into Cheng Chumo's eyes, and then smiled bitterly: "I thought you were here to persuade me!"

"Why should I persuade you? It's not like you can't see clearly. If Zhao Da is cruel, he can ignore your affairs."

"Do you think he is not comfortable staying at home in Chang'an and living his own life with his wife and daughter after he has eaten enough?"

"The border is bitterly cold, and we must always be on guard against Goguryeo attacks, and we must find ways to avenge you."

"We must also consider the lives of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty and reduce losses."

"If you were in that position, would you be able to do this?"

"Qin San, Zhao Da is really good enough for you and me. Yes, we did help him a little when he was still in a weak state."

"But what's more, are the benefits we get from him."

"To put it bluntly, if it weren't for Zhao Da this time, you would never want to find Huizhen for revenge in your whole life."

"Zhao Da is not only our brother, he is also the commander-in-chief of the Tang army. The lives of more than 20,000 soldiers under his command all depend on his thoughts."

"If it were me, I could make any choice as long as I could save most people's lives." Cheng Chumo stood next to Qin Huaiyu and said seriously.

Qin Huaiyu remained silent.

He knew that Zhao Chen had made a lot of efforts for him.

He also knew that he had no reason to blame Zhao Chen for letting Hou Junji go.

He had no one to blame but himself.

I blame myself for not having the ability to catch Hou Junji personally.

Zhao Chen was also extremely benevolent to him. If he hadn't asked him to lead the cavalry to defeat Huizhen, he might not have been able to catch Huizhen at any time.

All in all, I had absolutely no reason to blame Zhao Chen.

"I know what you said is right, but when I think about Hou Junji running away and not knowing when my father's revenge will be avenged, I feel bad in my heart."

"I know my attitude in the Yamen today was my fault, but..." Qin Huaiyu shook his head, already speechless.

"Hou Junji ran away, but we will always find him one day. Our army in the Tang Dynasty is so powerful that it doesn't matter if we trample the entire world with iron hoofs."

"As long as you say a word, I and Zhao will help you."

"With Zhao Da's current prestige in the court, we only need a word from him. No matter where Hou Junji goes, we can send troops to chase him." Seeing that Qin Huaiyu's tone was a little loose, Cheng Chumo continued to persuade.

The person in front of him was Qin Huaiyu. If it had been someone else who dared to be dissatisfied with Zhao Chen, Cheng Chumo would have gone up to him with a big nose.

How can I persuade him with such earnest words?

According to Cheng Chumo's thoughts, if anyone dares to oppose Zhao Chen's ideas, he will just tell him to get out.

To convince him, that's not his Cheng Chumo style.

"But I have done that to Zhao Da today. Zhao Da must be angry. How should I tell him?" Qin Huaiyu hesitated and put down the wine jar in his hand.

At that time, before Zhao Chen could finish his words, he had already turned around and left.

He didn't give Zhao Chen any face at all.

Now he doesn't know how to face Zhao Chen.

"Cheng Er, when Huizhen was captured by me, he hoped that I would spare his life. He could help us lead the way to attack the capital of Goguryeo, and he could also help us capture Yeon Gaesumun."

"Tell me, how about I advise Zhao Daxian not to kill Huizhen and let him be the guide dog?" Qin Huaiyu and Cheng Chumo asked.

Qin Huaiyu didn't know how to face Zhao Chen.

That's why I thought of using Huizhen's incident as an excuse.

"Don't say this, I'll say it for you."

"You clean up now, let's go and admit our mistake to Zhao Da!" Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu said.

Qin Huaiyu nodded and then took off all the clothes and armor on his upper body.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Chumo was a little confused and took off his clothes. Do you want to apologize to Zhao Chen or fight with Zhao Chen?

"Have you not read Zhao Da's storybook, where Lian Po apologized?"

"Now I will carry the thorn stick on my back and go to Zhao Da to admit my mistake. Zhao Da must believe in my sincerity." Qin Huaiyu explained.

Cheng Chumo nodded.

Although he didn't like reading those collections of classics and history, he was still very interested in the storybooks written by Zhao Chen.

Basically I will read every book.

He has seen it before.

I just didn't expect Qin Huaiyu to be able to use it flexibly.

"Then you must be prepared to be dealt with by Zhao Da." Cheng Chumo said with a smile.

"Since I have made a mistake, I should accept punishment. Even if I am beaten to death by Zhao Da, I am asking for it." Qin Huaiyu said solemnly.

Cheng Chumo smiled.

Zhao Chen would definitely not really attack Qin Huaiyu.

The reason why he said this was just to relieve the embarrassment in Qin Huaiyu's heart.

"Brother Imperial, this guy in the top three is a bit too much. How could he handle things like this?"

"You traveled thousands of miles to come here to avenge him, but he blamed you instead." Li Ke felt a little unworthy of Zhao Chen.

Who doesn't know how comfortable Chang'an is? How could Zhao Chen leave his wife and daughter here if he hadn't avenged Qin Huaiyu.

But Qin Huaiyu was not grateful at all. Instead, he blamed Zhao Chen for letting Hou Junji go.

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